“Post-Brexit Britain will be a potential competitor to the European Union alongside China and the United States, German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared on Sunday.”
The corollary to this statement by Merkel is that:
Inside the EU the UK is NOT a competitor to other states in the EU!
Because while Britain is/was in the EU the EU could screw Britain to such an extent in their favour, particularly France and Germany, that Britain would not be a potential threat to their economies.
“Since joining the EEC in 1973 Britain has NOT made a surplus on its trade in goods with the EU since the early 1980’s”
1 When Britain joined the EEC in 1973 the EU took over complete control of Britain’s trade.
2 Since joining the EEC in 1973 Britain has NOT made a surplus on its trade in goods with the EU since the early 1980’s.
3 Hence, it only took the EU seven or so years to destroy Britain’s manufacturing base.
“The EU has therefore plundered our fish for nearly 50 years, with Britain getting the thin edge of the wedge in EU fishing quotas under the Common Fishing Policy”
4 The proof of this is in the official figures as follows:
4.1 When Britain joined the EEC in 1973 the balance of payments (BoP) with the EEC was approximately zero.
4.2 This meant that Britain exported as much to the EEC as it imported from the EEC.
4.3 Since 1973, while under the control of the EU, the total accumulated BoP of UK trade with the EU has reached a staggering DEFICIT, currently costing Britain £2 trillion. But the EU has not only screwed Britain in trade. It has also screwed Britain financially to their benefit in many other ways, such as:
4.4 Even before Britain joined the EEC in 1973, they altered the budget subscription system from a percentage of each countries GDP to a system based on each countries imports.
4.4.1 This cost Britain so much extra that even Ted Heath, was so apprehensive about the cost involved that the EEC agreed to taper in the costs over 7 years, to make them less conspicuous and more acceptable!
4.5 In addition, when Maggie Thatcher handbagged the EU over the UK’s high VAT payments to the EU they agreed a rebate on Britain’s VAT contributions.
4.5.1 This rebate was not 5% or even 10%. NO, the rebate was a staggering 66%.
4.5.2 This meant that the EU was charging Britain,
4.6 The TOTAL cost to Britain in NETT budgetary payments to the EEC/EU since 1973 now amounts to nearly £300 billion.
4.6.1 This amount of taxpayer’s cash has now been lost forever.
4.6.2 The £300 billion all had to be borrowed over the years and must be costing a large amount in interest fees all adding to the national debt of nearly £2 trillion.
4.6.3 At only 2% interest the current interest on the borrowed £300 billion must be costing Britain at least £6 billion/annum.
4.6.4 This must be added to the current NETT budgetary payment of about £12 billion making a total of £18 billion/annum.
4.6.5 The annual cost of this interest payment is never mentioned by the pro-EU side.
4.7 Since 1973 Britain’s fishing rights in our territorial waters has been governed by the EU.
4.7.1 The EU has therefore plundered our fish for nearly 50 years, with Britain getting the thin edge of the wedge in EU fishing quotas under the Common Fishing Policy (CFP).
4.7.2 This loss of fishing rights has cost Britain about £2 billion/annum in lost trade.
4.7.3 Hence the EU has already benefited by about £100 billion because of the CFP.
4.7.4 Despite this, the EU is still DEMANDING fishing rights in British territorial waters post BREXIT as a condition of starting trade talks.
4.8 Despite the £300 billion that Britain has so far contributed to EU funds the EU is DEMANDING that Britain pay them a bribe of £39 billion before they will even start talks on UK/EU trade. (REMEMBER the EU has built up a BoT surplus with Britain currently costing us about £2 trillion!)
4.9 The current trade deal with the EU’s single market means that EU imports do not attract import duties into the UK.
4.9.1 Hence, the UK taxpayer has lost a considerable amount from the larger EU exports to the UK.
4.9.2 British exporters to the EU would also have to pay EU import duties to the EU on their exports. However, the fact remains that British taxpayers have probably, since 1973, lost well over the equivalent of £20 billion in duties just on the £2 trillion difference in EU imports to Britain over British exports to the EU.
“In spite of all the contributions made by Britain to the EU since we joined, the EU is apparently insisting on giving Britain worse trading conditions than they recently gave to Canada and Japan”
5 In spite of all the contributions made by Britain to the EU since we joined, the EU is apparently insisting on giving Britain worse trading conditions than they recently gave to Canada and Japan.
5.1 No doubt they did not insist that Canada and Japan paid them the equivalent of £39 billion before they started trade talks.
5.2 The EU probably did not demand that Canadian and Japanese citizens living in the EU were guaranteed rights of residence, as they have for EU citizens living in the UK.
5.3 Or the free movement of people.
5.4 Or demands for “level playing fields” to try and prevent them, like Britain, competing with their industries.
5.5 Or threats to ban or inhibit their financial services from operating in the EU like they have for Switzerland and the UK if they do not comply with EU demands.
5.6 The EU has thus ably demonstrated its vindictive, jealousy, anger, nastiness and spiteful nature towards Britain for having the temerity to vote to leave the delusional Valhalla that is the EU opinion of itself, and their determination to make an example of Britain to deter any other EU country from leaving.
5.7 This despite the colossal cost in lives and money that Britain and the Commonwealth paid to save “Europe” from total domination by Germany in two world wars!
QUESTION: With “friends“ like the EU who needs enemies?
Conclusion – So, thank you Angela Merkel. You have quite clearly endorsed the British public’s overwhelming good sense in voting to leave the cess pit that is the European Union which is run by the likes of you!
The Daily Express, 25 Jan 2020, said Canadian businesses are already now counting the cost of Canada’s trade “deal” with the EU.
Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance chief Claire Citeau said: “The negotiated terms are not being respected.
“There are always delays, there are always exorbitant costs.
“Some demands from the EU are not adapted to the Canadian market.
“EU exports have increased but Canadian exports have dropped by 10 percent. We now have a €3.5billion trade deficit!”
Overall EU exports to Canada rose 11 percent in 2018 from a year earlier, but Canadian agricultural exports to the EU fell 15 percent.
History is repeating itself. Witness the UK’s £2 trillion balance of payments deficit with the EU!
The House of Lords developed from the Great Council that advised the King during medieval times. By 1295 the first English Parliament which included archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, and representatives of the shires and boroughs was being held. The Lords moved from a body based largely on the hereditary principle to become all too often just a home for ex-politicians and their most favoured donors.
Crispin Williams writes his opinion on what should happen next to complete the long overdue House of Lords reform.
“The House of Lords is the British Outer Mongolia for retired politicians”
There is fairly general agreement that the House of Lords is in need of reform. It currently has more members (778) than there are physical seats in the chamber and many of these peers never do much more than turn up to collect their allowance. Furthermore, there has been a tendency in recent years to make an increasing number of political appointments, often by ‘promoting’ MPs who have lost their seats. The growth in the number of overtly political Lords lessens the one big advantage of the House: that it should be a scrutinising and revising chamber with little political agenda.
I am, therefore, vehemently against an elected House as this would just reflect the Commons and would make the Lords even more political; at least not having to worry about being re-elected Lords can (theoretically at least) speak their own mind.
My suggestion is for members of the House of Lords to be selected by an appointment committee. This committee would be composed of ‘the great and the good’ by the position they hold in public life, not by personality. Thus, the holders of specific posts would automatically have a say in selection, whoever they may be.
Below I give some examples of the kind of positions that might comprise the appointment committee. As I say, these are just examples and there can be much further debate as to the final choice.
The Prime Minister and, say, three leading cabinet positions
The Leader of the Opposition and one other Opposition position
The Leader of any other party with X number of seats in the Commons
The Speaker of the House of Commons
The Speaker of the House of Lords
The First Minister of Scotland
The First Minister of Wales
The Mayor of London
The Archbishop of Canterbury
The Prince of Wales
The Governor of the Bank of England
The General Secretary of the TUC
The Director-General of the CBI
The Chair of the Commission for Racial Equality
The Chair of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes
This would lead to a House of high quality people being elected by a committee with balanced views. Clearly, some of the above might also be Lords themselves.
The House of Lords would comprise 250 members, re-appointed on a staggered 10 year basis, with no restriction on the number of times a member could be re-appointed.
Formed in 1973 the Libertarian Party of Canada, subscribes to classical liberal tenets of the libertarian movement. Policies the party advocates for include ending drug prohibition, ending government censorship, lowering taxes, protecting gun rights and non-interventionism.
The party has regularly run a large number of candidates in the federal elections of this, the second biggest country on earth and nation of almost 38 million people. Our cousin nation are not entirely unfamiliar with our fair town as The Globe and Mail, Canada’s “newspaper of record” visited our Leavers of Croydon drinks in October last year.
We speak with Brandon Kirby the Libertarian Party Communications Director, about the politics of freedom in their home and native land.
Could you in a couple of sentences tell our readers about your party?
The mission of the Libertarian Party of Canada is to reduce the responsibilities and expense of government so that we may each manage our lives to mutually fulfil our needs by the free and voluntary exchange of our efforts and property for the value that best realizes our happiness.
“He was terribly in over his head to become prime minister. There was nothing on his resume that suggested he had the capacity to deliver on his promises. The cost of living has gone up significantly, taxes have gone up“
Canada’s Prime Minister is possibly best known here for dressing up and wearing make-up. What are your thoughts on the Justin Trudeau government?
I think that captures his strongest points.
He was terribly in over his head to become prime minister. There was nothing on his resume that suggested he had the capacity to deliver on his promises. The cost of living has gone up significantly, taxes have gone up, he’s engaging in arms trading with genocidal war criminals in Saudi Arabia, his government is giving tremendous subsidies to fossil fuel companies, he failed to balance the budget as promised, and he makes terrible blunders that novices wouldn’t make when answering basic questions about our tax code.
To the point you raised, the fact that he isn’t taken seriously by the international community, is problematic. He’s had difficulty in negotiating a free trade contract with Mexico and the U.S. His overseas trip to India was a national embarrassment that cost us $500 million, which gave him an excuse to play dress-up.
“We have a collection of elites within journalism, lawyers, professors, and politicians, that largely communicate with themselves, and they see particular issues as pressing that many Canadians don’t. Outside of this well-sealed off bubble, ordinary Canadians have differing views”
Canada has some strict speech laws. How do you think these are viewed by ordinary Canadians and what’s the view of your party?
Our party champions free speech. Canada is a divided country. We have a collection of elites within journalism, lawyers, professors, and politicians, that largely communicate with themselves, and they see particular issues as pressing that many Canadians don’t. Outside of this well-sealed off bubble, ordinary Canadians have differing views. Within the context of free speech, overarching demands from the government and various universities with respect to transgender rights and criticism of Islam, many Muslims and transgendered individuals are themselves puzzled by these seemingly counter-productive legislations to their goals; they’re interested in practicing freedom rather than their movements becoming tyrannical.
What are your main campaign tactics? How do you go out for votes?
Our previous campaign used traditional political tactics and was unsuccessful. Our next campaign will likely involve more social media interaction. Rather than broad-based national strategies, we’ll likely attempt a regional strategy focusing on three or four seats that we could win in parliament.
“by a wide margin, the number one issue in Canada right now is gun control. Our party experienced a spike in membership after the new wave of bans was announced over a month ago”
Following on what are the policies that get Canadians excited to vote for Liberty?
Tackling cost of living increases that have come about through central banking was popular with seniors. Free market environmentalism was popular in areas that have suffered environmental damage and with our student population. Opposition to state-funded media was popular within rural, more right wing communities. Tax reform was popular with business owners, as was fiscal prudence in balancing the budget. However, by a wide margin, the number one issue in Canada right now is gun control. Our party experienced a spike in membership after the new wave of bans was announced over a month ago.
The US presidential election is underway, and it’s likely the Libertarians will again finish 3rd. What do you make of the Libertarian politics of your southern cousins?
We’re impressed with the resume of Jo Jorgensen, and interested to see if she can get the Libertarian Party more votes.
Your party has fought in a number of elections, with mixed results. What do you think is next for your party, and what are your next goals?
Mixed results is a generous way of describing our past outcomes. We’re gearing up for the next campaign, learning from past failures, focusing on future successes.
If you could introduce, repeal or change 3 laws what would they be?
We would enshrine private property and self-defence rights in the Canadian charter, and enact significant tax reform.
What do you think of your country’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis, and what would you like to be done next?
Canada will be spending a minimum of an additional $250 billion to combat COVID-19. As a result we are creating a plethora of dollars, but no additional wealth – which has inflationary concerns. Given that our economy is dwindling and we’re facing real inflation concerns, the resultant stagflation will be difficult to overcome. Enacting sound money policies will be necessary to escape the looming economic nightmare, along with serious cuts to corporate taxes so that we can recover economically.
“Many Canadian libertarians supported Brexit, and so we were happy to see our parent country trending in a positive direction”
Do you have any thoughts on UK politics?
Many Canadian libertarians supported Brexit, and so we were happy to see our parent country trending in a positive direction. However, during the last leaders’ debate many of us were concerned with Johnson’s support for Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn’s pronouncement that the existence of billionaires is shameful has serious consequences for the international finance community if his line of thinking gains prominence, given the influence of the LSE and the robustness of the FTSE 100. Johnson is acting antithetical to our foreign policy goals while Corbyn could have disastrous consequences to our economy. Neither of the two major leaders appears to be positive from a Canadian perspective and we’re happy to see alternatives popping up within the U.K. Keep up the great work!
You can follow the Libertarian Party of Canada on the web, on Twitter and on Facebook.
We are joined by Bill Etheridge, the former UKIP, Libertarian Party & Brexit Party MEP, as we discuss the Taxpayers Alliance’s City Hall Rich List, a potential new trade deal with japan and the Cancellation Culture attacking our historic statues and even beloved TV shows & films. We then chat with Bill about his time in politics, the demise of UKIP and the future of Classical Liberalism in this country.
“over 10 years of supposedly Conservative government and I’m old enough to remember before they got in, they were going to sort all of this out and have bonfires of quangos… still more than a decade on these obscene salaries are being paid out”
“we’re still an enormous economy, we’re very important in terms of diplomatic links, we are a hugely important country and of course people want to do deals with us”
“all of these things they want to erase, so they can start a new narrative, start from year zero. This is a modern day version of a cultural revolution”
“there was a little game that the staff that worked with us as MEPs, used to sit down and do a bingo, and they would try and find the Thatcher or Reagan quotes that I slipped into my speeches”
“Nigel Farage is the most effective and inspiring politician for patriotic right of centre politics, that there has been for many years”
“partly I wanted to make a statement that Libertarianism is something people should look at. Because it’s not discussed, people don’t talk about Libertarianism”
“it’s a tough old game being in politics, especially when you’ve got a bit of a reputation behind you, you become a target for all sorts of things, and if I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it for a party I actually believe in and it’s worth making the sacrifices”
“If you believe in something, don’t just sit in the pub with a couple of mates talking about it, don’t just type something on Twitter, or whatever. Actually actively pursue that interest and try to make a difference”
A UK government adviser stated on Tuesday that Britain must be braced for widespread riots this summer, warning that poorer people and areas will be hit harder by the fallout of the coronavirus – Michael Swadling from The Croydon Constitutionalists has shared his views on the matter.
“it’s reasonable to think it’s a scenario that could happen. I think also the feeling that we’ve had enough of experts is ringing true here again. “Likely to take place” is a stretch and we clearly should hope that everything happens to avoid that, but right now everything is there for things to go wrong”
“I remember those riots very well. I live in Croydon and there were a couple of major fires in Croydon and I could indeed see them from the back of my house. Do I expect them to happen again? I would hope not, but the government needs to act quickly to make sure it doesn’t and there’re some very basic things it can do. Lift the lockdown; get people back to work – it’s very hard to be rioting when you’re in your job, people will be busy and tired and that’s a much better place for people to be than bored and angry.”
“a decent protest – a protest against racism is a perfectly righteous thing to do, but if you’re throwing bricks at police horses, you need to be stopped. If you’re vandalising property, you need to be stopped.”
The decade after the financial crisis has seen many front line public sector and most private sector employees receive below inflation pay rises, with many suffering years of stagnant earnings.
Not so for those at the top of City Hall, delivering value for money from the public purse is of no barrier for their earnings. The TaxPayers’ Alliance have published their City Hall Rich List 2020 which reveals:
654 people employed by the GLA and its subsidiary bodies in 2018-19 received more than £100,000. 154 received over £150,000.
Transport for London alone has 518 employees on over £100,000. With 114 on more than £150,000.
28 employees received remuneration in excess of a quarter of a million pounds in 2018-19.
Taxpayers have to fund this on top of all the other costly burdens of living in London., with the Mayor having increased the band D council tax precept by just under nine per cent in 2019-20.
London taxpayers are paying Limousine prices for what all too often turns out to be a Reliant Robin service from City Hall. This is on top of the burden from London’s Borough Councils. Croydon Council employs more than 23 staff on over £100,000 a year. Hardworking Taxpayers need a fair deal that protects them as well as rewards staff.
We know the economy has taken a serve hit from Covid 19 and the lockdown. We ask that City Hall and its subsidiary bodies share the burden with those who pay their wages. We think it’s reasonable to ask that no new employee in the Metropolitan Police, Greater London Authority, London Fire Brigade or the Mayoral team, be paid more than the Prime Minister. Those in post were employed in good faith and must retain their salaries, but surely it is not unreasonable in these troubled economic times to say a Deputy commissioner in the London Fire Brigade or a Transformation director in TFL does not need to be paid more than the person running Britain!
We calculate that if this were already the case, just capping the salaries of the top 20 highest paid staff in TFL would save over £3.9 million a year. A good start to helping council tax payers.
We discuss the introduction of compulsory face masks on public transport and the Taxpayers Alliance’s latest tax proposals to assist with a post COVID recovery. We then consider the Hong Kong protests and the CBI’s change of tune on Brexit.
“I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don’t need repentance.”
– This article is part of a larger collection of my work I hope to have available soon titled ‘The Social Science Of The Market’. – Josh L. Ascough
Many economagicians, central planners and establishment economists have an unnatural admiration for this leviathan juggernaut of pestilence; ignoring the fact that, many economic issues causing harm to individuals and societies are due to this abomination’s existence. The creation of this legally monopolistic, monolithic, malicious institution has been at the very heart of the decreasing value and standards of life.
In order to adequately talk about the central bank, we require delving into a few topics first, in order to fully understand the issue. These topics include:
The Gold Standard
Sound Money to Fiat Money
The Boom/Bust Cycle
We will begin the subject with The Gold Standard and the process of Sound Money to Fiat Money.
Let us first take a look at the spectrum of international monetary systems to gain a quick grasp of the subject.
The graph shown above displays a quick overview of The Gold Standards history, starting with its 100 percent Gold system, where there was no central bank or any format of paper money receipts.
“The Classical Gold Standard had the monetary unit set, to be legally defined as a weight of gold, and though it is a popular belief, the gold standard was not a creation of government, but a market supplied commodity with an intrinsic value predicated in use and exchangeability”
The Classical Gold Standard took place from 1821 to 1914. Under this system we had the creation of paper money receipts; these were not forms of money but were tickets or claims to the noted amount of weight in gold (a £20 note was not money, but a claim to 20 pounds of gold, which the bearer of the note could give to the bank to withdraw said amount of gold, or could use as a money substitute to purchase goods and services; the money substitute or ticket, could then be used by the new owner to claim 20 pounds of gold. The Classical Gold Standard had the monetary unit set, to be legally defined as a weight of gold, and though it is a popular belief, the gold standard was not a creation of government, but a market supplied commodity with an intrinsic value predicated in use and exchangeability, which developed over time as people found more reliability with the precious metal.
As a monetary unit, under the gold standard the currency name was not an indicator of national sovereignty, but was simply unit of gold measured in weight.
For example from 1834-1933, the US Dollar was legally defined as $1 = 1/20th of 1 oz of gold (23.22 grains), and the British Pound from 1821-1931 was defined as £1 = 1/4 of 1 oz of gold (113 grains).
With regards to the exchange rate of the gold standard, the gold standard was not a fixed exchange rate system, as all countries operated with the same form of currency; that being gold.
“the “exchange rate” of Dollars to Pounds for 100 years was $4.86 ÷ £ = 113 grains of gold, as there was a smaller weight of gold in the Dollar coins as opposed to the weight of gold in Pound coins. The exchange rate of the gold standard was simply a law of arithmetic”
So the “exchange rate” of Dollars to Pounds for 100 years was $4.86 ÷ £ = 113 grains of gold, as there was a smaller weight of gold in the Dollar coins as opposed to the weight of gold in Pound coins. The exchange rate of the gold standard was simply a law of arithmetic.
The operation of gold as the currency did not require or involve the fixing of the price. If an individual sought to redeem £4 for an ounce of gold, the bank or the government was not in fact selling gold to the bearer, but was simply fulfilling its contract to redeem the value of £4 to the title holder of the property. Another way of looking at this system and transaction, would be to think of placing a piece of property into a storage building and being given a receipt; the piece of paper is not the property object itself, but is a claim to the property and its rate of value is equal to the property.
Under the gold standard the MS (money supply) was strictly limited to the amount of gold in circulation and to that of gold mining; hence bank notes and deposits can only increase if and when new gold was to enter the banks. This is often referred to as “The Golden Handcuffs”, as the banks were restricted in how much money substitutes they could supply.
As a result of this, prices tended to fall over periods of time, as saving, investment and technological improvements increased the supply of goods and services available more rapidly than the increase of the money supply. Price deflations are natural outcomes of a gold standard. As an example in the US from the period of 1880-1896, price percentage decreased an equal amount of 30%, while GDP percentage saw an increase of 85%. A more broken down format would be a decrease of 1.7% per year, and an increase of 5% per year. This type of increase in production with a decrease in prices is what is known as “Growth Deflation”.
The destruction of the gold standard began during the period of WWI, when gold reserves in the US were centralised in to the Federal Reserve; prior to this, private banks held their own reserves of gold against the money receipts they issued. This was aided and achieved through the act of a heavy tax implemented on to all private issues of bank notes, alongside the exporting of gold being prohibited in 1917.
During the period of the 1920s, the private issuing of bank notes became outlawed. This was followed by the Federal Reserve cutting reserve requirements from 21.1% to 9.8%, which in turn caused the money supply to double from 1913 to 1919.
These first steps were achieved through mass propaganda by the government and the central bank, classifying the use of gold as “old fashioned”, in an attempt to have the dollar not associated with a weight in gold, but with a government owned paper money.
From 1922 to 1933, the Federal Reserve expanded bank reserves in an attempt to stabilise prices and assist Great Britain in returning to the gold standard, as a means of having foreign nations buy up the US gold supply.
In 1929 the Great Depression and the bank runs began, signalling the end of the classical gold standard, as Franklin D Roosevelt, on the 1st of May 1933 issued an Executive Order, prohibiting the ownership of gold by private citizens and businesses, with a criminal charge of $10,000 or 10 years in prison for non-compliance.
There was a temporary period where an apparent “gold standard” made a comeback, named the Bretton Woods System, from the period of 1946 to 1971.
However, the BW system was a faux gold system, and was an attempt to bring order to the chaos brought about by the newly adapted national fiat money systems, by covering it as a gold standard.
Under the Bretton Woods system, the US dollar was treated as the key currency; or the world reserve currency, and was made convertible into gold at a fixed rate of $35 per oz. This caused a devaluing of gold from the legitimate rate of $20 per oz.
All other forms of currency were convertible into dollars, but at fixed exchange rates, and currencies were only convertible into gold for central banks and governments; US citizens were not permitted to convert their dollars to gold or own gold, due to the FDR Executive Order of 1933.
The operations of the BW system were so that, currencies of foreign nations were expanded and placed into a pyramid on top of the US dollar, causing the Balance of Payments adjustment mechanism, which limited inflation under the gold standard to be null and void.
This lead to the Federal Reserve having the ability to create money, causing domestic inflation and BOP (Balance of Payment*) deficits without consequence, due to foreign governments and central banks buying up dollars with their own currencies instead of demanding gold.
Because of this, the Bretton Woods system caused a persistent BOP deficit due to a global surplus of the dollar. However, as long as foreign governments and central banks were willing to accept and hold excess dollars, the US did not require concern for the deficit; in essence, the US exported paper money and inflation to the world in exchange for economic goods.
On the 15th August 1971, President Nixon placed the final nail in the coffin of the gold standard, by renouncing the obligation of the US to convert dollars for gold, as decreed under the terms of the Bretton Woods system.
Under the current operation of fiat currency, gold would play no direct role under the fiat money system. The US dollar and other currencies continue as pure fiat money, which are unconvertable to gold. The monetary basis would be comprised of fiat paper money (government controlled central bank notes), which are held by the public and the banks within the vaults and cash machines. Thus, the central banks would continue to control the monetary system, by buying or selling bonds, and giving government’s political control over the supply and dealings of money.
*The Balance of Payments was an automatic mechanism, which would cease the increase in the money supply before it could cause too much damage to the economy. Under the BOP mechanism, if the domestic money supply increases, domestic prices would rise above world prices. This would lead to exports to the country in question decreasing and imports increasing; resulting in a balance of payments deficit. This mechanism maintained an equilibrium in BOP, and distributed gold throughout areas according to the demands for money (gold). In addition, the BOP operated inter-regionally, with the end result of a limited money supply increase and inflation by central banks. The mechanism operated as such: As the MS (money supply) increases, the domestic P (price) increases above world P. This causes exports to decrease and imports to increase, creating a BOP < 0. This leads to gold supply to decrease, creating a downturn in the MS, causing domestic P to drop below world P, and leading to exports to rise as imports drop, equaling a BOP > 0.
With the subject of the gold standard and the introduction of the fiat money system concluded, let us move on to the subject of Deflation.
Does the reader enjoy falling prices for consumers? Does the reader believe falling prices are good for the economy?
If the answer to both questions is yes, then there is not much purpose in continuing on with the subject of deflation; for the purposes of reaching the end result of the central bank subject however, I will continue.
Deflation is a natural occurrence of the market economy, and is generally subject to the same laws of supply and demand. Like any price for economic goods, the value of money is determined by the equilibrium level in relation to supply and demand.
An increase in the value of a money, or a reduction in prices is caused by a reduction of the money supply, or a rise in the demand for a money. We increase the demand for money when:
A) We produce and sell more goods.
B) When we aim to hold more of our money, leading to spending and investment to decrease.
It should be noted, that there are three kinds of deflation:
Growth Deflation.
Cash-Building Deflation.
Confiscatory Deflation.
Growth Deflation is caused by the production and supply of economic goods seeing an increase; this is an economic growth.
A rapid increase in economic growth is caused by an increase in the investment of capital goods, which reduce the cost of production and increase profits. The newly increased supply of economic goods creates greater degrees of competition for money by sellers, and as a result increases the exchange value of money. If the money supply is allowed to increase very slowly alongside the fast increase in production, this will result in the value of money to increase, causing this to be reflected in falling prices.
Cash-Building Deflation is caused by economising individuals wishing to hold on to more of their incomes in relation to prices; prices can refer to consumer goods or rates for investment. The lack of spending causes the same result; demand for money to increase and prices to decrease.
Confiscatory Deflation is caused by the government confiscating money from individuals, demonetising notes or limiting the withdrawal amount of cash from banks. This form of deflation however is not a natural market occurrence, as it infringes on property rights and distorts the economy by sending false signals of economic activity.
“In 2001 Botox treatment was priced at $365; in 2013 the price was set between $99 -$149.
Liposuction in 1992 was at a cost of $1,600, and in 2013 the cost was roughly $999.”
Historical examples of Deflation can be examined with computers, HDTV’s, laser eye surgery and cosmetic surgery.
In the 1970s mainframe computers cost upwards of $4 million; today, thanks to growth deflation, home computers are 20x faster, and are able to hold more memory; selling for less than $500.
From 1980 to 1999, computer prices fell by 90% as the industry grew.
In 2004, roughly 32 million TVs sold in North America at an average cost of $400, sized at 27 inches.
In 2015, around 44 million TV’s sold in North America at a price of $460 sized at 38 inches.
This shows that price per inch fell to $12.10, from a rate of $14.81.
A broader breakdown of the overall price can be seen as such:
From the period of 1998, Lasik Eye Surgery was priced at roughly $4000 per eye. From 2013, the price was set around $300 per eye.
In 2001 Botox treatment was priced at $365; in 2013 the price was set between $99 -$149.
Liposuction in 1992 was at a cost of $1,600, and in 2013 the cost was roughly $999.
To add more detail to Cash-Building Deflation otherwise known as “Speculative Deflation”.
Cash-Building Deflation plays an important role, particularly during a recession, as businesses increase their cash holdings due to the production costs, such as wages and additional forms of input; capital, land, materials or machines, have seen a sharp increase during an inflationary period (or boom), which in turn have wiped out profit margins. This is a speculation of prices; the speculators have concluded that costs will fall and so seek to hold on to their resources until prices fall back to normal, or equilibrium levels.
This also accounts for entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur will hold on to his money supply and wait until wages and other input costs adjust to a reduced rate before they begin to proceed with investment.
Deflation plays a vital role in the speed of the readjustment period from a recession; we will go into the subject of recessions, booms and busts later in this section.
With all this said however; many commentators, financial writers and economists hold an irrational fear of deflation and the results of it, that being; falling prices. A handful of fear driven titles of blog posts and articles include:
“The Deflation Monster Still Lives”
“Why We Should Fear Deflation”
“Defeating Deflation”
“The Spector of Deflation”
In a congressional testimony, Alan Greenspan (2003) made the statement that a further drop in inflation would be “an unwelcome development.”
Further stating; “We see no credible possibility that we will at any point, run out of monetary ammunition to address problems of deflation.”
In 2002, Ben Bernanke gave a speech, in which he stated:
“The Chance of significant deflation in the US in the foreseeable future is extremely small. The Fed would take whatever means necessary to prevent significant deflation that might occur would be both mild and brief.”
This fearmongering should be seen for what it is; a desire to promote an irrational fear of deflation among the public, in order to justify further inflationary policies; the subject of inflation we will delve into in the following.
Inflation could be misleadingly seen as simply an increase in prices. This, however, is an errored concept. The price of an economic good can rise and fall for a variety of reasons: if the overall consumer demand for an economic good sees an increase, then the price mechanism will reflect the increase in value, or if the input materials or a particular economic good of higher order (capital) becomes more scarce, then the overall cost will be reflected in the equilibrium of value in relation to consumer demand and the supplies available to producers.
The monetary inflation occurs, when the central bank expands the rate of credit artificially through the expansion of the money supply, or beyond the money supply, causing interest rates to be set artificially low; this results in false signals being sent to investors, entrepreneurs and producers as to the degree of real, loanable funds available, and is the starting point of an economic “boom”; this could also be referred to as an “inhale” within the economy.
The economic boom or “inhale” cannot be maintained for long however, as the rates have been kept artificially low in relation to the expansion of credit and the money supply; this as stated, sends false signals to investors as to the funds available for production such as housing construction, the purchasing of capital such as labour, land, materials, machines etc. As those seeking further expansion continue to reach for resources, it is revealed that there are too few; leading to interest rates rising and the capital developed to become devalued; resulting in an economic bust, which can be referred to as an “exhale” in the economy.
The economic bust is a painful process, however it is highly necessary in order for rates of value to meet in a position of equilibrium, and stabilise the economy in relation to real loanable funds available reflected in the rates of interest, and allow the pricing mechanism to signal the actual value of economic goods in relation to consumer use value and producer exchange value.
We can think of the boom and bust cycle as breathing. We all breath (hopefully) inhaling and exhaling air, yet, if we were to take a deep breath in an attempt beyond what our lungs are capable of, and withhold from exhaling, we would slow the process of relief and do damage to our lungs. The boom and bust cycle can be seen in a similar way; the boom is the problem; the boom is an excessive intake of air, the bust is the readjustment back to a stable, natural rate. Yet many policy makers insist in bringing relief to the economy in the form of stimulus; this is folly, as the stimulus is just more of the same, perverse incentives and false signals, delaying the recovery period and prolonging the pain (this faulty activity in our breathing example can be seen as an attempt to hold the excessive air in the lungs, as a way of “strengthening” the lungs for a better recovery. There is only one method of recovery. Exhale!)
Inflation is not just a simple act of expanding the money supply however. A money, any money at the end of the day is an economic good, and is subject to the laws of supply and demand, as well as the first rule of economics: All goods are scarce.
What defines a good as an economic good, and to that extent, whether it holds any economic value at all, is whether it holds a demand which aims to satisfy a human need, want or desire, and whether or not the good in question is scarce. If the good in question falls into these two categories, then it is an economic good. What form of economic good it is and what its value is in relation to, is reflected in whether it serves a direct need (such as food), or an indirect (tools for cooking food); the good which serves direct consumption is an economic good of lower order, and the good which serves to better the ability to serve the need; tools for cooking, cars, materials and labour for making cutlery, are economic goods of higher order.
With Regards to a money, if it loses one or both of these characteristics, the money in question will cease to hold any value; if people no longer demand the commodity deemed as a money, its rate of value will decrees as people no longer hold it to a standard to which it serves a need, if the money ceases to be a scarce good, it will lose all economic value.
That which is stated above, is an extreme format known as hyperinflation. But, a monetary inflation of the magnitude we are used to in a fiat world is not therefore, less dangerous.
The process of inflation is not as simple as: more money is printed followed by lower value; there are many areas in between this process.
When government expands on the money supply, the new money is used to stimulate economic activity to which the economy cannot afford. The early receivers of the new money benefit from the influx, as they will be able to enact projects such as construction at unaltered prices. As the new (bad) money continues to pass through the economy, the prices of goods and services begin to reflect the decreased value of the money in question, causing the late receivers to be worse off, as their money has become less valuable with the artificial increase in supply.
This is why there is a tendency for prices to not increase straight away from inflation. However even the term “price increase from inflation” is a faulty one it must be admitted; the price of goods have not seen an increase, the money used for the means of exchange has seen an overall drop in its value, the prices have not increase but are merely reflecting a decrease in exchange value of the commodity used for trade.
One fallacy which I will briefly go over, is that wealth is simply a measure of the degree of money an individual holds possession over.
This however is completely false.
Wealth is not determined by the degree of money in a man’s pocket; nor is it necessarily a significant calculation of wealth. Wealth is based on the degree of economic goods; both of higher and lower order, to which an economizing individual holds command over.
It is the use value of the economic goods, their time frame, and their ability to serve a need to which the individual recognises, as a need he wishes to have satisfied.
If it were true, that wealth is simply determined and measured by the quantity of money in a man’s pocket, then we should be praising the outcomes of inflation, and ultimately striving for hyperinflation. Under this notion, Germany during its dark period of hyperinflation should have been considered the wealthiest nation of all time; everyone had barrels full of thousands of paper money notes.
Inflation is not just a monetary disaster; inflation is the theft of value.
It is the loss of opportunity for a higher standard of living for all economizing individuals. By increasing the money supply for the purposes of “short term gains”, the central bank and the government steals the possibilities of our means of exchange, by reducing the scarcity, and overall how valuable the good in question is in the long term. Central planners love the prospect of inflation because it provides them the ability to hold further control over the monetary system, and increase spending without increasing production and productivity.
Overall, with this fallacy at its end, I hope the reader will be left with the understanding that, with the creation of this monolithic institution known as the central bank, and the means of inflating the money supply; the creation of the fiat currency and its monopolistic hold, the central bank and the government have bestowed upon themselves control over the monetary system.
Whereas in the past money was a creation of the market, and as a market commodity for exchange aided in building upon the relationship between consumers and producers; now, under the fiat, government owned system, that relationship has shifted. With government solely in control of money, who may acquire it, how it may be used, who has theirs decreased or increased both in quantity and value, that relationship has turned to one between the establishment, and whoever it can gain the most from; whether that be consumers or producers and whichever is not chosen, is the one who suffers.
“the creation of the central bank and the enacting of the fiat currency, the power to print limitless quantities and act as a mafia towards the individual’s means and ability for exchange; forever weakening our lives and value”
The State has brought to itself the legal monopoly not just that of money production, but the power to define a money and through the elimination of the gold standard, the creation of the central bank and the enacting of the fiat currency, the power to print limitless quantities and act as a mafia towards the individual’s means and ability for exchange; forever weakening our lives and value.
If we truly want to end Cronyism and all it encapsulates; we need to restore the gold standard with a stable form of money substitute as a market commodity, not a symbol of “national sovereignty” to be centralised; we need to destroy the Central Bank.
We are joined by Alasdair Stewart, the former Chairman of the Croydon Conservative Federation, as we discuss the media’s reaction to the COVID crisis and in particular their recent treatment of Dominic Cummings.
We also consider the great news about the Nissan plant in Sunderland, Croydon Council’s dire financial position and some recent developments in the 2020 US Presidential campaign.
We then chat with Alasdair about his experiences in politics, his time as the Chairman of the Croydon Conservative Federation and his thoughts on politics in Croydon.
“I’m sure many people in Croydon can remember, the 23% increase in council tax that Croydon Labour had to push through the last time the council’s finances got into this kind of terrible state”
“in Croydon, is that when Labour win control of the council everyone feels they only listen to their voters in the north, that delivered them their seats, and similar complaints are leveled against the Conservatives when they were running the council when they would only focus on the south of the borough. Anything that motives the Elected Mayor to think of the whole borough would be good for local democracy”
Alasdair Stewart Interview
and from his interview:
“I’d seen the damage they had done to Scotland, whether it be the Heath Service, with Education or even with the government’s finances and I was quite frankly terrified of the idea of the SNP propping up a Labour administration in Westminster.”
“How disappointing it is when you’re speaking to people and they say how unhappy they are about how the council might be doing things, but then also say they aren’t going to vote”
“local members were not just incredibly positive for Brexit and wanting to leave, but also a proper Brexit”
“One of Croydon’s problems is the fact it is effectively a two party competition. It is incredibly partisan and entirely divided. With the Conservatives in the south primarily, Labour in the north and everyone fights over the centre”
“When they were in power the Conservatives, the Conservative Croydon administration built more council houses than this administration under Labour”
“We need some more voices for the ordinary British person, we know from recent elections the climate change warriors, and the lefty socialists are not representative of the country as a whole…. I would encourage more normal rational people to get involved, have a voice and share their voice”
We have seen further coverage this week of the financial crisis in Croydon Council where:
“The council is facing a £62 million overspend and currently has £440 million worth of debt made up of short term loans.
Given its annual budget this year was £280 million, the overspend represents about one fifth of the council’s total annual spending power.”
As we have covered previously Croydon Council now has 23 staff who earned over £100,000. 16 more that Barnet council which is about the same size and 12 more than Sutton, 3 more than Bromley (which can afford this as it doesn’t have any debt).
But do we get value from these highly paid staff? Do they provide a great service?
As part of the government’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, councils are tasked with paying out grants to local businesses under the ‘Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) scheme’ and ‘Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Business Grants Fund (RHLGF)’.
We can now measure some of the success of Croydon Council’s high pay bill. The government has published details of the amount of grants paid out against the initial funding, and expected number of payments.
Croydon Council has found itself in the bottom 10% of payments made by number and by amount. Croydon having made only 77% of the payments identified and 71% by amount. This compares to 84% and 80% on average by local authority, with 96 authorities having made over 90% of their identified payments. Maybe they employ 24 people on over £100K?
Croydon ranks 290 out of 314 local authorities as below:
Local Authority
Initial Allocation
hereditaments that the local authority has identified
grant payments made to hereditaments
Value of payments (£)
% of value of payments
% of number of payments
Top 3
City of London
Westminster City Council
London Borough of Ealing
London Borough of Croydon
Bottom 3
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Corby Borough Council
Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council
Croydon Council is again failing local taxpayers. These provide much needed funding to keep local small businesses going and high streets running. Local companies including Coughlans Bakery, All Bikes, and Old Whitgift Sports Club, have come forward with concerns. In central Croydon this is all the more important at a time the council has failed to secure the regeneration of the town centre via the Westfield development.
You can pay for quality, but questions need to be answered as to how Croydon taxpayers are being forced to pay and are still receiving services in the bottom 10%.