A statement from the Croydon Constitutionalists on the proposed 15% council tax rise in Croydon.
The likely 15% Council Tax rise is devastating news for the people of Croydon, who are already being hit by increased heating costs, general inflation, tax rises. and the proposed ULEZ expansion. All whilst services continue to be reduced.
This increase is just the latest failure by the council, but blame really must be apportioned to the Newman administration who as recognised by their auditors, really had no control of the money they lent to Brick by Brick or spent on seemingly anything they could. This will take years to unwind we just hope the town can bounce back from the mismanagement of its own council.
David Kurten was a GLA member 5 years, for UKIP and the Brexit Alliance. He also ran for Mayor of London for the Heritage Party. David, the Heritage Party leader, appeared at our inaugural event, has been on our podcast, and is now a regular on GB News. We caught up with David to speak about the party and the state of London and Britain.
David thanks for speaking with us.
“We are also in the process of setting up county branches to cover the whole country including Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as England”
You launched the Heritage Party ready for the London Mayoral Elections, how do you feel the party has progressed since then?
We’ve made great progress since the London Mayoral and Assembly elections. It was disappointing not to be elected back on to the London Assembly, but since then the Heritage Party has kept going and many people have joined. We had our first Annual Conference in Pulborough, West Sussex last September with a full day of speakers and about 100 people attending. We are also in the process of setting up county branches to cover the whole country including Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as England, and they are thriving in many places.
We have local elections again this May, what are your plans, and how can people help?
We shall stand as many candidates as possible across England and Northern Ireland in the local elections this May. We will have many more candidates than last year, but there is still time to join and apply to be a candidate to challenge the old parties which are running our nation down.
“it is appalling that he has gone ahead with expanding the ULEZ to the boundary of Greater London against the wishes of Londoners in the consultation. That shows contempt for Londoners”
You were a GLA member for 5 years. With the political talk in much of Croydon being the proposed ULEZ expansion, what are your thoughts on Mayor Khan’s second term?
Khan has just carried on his path of destruction. He is clearly fully signed up to Agenda 2030 and the policies of the WEF. He supports boroughs imposing LTNs which are disastrous for residents and businesses, and it is appalling that he has gone ahead with expanding the ULEZ to the boundary of Greater London against the wishes of Londoners in the consultation. That shows contempt for Londoners and he should be voted out next time.
We marched and we stopped vaccine mandates for most people in the UK. Sadly, some restrictions (e.g. in Hospitals) still seem to apply. Looking back how should we approach the lockdown nightmare were it to return?
Hopefully there will never be another lockdown as everyone can now see how awful it was, and even some who supported it would never accept it again. If there is another one, there will be a much greater level of civil disobedience, which is needed to stand against tyranny.
You’re now a regular on GB news, often debating people of very different viewpoints. Do you have and inside gossip or thoughts on GB news and on becoming a celebrity!?
It is strange to be thought of as a celebrity! However, it is very good to be given a platform to be able to get a few nuggets of truth across on a mainstream channel. However, it seems that Ofcom is clamping down on truth, and now that Mark Steyn has left the channel, we will have to see what happens at GB News in the future.
“It has been a great privilege to be a part of the freedom movement in our day that is standing against tyranny, and marvellous to stand with so many other good men and women who are doing the same”
Do you have any last thoughts you would like to share with our readers?
However hard things get, we must keep on battling for freedom and take heart from the victories we have won. It was only a year ago that the government was going to fire 100,000 doctors and nurses who refused to take an experimental injection, but the power of people protesting changed this. The policy fell, and the Covid narrative started to fall around the world. It has been a great privilege to be a part of the freedom movement in our day that is standing against tyranny, and marvellous to stand with so many other good men and women who are doing the same.
“Even if you don’t remember the show, you are bound to know many of its catch phrases that have made it into the lexicon.”
Misery loves company they say, so on the 30th December last year I made a point of telling a few people the day was the 40th anniversary of the first broadcast of ‘Allo ‘Allo! This knowledge having made me feel rather old, was only fair, to share. The show broadcast for 10 years, was a comedy set in German occupied France in WW2 and followed René Artois, a café owner and his escapades with the resistance, the Germans, the waitresses, shot down airmen, and his family.
Even if you don’t remember the show, you are bound to know many of its catch phrases that have made it into the lexicon. “Listen very carefully, I will say this only once” is a critical start to any sentence giving instructions, just as “It is I, LeClerc!” is a necessary statement to break cover for any master of disguise. I would advise reader discretion when saying “You stupid woman”, but get it right and it could be a “Good moaning” for you. Beyond the great catchphrases and innuendo, what ‘Allo ‘Allo! really epitomised was being the last great show before the break between the post war world where grim reality had governed people’s lives, and the post-cold war world where feelings reign supreme.
I, like many, grew up in a house with parents who had lived through rationing and where no food went to waist. Most people I knew didn’t have double glazing, few had central heating. We spent much of the winter dashing to the one room with heating, something modern Net Zero policies are reintroducing for many. Most adults knew something about how hard life could be, and even in the free world we lived under the existential threat of nuclear war and the aggression of the Soviet Union. Except for when someone close to them had died, I don’t remember any of the adults in my life thinking they should talk about their feelings; they were simply too busy getting on with life.
Around the same time as the 40th anniversary of ‘Allo ‘Allo!’s debut, stories of how Prince Harry ended up wearing a Nazi uniform were circulating. I don’t have an opinion (or very much care) why Prince Harry or anyone at the party was wearing any particular outfit, but it did make me think how, how we treat evil has changed. In the hullabaloo around Prince Harry’s costume, I couldn’t help but think of my memory of watching ‘Allo ‘Allo! with a mix of family members. Some had been evacuees, one had evacuees stay in their home, another had their young children evacuated from them, and one had literally fought Nazis. All laughed heartily at the comedic Germans on the screen. Of course, many of the actors had also served during the war.
“knew the best defence against the twin evils of National and International Socialism was mockery and ridicule”
We once knew how to deal with those we disliked, through mockery. We weren’t offended by Kenny Everett dressed as Hitler, or Dick Emery as a German Army officer. No one was triggered by Hogan’s Heroes or Monty Python Communist Quiz sketch. No safe space was needed from Comrade Dad (a much-overlooked comedy starring George Cole, set in Londongrad, the capital of the USSR-GB). These comedy shows didn’t need to protect us from images of evil. Instead, the post war world (and before with Chaplin in The Great Dictator) knew the best defence against the twin evils of National and International Socialism was mockery and ridicule.
40 years ago, the BBC could make good comedy. Comedy that knew how we could mock our own sloppiness and arrogance (the British Airmen, and the Police Officer), the Germans officialdom (Colonel Kurt von Strohm, Lieutenant Hubert Gruber, and Herr Flick of the Gestapo), whilst admiring the French (especially the waitresses, Yvette Carte-Blanche and Maria Recamier). We knew that consenting adults might be pulled together in stressful situations (or frankly any situation), and deal with a little smut and inuendo, but alas no more. It would take greater smuggling skills to get such a comedy out of the BBC these days than it took to hide The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies. If you want to be reminded of some of the best bits of the show here’s a good place to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtQxugFYQqs If you think you’re at risk of being offended, maybe still give it a go, and remember those that fought Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy, used to laugh at it.
We are joined by libertarian activist, Mal McDermott, as we discuss the array of strikes across the country and the threat of mask mandates being reintroduced especially in Scotland.. We then chat with Mal as the Republic of Ireland “celebrates” the 50th anniversary of it joining the EU.
It could take 1,800 years for the UK to add 1ppm of CO2 to the global total. Bear that in mind when you realise that even doubling the global CO2 from 400ppm to 800ppm has very little effect on global warming!
By Jerry Wraith
The AGW (anthropogenic global warming) claims for causing Climate Change are continually being promoted by many institutions, including the IPCC, the media, (BBC, Sky TV, The Guardian for example), and politicians. The UK is being subjected to crippling costs due to scrapping coal fired power stations (at the EU’s demand) and trying to replace them with renewable forms of energy. This is costing a fortune for UK taxpayers as renewables are unreliable, very expensive and demand huge subsidies. They also demand reliable back-up systems when the “wind don’t blow” and “the sun don’t shine”! In addition, our petrol and diesel fuelled cars are being banned in favour of EV’s which again raise horrendous operational problems.
“the warming effect of CO2 at the pre-industrial level of 300ppm to the warming effect at today’s level of about 400ppm is practically indiscernible”
The figures below are copied from a lecture given by Dr Tom Sheahan: (Full Lecture)
The graph above shows that increasing CO2 levels from 50ppm to 800ppm has very little effect on global warming. The graph below defines the effect on global warming due to increasing levels of CO2 more clearly. The most significant points are the warming effect of CO2 at the pre-industrial level of 300ppm to the warming effect at today’s level of about 400ppm is practically indiscernible. This proves beyond any doubt that increasing CO2 by 100ppm has an imperceptible effect on increasing earth’s temperature.
The above graph is based on calculations by van Wijngaarden and Happer. Their calculations are compared to real measurements as shown in the graph below.
” the IPCC climate models are grossly inaccurate as their calculated global temperature rise, due to increasing CO2, is over 3 to 5 times, average 3.5 times) the actual recorded results”
NOW look at the graph below, comparing IPCC calculations with measured results (copied from “There Is No Climate Crisis” by David Craig, published by The Original Book Company in 2021.)
This clearly proves that the IPCC climate models are grossly inaccurate as their calculated global temperature rise, due to increasing CO2, is over 3 to 5 times, average 3.5 times) the actual recorded results. The IPCC is therefore a completely disreputable organisation and must be completely ignored. This has been confirmed by Professor Chris Holland of the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research who said:
“The data doesn’t matter. We are not basing our recommendations on the data. We are basing them on the climate models.”
In addition, Ottmar Edenhofer, previous Co-Chairman of the IPCC Working Group 111 “Mitigation of Climate Change” has apparently also completely destroyed the case for AGW by saying:
“First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.” (My highlighting.)
The UK’s contribution to increasing CO2 can be estimated as follows:
Here’s a chart of atmospheric CO2 levels:
This shows that in 1980 global CO2 was 330ppm. This increased to 390ppm in 2010. This means that global CO2 increased by 55ppm in 30 years, or by 55/30 = 1.8ppm/year of which humans provided 3% or 0.055ppm/year. The UK is generally recognised as providing only 1% of the total human contribution to CO2 or 1/100 x 0.055 = 0.00055ppm/annum.
Hence to ADD 1ppm to the global CO2 total will take the UK 1/0.00055 or 1,800 YEARS!
For this our politicians are ruining the economy of the UK for a TOTALLY WORTHLESS EXERCISE. Made much worse by the FACT that CO2 has a trivially negligible effect on global warming at these concentrations!
Finally, it should be noted that NASA admitted that CO2 has a negligible effect on climate warming. See the Natural News article by Ethan Huff, dated Fri, 30 Aug 2019.
are you going to believe calculations based on the real facts which give good results with the real world,
are you going to believe IPCC calculations, which are artificially produced and bear little or no relation to the real world to bolster their politically motivated case that increasing man made CO2 is having a catastrophic warming effect on the earth’s climate?
“the stupid Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy “provided £1,173,666.21 (excl. VAT) of taxpayer’s money to the contractor responsible for delivering the ongoing UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the 2021/2022 financial year”
1 Talking of reparations for third world countries is a ridiculously ludicrous idea as any increase in the worlds CO2 due to our industrial revolution has a vanishingly small effect on global warming.
2 Promoting Climate Change (meaning AGW induced Climate Change) is totally FAKE propaganda. As confirmed in the quotes above.
3 Using CO2 levels to debate Climate Change is a worthless exercise as CO2 makes a vanishingly small effect on global warming. Especially, as the UK produces only 1% of the world’s 3% annual human production of CO2. YET the stupid Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy “provided £1,173,666.21 (excl. VAT) of taxpayer’s money to the contractor responsible for delivering the ongoing UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the 2021/2022 financial year. The outputs of this work included providing the data for the 2020 “UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report, and a number of other products”. What a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money!
5 Dr Sheahan also makes the point that Methane, CH4 and Nitrous Oxide, N2O are also insignificant with regard to global warming and even less effective than the vanishingly small effect of CO2.
6 Earth’s climate is changing and has always changed, but this has virtually nothing to do with CO2 which is a trace gas in the earth’s atmosphere. The climate changes are due to the sun and the earths eccentric orbit round the sun. See the article “The woman who could cancel net zero” by Iain Hunter in The Conservative Woman, Dec 22, 2022.
7 The true purpose of the IPCC is to transfer wealth from developed nations to undeveloped nations and form a global government. (The campaign about CO2 is just a smoke screen. Whether CO2 can warm the atmosphere is irrelevant.) The plan was allegedly set out in clause 38 of the draft treaty put to the IPCC conference in Copenhagen 2009. It stated that the new global government will have three basic pillars: Government; Facilitative Mechanism; and Financial Mechanism. It will be ruled by the Conference of the Parties (IPCC) and managed by the support staff of the IPCC.
“UK taxpayers must be given the opportunity to vote on whether they want the UK economy, and their personal well being destroyed for the purposes of this global government.”
CONCLUSION It is astonishing that UK politicians, now paid £84,144/annum + expenses, by UK taxpayers are
as to base policy, costing UK taxpayers £trillions and ruining the economy of the UK, on eliminating a problem THAT DOES NOT EXIST! The IPCC is clearly a political project, not a technical one, therefore politicians and councillors, must pay the price. So, the UK taxpayers must be given the opportunity to vote on whether they want the UK economy, and their personal well being destroyed for the purposes of this global government.
Former UKIP General Secretary Paul Oakley, worked at senior local then national levels during the rise and fall of the party. Paul has been a long-term campaigner for the UK’s departure from the EU, ripping up a copy of the Maastricht Treaty at a Young Conservative conference. Paul wrote the book “No One Likes Us, We Don’t Care: A UKIP Memoir” and we caught up with him to speak about this, politics and the state of Brexit.
“Then of course there was that dreadful Gina Miller who was effectively seeking the right for herself to cast the deciding vote on the referendum through the courts”
Paul thanks for your time:
Most of your time in politics centred around one issue, the UK’s independence from the EU. What were your feelings the day we voted to leave, and what are your feelings on where we are now?
I expected the powers-that-be to try to frustrate Brexit and that is precisely what happened. Theresa May and her henchmen spent two-and-a-half years trying to derail the process. Then of course there was that dreadful Gina Miller who was effectively seeking the right for herself to cast the deciding vote on the referendum through the courts. Boris Johnson wasn’t much better, formalising a half-cock Brexit because he couldn’t be bothered putting any real effort in. As things stand now, the federalists are keen to blame all Britain’s economic woes on the decision to leave the EU. As far as they are concerned, the looming depression is nothing to do with its true causes, namely the insanity of the lockdowns and the idiocy of “net zero”. The push for regional and global governance looks set to continue and it might yet be necessary for us to retrieve our claymores from the roof thatch once again.
Now we are at least partially out of the EU, what do you think we should do with our restored sovereign powers?
Vested interests will try to stop us doing very much at all. Prime Minister Truss and Chancellor Kwarteng had the excellent idea of lifting the EU-imposed cap on bankers’ bonuses. That would have resulted in financiers rushing away from the EU to work in the City of London with an associated boost in tax receipts for the Treasury (for those who think that sort of thing is important). Unfortunately, the Sunak coup put an end to that. On the positive side, it seems that the Tory government are considering withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights. It was not possible for us to do this while an EU member state. This must be replaced with an updated British Bill of Rights for British citizens. It’s absurd that aliens currently enjoy the same fundamental rights as nationals. Perhaps that sensible idea will be allowed to fizzle out too however.
“Question everything; accept nothing. Brexit would not have happened without that attitude”
UKIP made a bag of cats look like a calm reasoned environment. What was it that made UKIP so ungovernable?
This was our strength. Question everything; accept nothing. Brexit would not have happened without that attitude, no matter how annoying it may sometimes have proved for the course of party governance.
You’ve written a book about your time in UKIP. What made you write the book, and what has the reception been like?
I wrote it as I went along while keeping contemporaneous notes because I thought it was worth recording this modern peasants’ revolt from the ground level. Those who have read it seem to have enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it was published at the time of the unexpected 2019 EU elections which meant that it received zero media interest because of electoral law. Never mind. I now plan to write the Great Romantic Novel which will doubtless have a better reception.
Is there any standout memory from your time in UKIP that covers the essence of your time in the party?
Three similar things. At the time of the 2014 EU elections, the Electoral Commission allowed counterfeit UKIP parties to stand calling themselves “UKEPP” and “UK Independence Now”. That cost us two MEPs and was precisely the kind of deceit that the Electoral Commission had been set up to tackle. Then there was the 2015 general election when the SNP polled 1.4 million votes and won 56 seats yet UKIP, with 3.8 million votes, returned only a single MP. Finally, there was Nigel Farage’s campaign in Thanet South during that same election. There has still been no real explanation as to why ballot boxes went missing for several hours on the night of the count and it still seems odd that UKIP won control of the council yet Farage did not win the constituency. Nonetheless, the media has assured us that there was no evidence of electoral fraud so that’s alright then.
Taking all these together, it is plain that the establishment and the system itself were united in stopping UKIP from achieving the heights it deserved. That makes our victory in the 2016 referendum even more impressive. We should be proud of ourselves.
“resist all authorities which seek to control the United Kingdom without democratic oversight”
We’ve had lockdowns, have restrictions on free speech, tech giants operating seemingly with impunity, rising fuel costs, identity politics and have a PM not selected by either his party or the country. If Brexit was the panoptic battle of the last 30 years, what’s the battle for the next 30 years?
Recent events have shown that the battle remains the same: to resist all authorities which seek to control the United Kingdom without democratic oversight. That will involve resigning from the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol; leaving the World Health Organisation and, indeed, the UN itself. We also need to give real thought to the question of whether the UK should remain in NATO. Save for funding the military industrial complex, it’s hard to understand why NATO did not disband after the collapse of the Soviet Union. For so long as Erdogan’s Turkey remains a member, the concept of collective defence under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty is a worry, not a reassurance. Further, it is not in the interests of the British people at all to be dragged into any future conflict with Russia and China in order to assist new or prospective NATO members.
The Mayor of London plans to expand the ULEZ zone to include all Greater London in August this year. Vehicles not meeting the compliance standards will be charged £12.50 a day if driven inside the zone.
Croydon, Sutton, Hillingdon, Harrow, and Bexley councils have all come out against the plan. We are planning to hold 2 street stalls on Saturday 4th February in Coulsdon, and Saturday 25th February in Sutton to raise awareness and direct people to campaigns against the scheme.
We will be distributing leaflets directing people to our Stop ULEZ Expansion page, which has links to Petitions, and more information.
If you’re free, please come and join us raising awareness of the important issue. Help stop ULEZ which will cost many thousands, will hurt small business and the poorest hardest.
Join us:
Saturday 4th February in Coulsdon 10:30am – 1pm Outside Aldi / Tesco – 159 Brighton Rd, Coulsdon CR5 2XR Google Maps Facebook event
Saturday 25th February in Sutton 10:30am – 1pm Outside Waterstones – Trinity Square, Sutton SM1 1DU Google Maps Facebook event
On January 10th the Coulsdon and Purley Debating Society debated the motion “Businesses and Service Providers are using technology to thwart contact and impose control of our lives”.
Maureen Levy proposed the debate, and below is her speech delivered to the society. As always with this friendly group the debate was good natured, very well opposed and drew out some great views from the audience.
“I am sure many of you remember when people could, to a great extent, make their own individual decisions on the direction of their lives and what to say and think and whom to deal with?”
Although the debate is entitled Businesses and Service Providers are using technology to thwart contact and impose control of our lives insidious control is much greater than just through business and service providers. I am afraid it goes much wider than this and, although some may say this is a conspiracy theory, governments and worldwide organisations are as guilty – if not more so – than businesses and service providers, unfortunately accepted as fact by many. One such example is underlined by Germany’s proposal to change presumption of innocent into presumption of guilt. The gradual withdrawal of the use of cash to digital. Our ’masters’ have become much less recognisable and rule by consent is being eroded.
I am sure many of you remember when people could, to a great extent, make their own individual decisions on the direction of their lives and what to say and think and whom to deal with? There were certainly a number of constraints back then but nowhere near the insidious restrictions and limitations there are now so that one is forced into taking a route chosen by others and the use of technology to impose control. Our manufacturing base has gone and slipped quietly away to be owned abroad which must have been with the connivance – or stupidity – of our government.
Back then there was no internet, mobile phones and other electronic methods of control such as social media and data harvesting of an individuals’ details to be used to control our lives. Once The World Wide Web, emails, social media, data harvesting and such like were invented and implemented, we were lost. Unscrupulous, people, organisations and governments find more and more ways to manipulate our lives and give power to those in control to keep citizens under increasingly constant surveillance and control their lives.
Customer service is often no more or on the way out. If self-service tills, credit card and mobile phone payments were not used and encouraged by those who use such tills and such like manufacturers would not be encouraged to install more and more such tills and the gradually disappearance and reduction of serviced tills and the use of cash and picking up more information on everyone on the way.
“Going cashless is one of the first steps to total digital control. Businesses, services and government – Bank of England – can stop you from using your money to buy certain goods”
Going cashless is one of the first steps to total digital control. Businesses, services and government – Bank of England – can stop you from using your money to buy certain goods; Your accounts can be programmed to complete control over you personally and over your finances.
not allowing purchase of sugar drinks, burgers, meat and such like;
Not allowing purchase of goods from certain countries
On what you can watch on TV
Where you can go (see Oxford and Cambridge diktats)
What transport you can use
Websites you can visit and so on.
Going cashless should be everybody’s concern.
Customers are acting how governments and companies chose. manipulating/coercing the population into compliance / acceptance of Government, business and service providers in readiness for what is to come. We must resist and at least use staffed tills
Through these methods, Big brother is indeed watching you and is indeed obtaining more and more control over our lives. George Orwell was right with his dystopian vision in his books and were a forecast of what is happening in the here and now. The thought police are interfering, intruding, prying, snooping, meddling in everyday lives and it will get worse. They are inhibiting, hindering and obstructing your daily movements, thoughts and actions. The concept of freedom and individualism will be abolished under the pretext of protecting you and you will be told ‘we will make your decision for you’. The norms of the past are being deliberately eroded and the deliberate twisting of reality. It is altering the known structure of society.
“businesses and such like have conveniently – or deliberately – forgotten they serve the public and not the other way around.”
The culture is shifting and governments, businesses and such like have conveniently – or deliberately – forgotten they serve the public and not the other way around. There has been a significant change in the structure of society. The insidious altering of the perception of things which have become ideologically offensive to a few, often to just a very small organised minority view, are taken up as fact and imposed by those in control who are afraid of upsetting the politically correct brigade. Imposed upon the majority who do not hold such, often bizarre views of the world. It appears these kind of views are often taught and disseminated through our school and infect our young. I am afraid, we are, to a great extent allowing them to do so and sleep walking to another type of slavery.
There is attack on Christian faith and the English Language. Brighton University banning the word Christmas.
Men and women being redefined.
Allowance of very small minorities to dictate policy and take control of thought – very like Napoleon in Animal Farm!
Cambridge dictionary redefining what a woman is and it is not a female woman.
Disabling the capacity for critical thought. They decide what should be preserved. What removed or altered or falsified. Abbreviated jargon to text speak which is becoming ingrained in our children. An invigilator found a student writing her English Literature exam paper in text speak. When pointed out, the girl hadn’t even realised what she was doing it has become so ingrained. The student asked for extra time to re-write but was denied.
The constraints on individualism and the one size fits all to group think.
Constraining of freedom of speech
Constraining the freedom of the press
Constraining the freedom of assembly
Constraining thought
Constraining the right to withdraw one’s labour
Social bonds are being broken down. Destabilising the family units and undermining love and pity and family ties. Cutting people away from their family roots to being of little or no importance. Encouraging conflict of interest between old and young.
“We saw the need for grieving with the pageant and outpouring of grief at the Queen’s funeral and laying in state, much of it from ‘ordinary people’. Why should such outpouring and relieving of grief be reserved or retained just for the rich?”
One example of this is the current push to send family members – often presented in adverts as the useless old – away to be cremated when they die with no members of the family or friends being present. Just throw them on the rubbish dump with no ceremony to remember their lives. Just forget they lived. The ashes are returned for people to celebrate the dead persons lives’ as they want’, if at all. (If they are actually the persons ashes!!) We saw the need for grieving with the pageant and outpouring of grief at the Queen’s funeral and laying in state, much of it from ‘ordinary people’. Why should such outpouring and relieving of grief be reserved or retained just for the rich? Erosion of the rights of the poor.
In this time of increasing costs and expenses Do any of you remember the Soylent Green film about the special ingredients that go into the making of the peoples’ dietary staple because real food costs so much that no one can afford it, the government provides the people with a synthetic substitute biscuit, supposedly made from plankton. – a synthetic substitute Soylent Green which is actually made from the bodies of dead humans. Something to think about.!!
‘Someone’ – we know not who – makes a decision of what the official line is and proceeds to shut down any different view with a false view of the world so we do not know what is true and what is not. We will make your decision for you. There is loss of independence and independent thought.
“The asking of what you are spending your money on. How long will it remain your money? We should try to keep cash and our physical High Streets.”
Choice is being take away. Bank branches are closing and people are being directed to use on-line banking as with other businesses, services and government departments. The asking of what you are spending your money on. How long will it remain your money? We should try to keep cash and our physical High Streets.
The current drive to stop people eating meat or of farmers being encouraged to stop animals farming to plant–based production. Liberals in charge of the systems.
Control proposals – such as
Oxford proposal of dividing driving zones and with residents only allowed to drive outside of the defined zone a certain number of times a year or having fines imposed.
Canterbury’s ‘Local Plan to 2045’, proposes splitting the city into 5 districts, with drivers unable to cross between districts by private car – even if they live there. Those who break the rules will face fines enforced by number-plate recognition cameras and won’t be able to make simple journeys around the City
Or Islington restriction of heating and hot water to a few hours a day.
The gallop to the Green agenda and net zero does not take into consideration – or care – on the collateral damage to poorer people.
All these plans are part of the Net Zero 2030 Agenda.
It is not about saving the planet – which is undeliverable in the way proposed – but about control – and profits for some.
Smart Meters and ability to monitor usage and times of usage and Electric current shut off is possible. Encouragement to install Smart Meters with £100 off if use less between certain hours – which, of course, cannot be done without the ability for monitoring – which, of course, it is claimed cannot happen. Smart and electric cars, Smart Phones, Smart Cities credit cards, paying by Smart mobile phones, all ways of knowing where you are and what you are doing all with the ability to monitor and control. They are even developing Smart Socks which can detect neurological and other illnesses which will be passed to Doctors and Insurance Companies for their use and manipulation and not likely to be to the benefit of the person. Notice the word SMART is used to insidiously imply people are smart to use. No-one wants to be considered stupid, do they?
Digital currency and discouraging the use of cash. All presented as safety and convenience but actually about tracking and surveillance. Remember the Canadian Government stopped the bank accounts of the truckers who would not listen to the diktats and direction of the government and refused to follow the controls of Covid inoculations.
Speaking of Covid restrictions – where were the Human Rights lobbies then and the deafening silence. If they spoke up they were shut down or not reported.
“All this means YOU are paying for the phone call and someone – usually the company or government department – are reaping the profit through pay back contracts with the telephone companies.”
Have you noticed that the use of the telephone to companies and government department and the time taken, often half an hour or more – messages letting you know that you can use on-line systems and the button pushing before you can get to a human assistance if at all – often taking 5 minutes in itself. All this means YOU are paying for the phone call and someone – usually the company or government department – are reaping the profit through pay back contracts with the telephone companies.
Few face to face meeting where you can read the body language of those in the room. Where you can only see a few of those taking part and only allowed to speak should the ‘controller’ of the meeting allow. Zoom meetings introduced with claims to protect you during covid lockdown. Have you noticed how many organisations continue to only zoom meetings now the danger has passed?
Self-appointment does not make it lawful. The curtailing of the freedoms of law-abiding people is not lawful. It is not about health. It is not about saving the planet. It is justifying unreasonable emergency measures and an inexcusable fraud. Covid Lockdown was based on guess work and not science. It is now emerging that Pfizer mislead the public. The scientist who did not agree were shut down. Several scientific studies have emerged that call into question the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, raising alarm bells about the potential harm they may have caused and their ability to prevent infection and transmission. It was, and is, Control.
We are slowly and acceleratingly losing our freedoms. Propaganda through the Main media disbursing misinformation and suppressing news which does not fit into their and controllers’ version of reality. Destroying the fundamentals of the glue of society. Particularly the traditional family. Of mum and dad bringing up their own children. We are becoming the swallower of slogans and propaganda. Vague rumors taken as fact
It is all designed to teach us to obey. All institutions are being infiltrated. Money making scheme for the usual suspects.
We should not accept this. They are playing us for fools. We need to protect our own identities as much as we can. We should say ‘No’ and ignore as much as we can.
It’s all interconnected. Largely by design. The ultimate aim is digital, social and financial control through: Central Banking Digital Currencies and as many ways as they can find.
Like all inventions, one has to attempt to make sure they do not end up controlling you.
I believe the genie is out of the bottle or another Pandora’s box has been opened and there is no way of putting it back in.
“Covid Lockdown was based on guess work and not science. The scientist who did not agree on the need for mass inoculation and lockdown were shut down”
Self-appointment does not make it lawful. The curtailing of the freedoms of law-abiding people is not lawful – but what do they care, they have the upper hand and are well on the way to complete control. It is not about health. It is not about saving the planet. It is justifying unreasonable emergency measures and an inexcusable fraud. Covid Lockdown was based on guess work and not science. The scientist who did not agree on the need for mass inoculation and lockdown were shut down.
Climate lockdowns will be disguised as ’15 minute cities’ coming to a city near you and about control and extortion. Note how easily the word Lockdown slipped into our everyday conversations! Our government is fully signed up to Net Zero 2030 Policy. There will be digital ID, programmable credit score Control of money, food, movement and all services with central bank digital currency. It’s all interconnected. Largely by design. The ultimate aim is digital, social and financial control.
In fact, an open-air prison to most. Of course, a very rosy picture will be presented to the public
We are slowly and acceleratingly losing our freedoms. Propaganda through the Main media disbursing misinformation and suppressing news which does not fit into their and controllers’ version of reality and narrative. Destroying the fundamentals of the glue of society. Particularly the traditional family. Of mum and dad bringing up their own children. We are becoming the swallower of slogans and propaganda. Vague rumors taken as fact
It is all designed to teach us to obey. All institutions are being infiltrated. Money making scheme for the usual suspects.
We should say ‘No’ and ignore as much as we can. One has to attempt/try to resist as much as possible to make sure they do not end up controlling you through: –
Thought police
Changing things which had become ideologically offensive to those in control.
They decide what should be preserved. What removed or altered or falsified.
Faking of photographs – Instagram.
Swallowers of slogan and propaganda
Constraining freedom of speech
Constraining the freedom of the press
Constraining freedom of assembly
Constraining thought
Constraining the right to withdraw one’s labour
Destruction of words and language getting smaller with the aim of narrowing the range of thought with fewer words and expressions.
Insidiously pushing its way into our everyday lives and overpowering and erosion of our individuality.
Internet purchases with more and more individual shops being closed down so that physical choice and movement is restricted.
Cutting off channels of communication
The genie is out of the bottle or another Pandora’s box has been opened and there is no way of putting it back in.
“I stopped DD the and replaced with a Standing Order of the amount I wanted to pay.”
Service problems
Bank closure – Coulsdon did have 6 banks and 3 Building Societies. Now it has none even though residents and RA’s asked at least one was left.
Gas and Electric company I used transferred/sold to another company. I had happily paid by direct debit for at least 20/30 years. If I went into credit, they happily automatically paid credit back to my bank account. I was not informed of the transfer until a year after this had taken place. Once officially told the new company wrote and told me they had increased each of my DD payments by over 100%. Told them to put back whilst also increasing to amount paid (but not 100%). Told them not to do again. Had to argue for re-payment of credit which had accrued as a result of their increase of DD to over £400. By the time I argued on repayment and reduction of DD this had gone to more than £550. Their accounts department rejected request for repayment. I stopped DD the and replaced with a Standing Order of the amount I wanted to pay.
With a politically tumultuous 2022 coming to an end, we asked you, ‘What do you hope your organisation will be doing in 2023?’
Hilary Judge, TOGETHER Croydon
“I hope that they take the Cash Fridays campaign on-board, and it goes nationwide. Businesses should be encouraged to actively promote taking cash.”
My hopes for Together are that they become more democratic with greater member input. We would have ideas coming from meetup groups and individuals and adopting participatory democracy, which is a program where recipients answer questions where they completely agree, somewhat agree etc.
I hope that they take the Cash Fridays campaign on-board, and it goes nationwide (Cash Friday’s is a campaign to on a Friday, spend cash to pay for goods / services rather than use cards). Businesses should be encouraged to actively promote taking cash. Expand the campaign to younger people by giving cash to dependent teenagers, rather than bank transfers.
I would like bigger debates with participants from all over the political spectrum and I’m thinking of organising our future meetings as open debates.
Together Croydon are meeting on Tuesday 7th February in Croydon and Thursday 9th February in Beckenham, contact [email protected] for further details.
Martin Day/Andrew Withers, Libertarian Party
“Small business owners are increasingly aware of the bias towards huge corporations that this current administration has. They know that we support initiative and entrepreneurism.”
The Year ahead.
2023 will finally see a new website produced, featuring more interaction with the members. Hopefully, that and the data system behind it will enable us to run increasing numbers of candidates in the local elections this May.
We are also speaking to university students to get the message of self-sufficiency and individualism into the younger generation. So far, it is generating more interest than previous years.
We continue to highlight the appalling corruption of this current government, whist pointing out that the other side are unlikely to be any better. Just different coloured snouts in the trough. Sadly, too many voters are shackled to the two-party system.
Locally, a whole new initiative is being discussed along the lines of London Libertarians. Small business owners are increasingly aware of the bias towards huge corporations that this current administration has. They know that we support initiative and entrepreneurism.
We are now faced with the Prince Harry farago dominating the headlines, while this unelected Prime Minister, without the mandate of the voting public, enacting a surveillance authoritarian state.
Serious policies are no longer subject to the scrutiny by the voter, nor by MP’s more concerned with climbing the preferment greasy pole and raking in expenses and part time appointments.
Centralisation of power amongst the few is root cause of political crisis. The Libertarian Party has a fully thought-out Constitutional Reform package.