Michael Swadling of the Croydon Constitutionalists spoke again with Sputnik Radio on the 7th November 2019 about the upcoming general election.
“This isn’t planned about striving and having aspirations, the Labour Party policy is really just about cutting the cake that we have today and redistribution – that doesn’t generate wealth”
“In 1997, Labour became electable because Tony Blair put out a positive message, and he put out an aspirational message, going back to the 1960’s.That’s how Wilson got elected, he talked about technology and the future of Britain. …and the modern Labour Party just looks like an unhappy party. Why would anybody vote for that?”
With another deadline to leave the EU missed, and a General
Election that most of our politicians were too frit to hold, the Croydon
Constitutionalists are marking November as Democracy Month.
To start the month a video of the great Peter Shore MP on
how politicians use fear to subvert democracy.
“So the message, the message that comes out is fear, fear, fear. Fear because you won’t have any food. Fear of unemployment. Fear that we’ve somehow been so reduced as a country that we can no longer, as it were, totter about in the world independent as a nation. And a constant attrition of our moral. A constant attempt to tell us that what we have and what we had as not only our own achievements, but what generations of Englishman has helped us to achieve, is not worth a damn”
The Globe and Mail, Canada’s “newspaper of record”, and with a weekly readership of 2,018,923 is Canada’s most widely read newspaper on weekdays and Saturdays. They also came to see the Leavers of Croydon at our recent drinks.
Thanks to Teresa Eng for interviewing us on the day.
“We’re a sovereign nation – we don’t need to be told what we can and can’t do. I’m not worried about a no-deal Brexit. Let’s get on with it“
“The Remainers’ favourite excuse is “no deal.” The U.S., China and India, three of the world’s largest economies, trade with no deal. I’m proud that the majority of the British public were smart enough to see that the dots didn’t add up. The whole thing about no deal being a kind of Armageddon is complete fabrication”
“The EU is a country, but I’m not a United States of European. I’m British. I want us to be a self-governing entity”
We discuss the new EU Withdrawal Agreement, the recently announced Fairfield By-Election and provide an update on the campaign for a Democratically Elected Mayor for Croydon. We also discuss some of our recent events and some interviews and articles that are available to read on our website.
Jayde was a candidate in 2018 in Broad Green for the Conservatives and has appeared on the Victoria Derbyshire show, supporting the party. Jayde is a member of the Spacnation church which as prevailed her to be a voice in her community and use her passion in politics to make a change.
Always keen to speak to people in Croydon who support Brexit, because we voted to leave and they support and respect democracy. The Croydon Constitutionalists spoke to Jayde Edwards the Conservative Party Candidate for the Council by-election in Fairfield Ward.
Jayde thanks for your time.
This is your second time standing what should we know
about you as potentially Croydon’s next councillor?
From a very young age I have been extremely passionate, talking about the issues that most affect young people. I was brought up in a broken home, my dad left when I was 12 years old and my mum suffered with mental health for the majority of my life. This really pushed me to be vocal about changing not only my life but the lives around me.
2015 aged 15 I gave birth to a baby boy which was extremely difficult whilst
living in Croydon and moving to about 8 different houses. I was constantly consumed with so many issues
that I just wanted to change and be able to protect those around me.
“I knocked on a door and a women in her mid 30s answered the door, we spoke for about an hour about the issues she is facing in her area. What inspired me the most is that she said “Never stop pushing in politics, because we need you”
Broad Green is a tough spot for a Conservative candidate.
Any stories from this or previous campaign trails that have stuck in your
Broad Green will always be a place that I am extremely passionate about because I lived there in temporary accommodation with my son. It was a small room with only a bed, table and TV. I understand the struggles that people living within the ward face, hence why I was so passionate about standing although I knew it was almost impossible. My heart is still in Broad Green and I will always do everything in my power to create a positive change in the area.
really good experience whilst I was knocking on a door in Broad Green, was canvassing, I knocked on a door and a
women in her mid 30s answered the door, we spoke for about an hour about the
issues she is facing in her area. What inspired me the most is that she said “Never
stop pushing in politics, because we need you”.
Fairfield ward is changing rapidly what do you think are
the key issues in the ward?
I am extremely honoured to be selected to stand in Fairfield and I agree that there are so many things changing in Fairfield. The main issues I would say are: – Westfield and the promise that was given to residents. – Knife crime and the lack of opportunities.
“want to inspire young people, I also want to bring something new to Croydon – a new passion and a new energy”
What are your thoughts more broadly on Croydon Politics?
have always been interested in Croydon Politics because I have lived here since
I was 12. I do believe more young people need to get more involved in politics,
but also more young people need to understand what politics means and how local
politics can actually affect them. I think that is partly why I am standing as
a candidate – I want to inspire young people, I also want to bring something
new to Croydon – a new passion and a new energy.
There’s a new campaign for a Democratically Elected Mayor
of Croydon. What are your thoughts on this proposed change to the way Croydon
is governed?
think a council run by the Conservatives is the best way forward! I do like that we have the opportunity to campaign
for an elected mayor and I would love to see more young people going for these
Although you’re running for council the issue of the day is Brexit. What are your thoughts on the subject that divides Britain?
The main focus for me right now is the local issues in Croydon and how I can gain the trust of the residents in Fairfield. Although Brexit is important and I trust the government will ensure Britain is protected. I choose focus on the local issues and how I can help change Fairfield.
Philip Sheppard writes about our neighbours in Sutton.
Sutton, a leafy borough in South-West London, overshadowed by its larger neighbour to the East, Croydon, and often forgotten about by most people who do not know our capital city well. Politically, this is probably London’s most interesting borough. It was one of the few boroughs to have voted to leave the European Union in 2016, but since 1986 has been run effectively as a one-party state by the most liberal enlightened party currently in British politics (not).
The “Liberal Democrats”, scarred from the 2015 defeat of their darling Paul Burstow in Sutton and Cheam, are covering up one of the biggest scandals in Sutton politics during their rule of over thirty years, namely the construction of a huge refuse incinerator by Viridor in the Beddington North ward, close to the border with Croydon. Despite huge local opposition (the Lib Dems lost three councillors in Beddington North in the 2018 Local Elections to anti-incinerator independents) and a cost of £205 million to the taxpayers of four South London boroughs (including our native Croydon), the construction of the incinerator still went ahead in 2015.
Evidence had emerged of deals being done behind the scenes by a former Liberal Democrat councillor, who had a special relationship with the former Viridor CEO Colin Drummond, whose company landed the approximately £1 billion contract to build it. John Drage was a lifelong friend of Drummond’s and is also one of Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake’s main sponsors, along with his wife, Elaine. Incredibly, in order to encourage local support for the incinerator, Viridor donated around £275,000 to the Holy Trinity Church in Wallington in 2015, representing the third highest donation for any religious building in the country at the time. This obviously failed to garner the support of any local people, including fellow Lib Dem councillors. The then-Beddington North Councillor, Nick Mattey said: “Residents in my ward have been questioning why Holy Trinity Church in the middle of Wallington should get more money than any project in Beddington.”
link, combined with Brake’s previous opposition to incinerators and the fact
that the Sutton-based environmental charity Ecolocal remained strangely silent
about the incinerator and its potential impact meant that the incinerator could
be constructed without much scrutiny (apart from at the local election in
All in all, this shows the rot that goes on in the Sutton administration, which should not be surprising given the sly nature of the Liberal Democrats nationally. The sooner we can kick these charlatans out, the better.
Michael Swadling of the Croydon Constitutionalists spoke again with Sputnik Radio on the 14th October 2019.
“we have a parliament that is not interested in the people, that’s afraid of putting itself up to the people and is ignoring the people’s biggest vote in British history. If anything; going forward, we need somebody that will hold the role of the people against the executive, and possibly, the Queen needs to be more active”
on the role of the Monarchy
“it would be liberating for our economy. It would be a great opportunity for us to take flight in the world market fully, and the government is ready; they’ve done the preparations, the deals and the subcontracts that need to be in place”
Always keen to support people prepared to support Brexit.
The Croydon Constitutionalists spoke to Malachy McDermott, London Group Leader
of the Libertarian Party.
He has also a published author who has written for Mises.org, with a Degree in Economics and English Literature from University College Dublin he currently works in Finance.
The Libertarian Party believe in limited government, personal freedom, support Brexit and pertinently a written constitution.
The Croydon Constitutionalists have previously interviewed the Libertarian Party’s Sean Finch and Mike made the personal sacrifice of travelling to their sister party in the US to interview the Libertarians of Orange County California.
Malachy thanks for your time.
Not everyone is fully familiar with your party. Can you tell us a bit about them?
The Libertarian Party is unique in British politics as it is
the only party to truly speak for the rights of the individual. In an
increasingly state controlled society, whether that be through crony capitalism
or direct control of the economy, the individual is left by the wayside. From
the Nanny State to the Victimisation of peaceful people are scope to exit
without being licensed, taxed or otherwise infringed upon dwindles almost daily.
The Libertarian party understands that free people able to make free decisions
for which they accept the consequences is the best way for a society to
“An out of control central bank and increased social control by the state are issues that are not addressed by any party but the Libertarian Party”
How does the Libertarian Party differ from the Conservatives / The Brexit Party / UKIP?
Both socially and politically the Libertarian Party is trying to be an actual Libertarian voice in the UK. While the other 3 parties have attempted to be this, they, in my opinion, have cast their nets too far. In doing so they have tried to take on centrist or soft left positions. Especially from an economic and government spending point of view. Libertarianism involves a constant desire to reduce the size and scope of government and put power back in people’s hands. Although these parties attempt this, I think they lose their way a lot of the time. An out of control central bank and increased social control by the state are issues that are not addressed by any party but the Libertarian Party.
What was your personal journey to libertarianism and what made you get involved in the party?
I have come right from the other end of the political compass to get here! I started out in my teens as a full on Communist, going to university I mellowed somewhat into vaguely centrist or modern liberal perspective. Then about 3 or 4 years ago I began writing a blog. When analysing and fact checking, I came to more and more Libertarian conclusions, although I really didn’t know that there was a name for it. When I came across the term, I became a very active keyboard warrior! About a year ago I met Sean Finch from our Kent branch, he introduced me to the party and I haven’t looked back.
You’re the leader of the London Group of the party what does that involve?
At the moment it’s about getting established and getting the right team in place. To do this we have the Facebook page and the monthly meet ups. Both are free to all to have a look at. I have met so many great people and made a lot of connections which has made running this a lot easier. But we are always looking for new people and any help is hugely appreciated!
“I want to get some councillors elected. Getting names on ballot papers and getting the word out there is a must. A lot of my focus is letting people know that they do not have to be socially liberal and economically left wing or socially conservative and economically right wing. There is a space, a philosophy and a party that allows you to believe in economic AND individual freedom”
What are you ambitions for London? What tactics and policies do you see making a breakthrough for the party?
My ambitions are always high, there’s not much point in
doing something if they are not! For the moment though I want to get some
councillors elected. Getting names on ballot papers and getting the word out
there is a must. A lot of my focus is letting people know that they do not have
to be socially liberal and economically left wing or socially conservative and
economically right wing. There is a space, a philosophy and a party that allows
you to believe in economic AND individual freedom. If we can get people elected
and show people what that will mean in their day to day lives, I don’t see why
this movement could not spread throughout the capital.
What do you think might give the Libertarian Party UK the breakthrough the US party has?
Exposure. The more media coverage you get, the more people
will check your social media, the more people will get involved. It’s cyclical
and self-perpetuating, but a vital part of any political campaign.
Libertarian Party USA
What are your current views on politics in London and the big issues that need addressing?
Politics in London is a vastly overcomplicated with so many different organisations under state control and so many councils taking on projects that private industry could handle. Our Mayor has failed in so many areas and continues down a socialist problem solving (not that it ever solves any problems) route that will lead to chaos in a post Brexit Britain. Londoners need to be free from rent control (which has never worked), they need the right to defend themselves and they need to be able to trade freely; unburdened from ridiculous rates and fees. A freer, more responsible London, that allows communities to focus on themselves, with a sustainable package of free market solutions where once there were only monopolistic state interventions on offer is what I would like to see.
Libertarian Party UK
If you could introduce or repeal 3 laws (other than for Brexit) what would they be?
Self Defence items – Individuals are defenceless against
criminals. Stabbings and sexual assaults seem to dominate the media, especially
here in the capital. Allowing people to carry pepper spray for example would
act as a huge deterrent to crime and give power and agency back to peaceful,
law-abiding people.
Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (The Snooper’s Charter) – This and laws like it rarely lead to the catching of criminals, however they do the central government a massive database of personal data. Often the old adage of “If you’re doing nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide” is brought up here. To that I would reply that what is okay today may be criminal tomorrow. You do not know who will be elected or what direction politics will take, so take care with your data.
Compulsory purchase orders – If you own your property, then
you own it. There is an ill feeling that hits the pit of my stomach when people
are forced to give up their property to the state. There is an underlying idea
in the UK of a great Liberal tradition in the original meaning of the word
(John Locke etc.), an essential part of that is private property and not even
the state is above that philosophy.
“Even better is if you write down where you are now and take a look at it in 6 months, again you will see that the negative changes are from government interference”
Any other thoughts you want to leave us with?
I would like everyone who is reading this to do two things. Think of where you are now, what you are free to do, what money you pay and what you get for it. Then try and think of a year or two years ago and think of what’s changed. I will bet that most of these changes are the result of government action and not for the better. Even better is if you write down where you are now and take a look at it in 6 months, again you will see that the negative changes are from government interference. Something must change, socialism and conservatism have tried and failed, let’s give Libertarianism a shot, the great thing about that is that is it’s not handing someone the reigns and waiting for them to fix it, but genuinely having the reigns given back to you, so the freedom to choose what to do and responsibility of how to act lies with you.