We are joined by Dr Teck Khong, the leader of the Alliance for Democracy & Freedom Party, as we discuss the potential end of the Pandemic and the looming Cost of Living Crisis. We then chat with Teck about his political background, his experience of working as a GP during the pandemic and the Alliance for Democracy & Freedom Party.
Our friends at the Taxpayers’ Alliance have compiled figures for London boroughs’ council tax increases in the last 10 years. This is now being reported in the media and shows a rarity of something that Croydon Council excels at, sadly for the taxpayers of Croydon they excel at taking more of our money.
In the past decade council tax has risen across London from as little as 6.6% in Hammersmith and Fulham, to a whopping 31.1% in Harrow. Where does Croydon fit in all this? Croydon takes up the bronze medal position with a massive 29.3% council tax increase during a decade of low inflation. Most worrying for the people of Croydon the worst could yet be to come. Following de facto bankruptcy we all know council tax is only going one way to pay for the astonishing levels of debt. What does this mean in real terms? The average London Band D council tax is £1.633, Croydon comes in at 5th place across London at £1,888 pounds, some of both the biggest increases and highest payments are the result of years of mismanagement of the borough.
Since the Croydon Constitutionalist started we have reported on the councils wasting of public funds, bumper town hall salaries, councillors feathering their allowance nests, on it’s poor commercial investments and we’ve all seen their ‘grand plans’ lead to the collapse of the town centre as a shopping precinct. Important community amenities such as Purley swimming pool have permanently closed and we see threats to the towns dumps which will only increase fly tipping, already a scourge across the borough.
With elections due again in May and with the knowledge that many of the councils budgets that led up to the imposition of the Section 114 notice were voted for by both Labour and Conservative councillors, Croydonians may look for an alternative as either Mayor or as elected councillors. A good place to start would be the Croydon Constitutionalists hustings on February the 24th. Let’s hope the next decade is better for the people of Croydon, although we already fear council tax is only going one way.
We are joined by Harley Dalton, the new steward of the Independents for Liberty group, as we discuss Freedom Day 2.0 and the impact of the Sue Gray Report into Partygate. We then chat with Harley about his political journey and his ambitions for the Independents for Liberty.
The Croydon Constitutionalists are proud to host a Hustings for the 2022 local elections.
With representatives of liberty loving parties and an independent mayoral candidate, these hustings are an opportunity to meet those promoting real change in local government.
Following the issuing of the Section 114 notice and de facto bankruptcy, Croydon is in desperate need for new ideas. Come and meet those who have them.
Join us from 7pm, on 24th February 2022, at Clyde Hall, Clyde Road, Croydon, CR0 6SZ.
Most Croydon residents will have a memory of the Croydon Park Hotel, for me some its of work dos, a venue for giving blood and some slightly clandestine visits to the hotel bar conveniently situated in central Croydon but somewhere you’d be unlikely to bump into anyone you didn’t want to see. Pictures of the hotel still adorn travel sites, a reminder of what a great asset to the town the hotel was. Of course that was before lockdown and the benevolent hand of Croydon Council.
“sold at a loss of some £5 million. Ironically a loss of this magnitude is pretty small fry compared to the disaster that Croydon Council has been in recent years.”
News came this week that the hotel purchased by the council in 2018 has been sold at a loss of some £5 million. Ironically a loss of this magnitude is pretty small fry compared to the disaster that Croydon Council has been in recent years. The purchase was of course hailed as a great success at the time, the council was borrowing cheap money to make a strategic investment and return revenue to its overall budget. Of course things didn’t workout quite as planned, to quote Croydon council’s internal auditors:
“The investments in The Colonnades and Croydon Park Hotel were not grounded in a sufficient understanding of the retail and leisure market and have again illustrated that the Council’s strategy to invest its way out of financial challenge rather than pay attention to controlling expenditure on core services was inherently flawed.”
It is easy to be clever after the event, who could have known at the time the things would go so badly wrong? Well whilst no one likes a ‘told you so’, we, err, ‘told you so’. Writing about the hotel purchase together with the purchase of the Colonnade shopping centre in March 2019 we were able to point out the council has no expertise in running commercial property, we calculated the investments only needed a 3% downturn in revenue for taxpayers to be burdened with the costs of servicing the debts funding these projects. Indeed the council has now confirmed the hotel itself had a running cost of £610,000 a year without even being used as a hotel.
Who knows what would have happened without the pandemic but this was foreseeable. The council had already undertaken an upgrade to the famous Surrey Street Market at a cost of 1.1 million resulting in a lost of both casual and permanent traders, costing over £91,000 per trader lost.
I’m reminded, as is often the case with our local authority of Ronald Regan’s famous line that “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”.
“it removes the conflict of interest, where the council gives planning permission for, and permits licensing of businesses it’s in competition with”
If any good comes from this aside from removing the ongoing running costs from the council, is that it removes the conflict of interest, where the council gives planning permission for, and permits licensing of businesses it’s in competition with. Let’s hope Croydon Council will now stay out of commerce, and instead focus on just doing its basic job right.
On Saturday 22nd January, the Together Declaration and NHS100K, marched in London against vaccine mandates. There are 100,000 plus health and social care staff in the UK who, it is estimated, will lose their jobs on April 1st 2022. People should be free to take the vaccine or not take the vaccine as they see fit, we should not be coercing people into taking drugs.
With the local elections in May, Maureen will be running in the Lee Green ward in Lewisham.
Maureen thank-you for your time.
“we have a comprehensive manifesto that offers a full programme for Government. The CPA is a growing party and we intend to continue to grow until we are in a position to run the country”
Can you start by introducing yourself and the party to our readers?
I have been a committed Christian for 24 years and an active member of the Christian Peoples Alliance since 2015. Motivated by the desire to see traditional values once again the norm in our nation I joined the CPA to stem the tide of the erosion of Christianity from our culture, in much of which the government has been complicit. I desire to see Christians in all levels of government, but not just individuals scattered amongst the current main stream parties but united under one banner: the Christian Peoples Alliance.
The Christian Peoples Alliance seeks to demonstrate God’s love and God’s holiness and truth in the political world. Our core values are promoting marriage and family stability, upholding the sanctity of life from conception until natural death, supporting persecuted Christians worldwide, caring for the poor and needy and fighting crime. In this way, we believe we are proclaiming the Lordship of Christ.
In addition we have a comprehensive manifesto that offers a full programme for Government. The CPA is a growing party and we intend to continue to grow until we are in a position to run the country. The first step towards this is to have the best manifesto of any political party and we believe this is now in place.
“Most Lewisham residents are trying to figure out how to look after their families in this high inflation economy. Climate change I can assure you is not on the shopping list!”
What do you think are the big issues for the council to tackle in Lewisham?
One of the biggest issues in Lewisham is the housing crisis, and the current Labour council failure to deliver on affordable homes. The current waiting list is 10,000 residents registered with the council, so far Labour have approved a mere 1,000 new homes, a drop in the ocean! The Balfour Gateway Development which commenced in 2013 and is due for completion in 2023 has so far produced zero affordable homes. 362 private rented homes have been delivered with a total of 649 by completion, great deal for Lewisham Council poor deal for Lewisham residents. In addition to which Lewisham’s Labour Council want to become a sanctuary council, to add to the housing crisis. Having an open door policy particularly during the Afghanistan crisis caused by the illegitimate Biden administration in the US. The CPA are all for helping the vulnerable but not at the cost of local residents that have been waiting on the housing list for years only to be unfairly overlooked.
Another issue is the waste of money on the so called climate emergency that does not exist. We should not be spending one penny on reducing carbon emissions. There are enough measures already in place to extract a carbon tax out of motorist: congestion zone for instance and now Ulez. The Mayor Damien Egan has stated that “the climate change emergency is the most serious challenge facing Lewisham”, sounds like a fake news media talking point which has no basis in reality. Most Lewisham residents are trying to figure out how to look after their families in this high inflation economy. Climate change I can assure you is not on the shopping list!
“The CPA’s vision for Lewisham is firstly to have more section 106 agreements with developers that will provide much more affordable homes and wider benefits for Lewisham residents”
More broadly how would the CPA like to see Lewisham change over the coming years?
CPA would like Lewisham residents to be persuaded to look beyond the Labour Party and consider another party hopefully the CPA. Lewisham is considered one of the safest Labour seats in the nation, all of the constituencies in this borough have held by Labour for decades it is time for a change.
The CPA’s vision for Lewisham is firstly to have more section 106 agreements with developers that will provide much more affordable homes and wider benefits for Lewisham residents. Ensuring that homes built are energy efficient. In an area where there are a significant number of empty houses if these cannot be brought back into use we will look at redevelopment to improve and invigorate an area. This will sometimes be painful in the short term but will always have long term benefits. We will also seek to guarantee free emergency night shelters with a free meal for anyone who would otherwise be sleeping rough, with the offer of affordable move-on accommodation and practical help with immediate job seekers allowance and finding work. No one should be left hungry and out in the cold.
We would like to see the 12 billion in benefit cuts delivered by the last Tory government restored, this will be funded by a turnover tax on large corporations such as Facebook, Starbucks and Twitter. This will improve the lives of thousands of Lewisham residents who have been greatly impacted by the poorly implemented universal credit.
We would like to see more devolution or subsidiary where decision making should be give directly to the people at the most local level possible. There is currently too much centralised power which is dangerous and undemocratic.
The CPA would like to strengthen families and marriage in Lewisham, wherever possible we would encourage local authorities to honour Sunday as a day of rest and recreation, make available free of charge counselling and treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, in order to help individuals and families cope with, and overcome, the terrible pressures that come through drug misuse, we would provide more respite centres for families experiencing breakdown and easy access to counselling and training in child rearing free-of-charge to anyone who wants to commit to participating in it. One of the results of strengthening marriage and the family will be less sickness and therefore less pressure on Lewisham’s NHS services. However, the policy of the CPA is to use resources consequently freed up to improve and expand treatment, not just to save money.
The CPA would like to see Lewisham handle waste and recycling more efficiently for instance; recycling and waste processes should always be put out to tender, but local authorities may bid to provide these services. This ensures the greatest efficiency and value for money, encourage research into far greater use of recyclable materials (for example, making roads out of plastic), Consult on ways to encourage creative recycling – particularly with electrical products, appliances and furniture. For instance, charity collection points at recycling centres for books, clothes, and working electrical appliances.
Where councils are responsible for public libraries, we will ensure there is proper and effective discussion and democratic control over groups who are invited to do displays and/or talks there. We consider ‘drag queen story hours’, delivered by men dressed up as women and targeted at very young children, to be completely inappropriate. Only qualified children’s entertainers with age-suitable material should be invited to lead public events for children, not adult entertainers which ‘drag queens’ normally are. If Councils are keen to be “inclusive” then they should include Bible story hours for children. The CPA would oppose Lewisham council funding and support for LGBT Pride marches and events, and oppose the display of associated flags and symbols on public buildings and places. The CPA vision for Lewisham is where its residents can prosper and not be infringed upon by an overbearing intrusive local government.
“I would like to see the Leegate shopping centre in Lee Green finally redeveloped”
What would you like to see the council do for Lee Green ward?
I would like to see the Leegate shopping centre in Lee Green finally redeveloped. This site now owned by Galliard’s is going to be a mix of housing, retail and leisure. This is being held up by local councillors trying to reduce the height of some the blocks and seeking additional funding for more resources.
If people want to get involved how can they help?
Please support me in my ward of Lee Green and go to our website and sign up to get our newsletter and become a supporter or if you wish become a member of the party.
If you want change, vote for change. With local elections across London in May, the Croydon Constitutionalists are proud to host a Hustings for the 2022 local elections.
With representatives of liberty loving parties and an independent mayoral candidate, these hustings are an opportunity to meet those promoting real change in local government.
Following the issuing of the Section 114 notice and de facto bankruptcy, Croydon is in desperate need for new ideas. Come and meet those who have them – If you want change, vote for change.
Join us from 7pm, on 24th February 2022, at Clyde Hall, Clyde Road, Croydon, CR0 6SZ.
The Libertarian Party believes in and promotes the rights of the individual, non–interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism, and limiting the size and scope of government.
Laurence is the London and South East Coordinator for the UK Libertarian Party and has stood in multiple General, European, Welsh Senedd and local elections.