Rainy evening in Croydon but another good Leavers meet-up at the Builders Arms.
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Bringing Classical Liberalism to South London
Rainy evening in Croydon but another good Leavers meet-up at the Builders Arms.
If would like to keep up to date on local events contact us at [email protected]
At a recent political debate I attended, someone who had campaigned in the Newport West by –election stated that Labour had won the election due to people being fed up with austerity. At first this sounded wrong. What austerity? Despite the media and politicians saying otherwise we have been deficit spending since the start of the century, it’s hard to see how people can be fed up with something that hasn’t happened.
On reflection I realised of course he was right, or in a way both right and wrong. He had been in Newport, spoke with the locals, and of course despite their Brexit, and leadership troubles Labour had indeed won. We still hadn’t had any austerity, but people believed and felt we had. Labour and an increasingly socialist Conservative Party had captured the language to lead people to believe government was cutting back spending. The feelings were real, the economic blight was real enough, but the cause was misplaced.
A few weeks earlier on his LBC show Iain Dale had made me realise a problem we classical liberals face. He had said that a problem Labour faced was they were not making the positive case, rather always a negative one. I believe that is also a problem for the right. The misdiagnosis of austerity, linked with the lack of a positive case for freedom being put. The people of Newport West were suffering, they were suffering from not having a decent pay rise in a dozen years. They were suffering from a lack of new enterprises to replace the heavy industry they had lost. They were suffering from increasingly unaffordable housing now on average £187k compared to an average salary of £22k. They were also suffering from public services under increased strain, due to poor planning, bad spending decisions, and trying to be all things to all people.
The problems the people of Newport faced were not due to lack of government but due to too much of it. If a positive case could be made for how less government would improve their lives, what might it be?
Simply saying we have austerity, makes people think of terrific strain on our public services. There have been cutbacks, but many areas like schools and hospitals have continued to receive increased funds. Indeed the NHS is on course to receive even more than the extra £350 million a week made famous from the Vote Leave campaign. As a school governor I see in the last couple of years as public sector pay has increased, schools struggled, until funding caught up. In the years since the recession, spending and standards have continued to increase. School still have had money, they especially have had cash to target at their most disadvantaged pupils.
A positive case for some actual austerity
A positive case can be made for some actual austerity. Continued government borrowing sucks money out of the productive economy. People and organisations with money, will simply lend it to government rather than an investment to start a small business. A positive case might be that cutting back on government bright ideas for change, would allow front line staff to get on with their jobs. These cost reductions in consultants and ‘change agents’ will in turn reduce the borrowing requirement and lead to more investment being available to the private sector. Anything government does is forced on the payee and often the user of the service, anything the private sector does is your choice to pay for and use, or not.
“not issuing work permits to anyone who wants one, would see a constrained labour force”
Government enthusiasm for immigration, has seen a major increase in the working population. As the number of jobs have grown wages haven’t increased. In fact as concerns over Brexit have reduced immigration levels, wages have started to rise. Real pay rises come from increased productivity. A positive case for government doing nothing. Government just by simply not issuing work permits to anyone who wants one, would see a constrained labour force. Pay rates would increase, labour costs would rise, so firms will invest in productivity, skill and automation, rather than importing more cheap staff. Go to North America and serving staff in bars and restaurants are skilled and decently paid. That is because the owners can’t fill the roles with cheap imported staff. That is an economy we used to have here and could have once again.
Regulations discourage business growth
Many of the new skilled jobs will be created by new business opening new markets, and creating new ways of working. Why when the industrial heartland of Britain collapsed did many new companies not start up to employ the skilled workers now available? Government just makes it too damn hard. Regulations on everything from the colour of chopping boards to the power of vacuum cleaners stifle innovation. Regulations like the requirement to publish the gender pay gap when a company has more than 250 employees discourage business growth. Let’s follow the example of countries like New Zealand, which has been judged 1st in the rankings to do business, due to its ‘regulatory architecture, procedural ease, and absence of bureaucratic red tape’. Alongside Singapore (ranked 2) and Denmark (3) these are hardly countries in a race to the bottom on safety and standards. New enterprises lead to new opportunities, competition for the skills of people and the chance for people to choose new careers.
“build enough homes for everyone, not just the selective groups, government deem worthy”
Housing regulations in the country have led to a perfect storm of high prices, too few properties, and an increase in expensive dormitory flats with ghost towns around them. Where are the homes for new families? Where are the new communities? A massive deregulation of the housing market is needed. Let people build reasonably sized properties on land they own. Make them contain the services like car parking the homes need and contribute for general public servers. In exchange remove the burden of so called ‘affordable homes’ that has led to poor doors being installed in so many new developments. Housing will become affordable when we can respond to population changes, and free the market to build enough homes for everyone, not just the selective groups that the government deem worthy of so called ‘affordable’ properties.
“We are spending money on things people don’t want and not on what they do want”
Public services matter to people. We have rising crime, fewer police and an overseas aid budget greater than our police budget. The National Education Union says that the Government has cut £2.8bn from England’s schools. Whilst I might question the validity of these so called ‘cuts’. Almost 3 years after voting to leave the EU we are still contributing £9 billion a year net. We could simply reclaim and reassign. The Government says HS2 will cost £55.7 billion to build, whilst only £25.5 billion is being spent on all major road over 5 years. We are spending money on things people don’t want and not on what they do want. A clear positive case could be made to stop spending on things we don’t want, return half the money to the taxpayer, and spend half on projects popular with the people. Government can’t be all things to all people home and abroad, it should simply do less and do it better.
Those of us who are classical liberals, libertarians, free marketers, or whatever name you choose, need to put a case to voters who are to the economical left of us, that less government will improve their lives. Less government spending will free up money for investment, less regulation will mean more affordable housing, more job opportunities, more career choices and together with controlled immigration, higher wages. Finally, the public services people care about will be freed from constant interference, receive increased funding, all whilst more money is put back into wage earners pockets.
Michael Swadling Croydon Constitutionalists https://twitter.com/MikeSwadling
Croydon Constitutionalists Mike Swadling was on Radio Sputnik speaking about the talks between the Conservative and Labour parties on Brexit.
“These are deceitful parties and deceitful politicians who have blatantly lied to the British people, and it’s no surprise that when they try to find the next steps to take to deceive us further, that they can’t find a common ground”
“The great thing is, throughout our history, throughout the history of all struggles for democracy, there’s been set backs, it has taken time, but the people always prevail”
“those are the parties of the past, and they are parties of the past because they have set themselves up against the British people”
“I absolutely believe that the people and that the vote of 17.4 million of us will prevail in the end”
Full Article – https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201904241074428350-brexit-conservative-party/
Another chance to meet-up and reminisce from the campaign, discuss our Debate for Democracy, talk about the European Parliament elections, meet-up with old friends or make some new. We are holding our next Leavers of Croydon drinks from 7pm on Thursday 9th May at the Builders Arms. Come along and meet other local leavers.
The Builders Arms, 65 Leslie Park Rd, Croydon CR0 6TP
Thursday 9th May from 7pm
Joining with our friends across Europe in Georgia, Portugal, Lithuania, Greece, Aragon, and Catalonia let’s celebrate St George’s Day. Tuesday April 23rd
The TaxPayers’ Alliance has published another update to their excellent Town Hall Rich List of council employees receiving a remuneration in excess of £100,000.
Full details at https://www.taxpayersalliance.com/12_years_of_town_hall_rich_lists.
Details for Croydon below:
Name | Job title | Salary | Pension | Total |
Jo Negrini | Chief Executive | 185,000 | 27,935 | £212,935 |
Barbara Peacock | Executive Director, People | 168,088 | 25,368 | £193,456 |
Richard Simpson | Executive, Corporate Resources and Section 151 Officer. | 153,085 | 23,103 | £176,188 |
Shifa Mustafa | Executive Director – Place | 153,000 | 21,178 | £174,178 |
undisclosed | 137,500 | £137,500 | ||
undisclosed | 132,500 | £132,500 | ||
undisclosed | 127,500 | £127,500 | ||
undisclosed | 127,500 | £127,500 | ||
undisclosed | 117,500 | £117,500 | ||
undisclosed | 117,500 | £117,500 | ||
Julian Ellerby | Director, Strategy and Partnerships | 108,828 | 16,433 | £125,261 |
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
undisclosed | 107,500 | £107,500 | ||
Jacqueline Harris Baker | Director of Law and Minitoring Officer | 104,168 | 15,729 | £119,897 |
Grassroots democracy was in action in Croydon on Thursday 18th April, when the Croydon Constitutionalists held their inaugural Debate for Democracy. Five democracy honouring pro-Brexit parties spoke and took place in a debate at the Green Dragon on Croydon high street.
Unlike so many in Westminster all parties agree on honouring the biggest vote in British history and the evening focused on a post-Brexit Britain. Questions covered a wide range of topics from knife crime, where a number of participants spoke about the need to rebuild families, alongside tough sentences. Chris Mendes the former Vote Leave lead in Croydon South and now Foundation Party Leader quoted a recent case where someone caught with a assortment of knives on them, was given just a four month suspended sentence.
Parties policies on the Customs Union was an area of agreement with all saying they wanted to leave it, and move to WTO terms. In the event us being caught in the Backstop, Richard Plackett who in 2002 stood for Labour in Shirley and is now the SDP London and South East Regional Organiser, suggested they would want to give notice to leave and use the Vienna Convention to ensure we did.
Direct verses Representative democracy was a reoccurring theme, Neville Watson the Democrats and Veterans Party Spokesman for Cities, Urban Communities & Sport, and Sean Finch Libertarian Party candidate in the Lewisham East By Election speaking in favour of a Swiss style model. UKIP Croydon Chair Hoong Wai Cheah, who stood in Lewisham West in the 2017 general election and Old Coulsdon in last years local elections, spoke about UKIP retaining its deposit in the Newport by-election and how we need to move to a Proportional Representation system for elections.
In a change from the tribal nature of so much of politics the representatives and their supporters stayed behind to enjoy a drink and swap stories from many campaign trails. With the current two party system broken these parties showed how the future of politics can be different.
Audio from the night available on YouTube at:
Speeches https://youtu.be/UPIirhZECTY
Panel Part 1 https://youtu.be/J_e-2IffCEo
Panel Part 2 https://youtu.be/Ults3b-k-cQ
Croydon is one of London’s 32 boroughs that deliver a range of responsibilities including education, social services, housing, libraries, planning, waste collection, licensing, most of London’s roads, parking enforcement, environmental services, including consumer protection, and many arts and leisure services.
That’s a full list of areas our council is responsible for. You would think that would keep 70 councillors busy. You would think they might want to get that right before they branch out into new services. Croydon Council however is more ‘ambitious’ than that, and are keen to expand despite problems in many of their core services. If you asked your boss to take on extra responsibility when you’re not getting your core job done right, you would expect them to say no. Croydon’s majority Labour group got past that problem by never asking their boss, Croydon’s voters.
In recent months Croydon Council has purchased the freehold to the Croydon Park Hotel and Colonnades Retail Park on the Purley way. Over £80 million was spent on these two purchases. The deals were financed by the council borrowing from the Public Works Loans Board. This is a government scheme that provides loans to public bodies like councils. £80 million represents about half of the £167.4 million of Council Tax raised by Croydon 2018/19.
The board lends money at reduced rates, and the council expects to make £1 million a year from the Croydon Park Hotel and £1.4 million from the Colonnades. This sounds laudable, but what about the risks and accountability for public funds?
What accountability?
Both purchases were made without the opportunity for discussion by councillors. Whilst the Labour party has a majority on Croydon Council and no doubt the cabinet knew, how can it be right that £80 million of public funds was spent without any public scrutiny or even awareness from most of our 70 elected representatives? Surely councillors and frankly the public should have the opportunity to discuss such a large investments policy, even if specific details of investments need to be kept confidential for commercial reasons?
Croydon council has just added £80 million in debt to its balance sheet. That’s £620 for every one of Croydon’s 129,000 homes, and is part of the £1.2 billion owed by Croydon Council. When was your family asked if they wanted to be an extra £600 in debt?
If the investments provide the income the council wants, there is some justification for them, however with £2.4 million benefits from £80 million of borrowing, only a 3% change in margins would find council tax payers lumbered with costs to service the debt.
To judge the risk, it’s worth looking at the council’s track record with large scale property developments:
The council simply does not do property well. Yet somehow we are expected to believe moving into a car based retail site, at a time when shopping is moving online, with fewer people in London owning cars, and purchasing the freehold to an ageing hotel that recently made a £20k loss, is somehow good business.
Conflicting interests
The most worrying part of the government (this time in the form of the council) purchasing commercial property is the conflict of interest. Croydon council approves planning licencing decisions for hotels and retail sites. They approve transport changes to and from them. They wield power, but will they do so fairly?
Perhaps council officials and Councillors will be perfect at their roles and never allow a conflict of interest to affect them. We can only hope they will act beyond reproach. Sometimes however the mere impression of a conflict causes problems. The impression may drive business away from the borough. Would we not be better avoiding this and simply have the council stay away from commercial activity?
Opportunity costs
Any organisation has only a limited pool of highly productive talent. Croydon Council will have many excellent staff, but few who can cross organisation boundaries, think-up new ideas, and truly add value. Anyone in management wants to get their brightest talent focused on the organisations biggest challenges. I want those brightest employees and councillors adding value on the core services the council provides. With new commercial purchases focus may move to these new ‘exciting’ ventures, and talent will be looking at other new opportunities.
Instead imagine if the best and the brightest were brought into the ‘Inadequate’ (as judges by Ofsted) Children’s Services department. Continuing to be inadequate for 18 months, hurts those most venerable in our borough. Shouldn’t the best people be brought in to solve this? The same department has many services that could help with the epidemic of knife crime in Croydon. Wouldn’t it be great if the brightest staff in the council were focused on saving young lives rather than propping up hotels?
Away from Children’s Services in 2018 Croydon undertook significant changes to its refuge collection service. You would be hard pushed to find a Croydon resident without a story about the problems with their bins being collected. Could someone be moved from the ‘shopping investments desk’ to solving the problem of bins not being collected?
Other options
Croydon Council rightly has concerns about costs that are rising more quickly that income. The rising costs could be controlled if they avoided paying for on stage defecations, (yes you read that right) and stopped being some of the highest paid councillors in London.
As business rate income moves from central government to local, the council could stop its war on cars, it could stop help rather than hinder the Westfield and Selhurst Park developments. Instead of spending taxpayers’ money on their photo opportunities at Boxpark they could stop closing Croydon car parks to give other traders a chance to bring in business.
Any business can cut costs, the trick is to balance cost cutting, whilst retaining customers. More trainees further automation, pooling services, are all ways to retain existing services levels whilst reducing costs. Imagine the best people, if they want to be entrepreneurial, focused on this rather than new business ideas? The savings could easily outweigh the £2.4 million in new income.
Next steps
The purchases have been made, the debt is on the books, and we can but hope that council taxpayers won’t be financially punished for these purchases. The conflict of interests are a real concern and the council should act now to remove / reduce even the impression of these. A resale of properties may not be possible, but arm’s length ownership is.
The best minds in the council should be focused on getting the delivery of basic right for those most vulnerable who need them in Croydon. Not pretending they missed their vocation as hotel or retail magnates.
Democratic scrutiny
I would rather see no further purchases of commercial property made by the council, others will differ, but surely we can all agree any future purchases must be subject to democratic scrutiny. The council may have found it has dug itself into a hole with these purchases now is the time to cease and desist from further purchases and focus on getting is core services right, delivered for the right price, and get out of the way of Croydon’s entrepreneurs so they can deliver new exciting commercial ideas.
Some photos and videos from Parliament Square.
Mike Swadling appeared on Sputnik radio this week discussing the anti-democratic actions being taken in Parliament.
” we have such a viper’s nest of traitors in parliament at the moment that many of them really are willing to bring down our democracy, and vote to revoke Article Fifty”
“If we don’t leave the EU in very short order; our representatives have become our dictators, they will have ignored the biggest vote in British history, and there would be no reason to think that voting again makes any difference, and at the point they pit themselves against us, you can’t vote for change and you leave people with very few options if they want to affect change”
“She is actively bringing about the demise of the most successful party in world democratic history, and if that’s what they want to do, that’s up to them; I can’t for the life of me understand how they haven’t removed what is a terrible Prime Minister”
Full article https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201903261073527730-brexit-dekay-dictatorship/