With local elections fast approaching in London, we interview Laurence Williams the SDP candidate for Sidcup Ward the London Borough of Bexley.

“I would like to see our available housing stock properly utilised across Bexley and an end to the scar of foodbanks”
Tell us a bit about yourself and your party?
I have re-joined the SDP as a result of appearing at the Croydon Constitutionalist hustings in February ’22. The SDP are my political awakening Party from 1981, and I should have remained with them through thick and thin. They are enjoying a good resurgence now thanks to the usual LibLabCon hegemony. This is my 10th local election since 1990!

You’re standing in Sidcup Ward in the London Borough of Bexley, can you introduce the ward to us and what you can bring to the area?
I am standing in the LB of Bexley’s Sidcup Ward and hope to bring a bit of ‘Zazz’ to our local politics by breaking the cosy tory family affair here!
More widely what would you like to see change at Bexley council and across the borough?
I would like to see our available housing stock properly utilised across Bexley and an end to the scar of foodbanks and poverty in general!

How can people find out more or get in touch if they want to get involved?
Please get in touch with us at: www.sdp.org.uk