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Sean Finch – Croydon Constitutionalists

End of transition: Brexiteers on Brexit – Part 6

Now we have left the Transition Period we asked Brexiteers if they feel Brexit is now complete, for their hopes and their predictions for the future. 

Part 6 below more (parts 7 and beyond) to follow….. You can also read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5.

“The TCA seems to offer better terms than EFTA/EEA membership, so it may be that more semi-detached countries like Norway, and maybe even non-Eurozone members like Sweden, see it as a better option. The Eurozone part could then integrate further”

Dr Lee Jones reader in International Politics at Queen Mary University of London and co-founder of The Full Brexit.

Did Brexit get done?  We have clawed back a fair degree of sovereignty, but the government’s hands remain tied in important ways. For me, this is a “minimum Brexit”. The Full Brexit’s full analysis of the deal is here:

How do you hope the U.K. will use the new found freedoms?  Two main things. First, we need wholesale reforms to increase democratic control over economic, political and social life. Brexit has exposed the UK constitution as fundamentally broken. Second, we need a proper industrial strategy capable of developing economic sectors fit for the 21st century, de-financialising the economy, and spreading prosperity beyond the Southeast. We will also need to develop a strategy for maximising our room for manoeuvre under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement and for defying it where necessary.

What constitutional reform would you like to see happen next? 

  1. Abolish the House of Lords, the royal prerogative, the monarchy, and the Supreme Court.
  2. Increase the size of the House of Commons to one Member for every 50,000 voters, elect MPs by proportional representation, and permit recall of MPs.
  3. Outlaw corporate donations to political parties and limit the maximum individual donation to £1,000 per annum.
  4. Abolish all restrictions on political speech (except that which directly incites a specific criminal offence).

What do you think is next for the EU?  If the UK makes a real success of Brexit, this will revive desires for leaving the EU, which have dampened during years of stagnation and difficulty. Possibly the “two-speed Europe” we are seeing emerging (between Eurozone/non-Eurozone) could further intensify in a formal bifurcation. The TCA seems to offer better terms than EFTA/EEA membership, so it may be that more semi-detached countries like Norway, and maybe even non-Eurozone members like Sweden, see it as a better option. The Eurozone part could then integrate further. But I also think the fundamental economic contradictions of the Eurozone will persist – it simply doesn’t work as a monetary union without a fiscal union. We’re seeing some efforts to fudge this with some new taxation powers for the Commission and the COVID-19 “fund” (which is really just a permission to rack up national debt). But it doesn’t overcome the basic contradiction, and Germany simply isn’t willing (or really able) to take on the costs and responsibility of centralised fiscal policy for the whole EU. So, all the basic contradictions and tensions will persist, and the EU’s neoliberal constitution will continue to curtail economic growth and exacerbate social inequality. In 20-25 years I doubt the EU as it currently exists will still be around.

“yes. I do, however, really regret the painful unnecessary ‘long and winding road’ we have had to go through but onwards and upwards now!”

James Bradley local Brexit Campaigner.

Did Brexit get done?  Bill Cash believes it truly makes us an independent country and I have trust in him, so yes. I do, however, really regret the painful unnecessary ‘long and winding road’ we have had to go through but onwards and upwards now!

How do you hope the U.K. will use the new found freedoms?  To become the wealthiest, most successful, inventive, happy and free major country in the world.

What constitutional reform would you like to see happen next?  Reverse Tony Blair’s disastrous devolution, reduce MPs to about 200-300 and Lords to have time limited terms, not for life. Lower taxes.

What do you think is next for the EU?  Initial greater centralisation, then resistance from the east and then eventual scaling back of the organisation when the price becomes too high for the Germans to justify, possibly to a level we could have been comfortable with in 2016 (or am I a dreamer?).

“We should trade more with the growing economies, this will allow us reduce costs of basic foodstuffs, and other products for the poorest in our country, and through trade help grow the economies of developing nations spreading wealth and freedom to those most in need across the globe”

Mike Swadling, Referendum Vote Leave Manager for Croydon.

Did Brexit get done?  Yes, take the win.  It’s not perfect, but nothing is.  We have faced a huge fight to ensure our country remains a democracy, after much of the political class, judiciary, and media, lined up to overthrow our vote.  It’s been a hell of a 4 years, but most us would have taken this position 4 years ago, let’s enjoy it now.  My main concern now is over Northern Ireland, and we need to work to ensure that the UK not just GB fully leaves the EU.

How do you hope the U.K. will use the new found freedoms?  On trade, lets use this opportunity to ensure we have the lowest possible tariffs with the developing word.  We should trade more with the growing economies, this will allow us reduce costs of basic foodstuffs, and other products for the poorest in our country, and through trade help grow the economies of developing nations spreading wealth and freedom to those most in need across the globe.

Domestically we should:

  • Undertake a massive set of deregulation to allow jobs to grow.
  • Reduce or remove green taxes to help industry.
  • Start an immediate rollout of free ports
  • Undertake a phased withdrawal of the Common Agricultural Policy subsidies.

What constitutional reform would you like to see happen next?  I’d like to see much more devolution, with powers residing at the most local possible level (when they can’t be held directly by the individual).  We see locally with Labour’s bankrupting of Croydon Council and nationally with the ineffective Scottish and Welsh governments, devolution in this country hasn’t work well.  The reform I’d like to see is tax raising as well as spending powers moved locally.  The authority that has to spend the money should also need to raise it, critically with this change we need to the ability to borrow money for anything but the strictest criteria removed from all except central government.

The Scottish and Welsh governments, and local councils will suddenly be forced into a position of justifying their poor spending decisions no longer able to hide them by taking on debt or by blaming central government for a lack of grants.  In the case of Croydon if the people wanted to buy a hotel or shopping centre the council would need to raise taxes to do so (I suspect that would have stopped these ridiculous schemes).  In the Scotland and Wales the governments would be forced into building more business friendly environments if they wanted to raise the taxes for their spending plans.  We would see governments compete for their tax base, benefiting businesses and us as individuals.

What do you think is next for the EU?  The Euro simply doesn’t work.  Southern European economies locked into the single currency, can’t currently compete with the productivity levels of the a Germany or the BeNeLux countries.  They can’t grow their economy and skills base, in part because they can’t lower the value of their currency to encourage export led growth.  They can’t flout away some their government debt through inflation, to allow the tax burden to be reduced.  Worst of all, their young and least skilled workers don’t have their opportunities for entry level work to gain skills, stopped by mass unemployment and limited opportunities in economies that operate with what is frankly the wrong currency.  I don’t know how or when the Euro will break but it has to, as the breaking of the Euro is the best hope for millions of Europeans and many countries future economic prospects.

“A full written civil liberty focused constitution detailing the individual citizens are sovereign, not Parliament or the Monarch”

Sean Finch former Libertarian Party Parliamentary Candidate.

Did Brexit get done?  No. It was a BRINO. Boris & the Conservative Party were never going to deliver an independent Britain. It would always be skewed where the EU would have more authority in some parts. This is because the Conservatives have always been a pro EU party. Remember, they were the party which entered the ECC in the first place and also the party to sign the Maastricht Treaty creating the EU.

So the logical question to ask is; why would a party which campaigned for years to remain in the EU, has more Remainers MPs & CCHQ officials in it than Leavers (including the current Cabinet), only gave the 2016 Referendum not because out of the kindness of their heart or that the Tories were die-hard Brexiteers but because of pressure from UKIP, ever be trusted to deliver a true Brexit? The logical answer is of course; they can’t be trusted and they won’t deliver it.

How do you hope the U.K. will use the new found freedoms?  They will do nothing. I believe they will at minimal attempt to mirror almost all laws to the EU and at maximum will quietly campaign to re-join the EU, as they are a pro EU party. In fact, it is ironic to think that the old party emblem of the Conservative Party was the liberty torch. It is right they no-longer use it as they as the governing party (as well as with the assistance from all the parliamentary parties) have currently robbed us of our liberties in this current expired pandemic.

What constitutional reform would you like to see happen next?  A full written civil liberty focused constitution detailing the individual citizens are sovereign, not Parliament or the Monarch. Preferably this document will be an updated version of the Bill of Rights 1688/1689.

What do you think is next for the EU?  It’s market and GDP will continue to decline. It will essentially quietly crumble due to mainstream media outlets not properly reporting on it due to political bias.

Back to Part 5 > On to Part 7

Podcast Episode 47 – Sean Finch: BBC Humbug, Green Industrial Revolution & Canada Trade Deal

We are joined by local Libertarian activist Sean Finch, as we discuss BBC Radio 1 banning the Christmas classic Fairytale of New York from their airwaves, Boris’ 10 point Green Revolution and the Canada Continuity Trade Deal. We then chat with Sean about his resignation from the Libertarian Party, his involvement in anti-lockdown protests and his plans for the future.

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ex-NCC joint statement response to Libertarian Party press release

We have been invited to share the following:

ex-NCC joint statement response to Libertarian Party press release


The 8 former NCC members have put together this statement to explain the situation:

In August 2020 we former members of the Libertarian Party UK (LPUK) NCC resigned from the NCC and the Party.

Subsequent to our resignations the LPUK issued a public statement ( which presented grossly false insinuations about the circumstances of our departure. We therefore release this joint statement to address the misinformation presented in the LPUK’s statement, as well as the real reason for each of our eventual resignations from the LPUK NCC at that time.

Regarding the LPUK’s statement, we believe the assertion by the LPUK regarding a slide into populist nationalism is intended to paint a false picture of the circumstances of our resignations. In our view this assertion is not only a deflection from the truth but seeks to deliberately attack the reputations of each of us on false pretences.

In reality, our decisions to resign came in protest of the actions of certain individuals in the NCC at that time who in our opinion sought to target a fellow NCC member, Sean Finch, for removal in an unfair, unreasonable and biased manner that went utterly against core libertarian values which we believed the LPUK ought to uphold – namely, that an individual is considered innocent until proven guilty; that an allegation is not of itself evidence; that due process ought to be carried out in a fair, reasonable and impartial manner; that an investigation ought to be impartial; that decisions should be based on evidence; and that accusers cannot also be ‘judge, jury and executioner’ [the very definition of a ‘kangeroo court’].

Unfortunately such basic expectations were in our opinion rejected by some then on the NCC. Even the investigating officer engaged in behaviour that in our opinion sought to prejudice any forthcoming outcome for Sean Finch, including by publicly posting on Facebook in a manner that could prejudice any future action. A matter which itself is serious.

The former Chairman and others in the NCC sought to apply a fair, reasonable and impartial process in full compliance with the letter of the Party Constitution, and finding there was no evidence presented of conduct that should result in Sean Finch’s removal the then Chairman took no action to do so. The door was left open for any available evidence justifying such an outcome to be provided, but by the time of our resignations none was ever forthcoming.

Subsequently certain of the accusers, instead of providing evidence to support what in our opinion seemed to be their preferred outcome, supported a move to replace the Party Chairman with one of the accusers. At this the Party Chairman resigned believing he had lost the confidence of the NCC. The accusatory faction subsequently succeeded in having their preferred man elected as a temporary Chairman who continued to pursue Sean Finch, in our opinion unfairly, in spite of lack of evidence; in our opinion ignoring the strong likelihood of prejudice introduced into the process by the investigating officer; and by retaining a number of NCC accusers as ‘judge, jury and executioner’.

By the time of our resignations that temporary Chairman had failed, even after several prompts, to bring forward the matter of the Investigating Officer’s potentially prejudicial conduct on Facebook, for any kind of similar scrutiny before the NCC. In our opinion this demonstrated a clear bias and favouritism and suggested that he had no intention of challenging this conduct for which there is clear evidence, while being determined to pursue Sean Finch while lacking evidence.

We came to see the situation as follows: that an individual might join the LPUK, become an activist and candidate, commit resources, miles and a great many hours in campaigning in the Party’s name, and yet still be pursued with the intent to remove, unfairly, without justifying evidence, on the say so of a vocal few, a number of whom have demonstrated nowhere near such commitment. Not wishing to lend even tacit support to the LPUK while individuals pursuing what in our opinion was an unfair, unreasonable and biased approach sat in power over others, and being unwilling to lend our good names to what in our opinion was a corrupt vendetta by some in the NCC against Sean Finch without evidence to justify it, we each resigned as we each found the situation irreconcilable.

Based on this it is our opinion that any effort invested in the LPUK is effort that could be ultimately wasted. We therefore hold the opinion that the cause of libertarianism is best served elsewhere.

We hope that those who have been questioning the reasons for our resignations will now be more informed of our reasons. We note that were it not for the statement released by the LPUK we would not be having to set the record straight with this response of our own.

Having each made our own choices to resign based on the reasons given we harbour no ill will towards the membership of the LPUK and wish success to all individuals seeking to promote the cause of liberty. We do not believe any one individual or organisation has a monopoly on liberty and will be promoting libertarianism via other, we hope more fruitful, and in our opinion more libertarian means.


Podcast Episode 20 – The Future of Freedom & “Liberalism” in the UK

We are joined once again by Sean Finch of the Libertarian Party and Hoong-Wai Cheah of UKIP to discuss the future of democracy & freedom in the UK, Progressive Liberalism vs Classical Liberalism and how we can fight back against the woke culture so prevalent in parts of our society today.




Podcast Episode 11 – Freedom of Speech…Just Watch What You Say

In this episode we bring you the speeches from our recent event held at The Green Dragon in Croydon, Our speakers on the night were:

  • Harry Fone – Taxpayers Alliance
  • Sean Finch – Libertarian Party
  • Izzy Montague – Croydon Mother
  • David Kurten – GLA Member

More on the participants available here and photos from the night.

Podcast available on:

Freedom of speech…. just watch what you say… – Live event 18th September Croydon

The Croydon Constitutionalists are delighted to announce that the Brexit Alliance London Assembly Member David Kurten, Harry Fone Grassroots Campaign Manager for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, Izzy Montague a Croydon mum and Christian who challenged a local school over forced ‘pride’ celebration and Sean Finch Libertarian Party candidate in the Lewisham East by-election, will be speaking at our live event in Croydon on the 18th September.

‘Freedom of speech…. just watch what you say…’ will be a series of speeches from free speech advocates followed by a Q&A. 

Our freedom of speech is being eroded by both government and private institutions, come and support this event and our fundamental freedom!

Further guest to be announced soon.  Put the 18th September in your diary.

The event will be held upstairs at the Green Dragon, 60 High St, Croydon CR0 1NA from 7pm.

David Kurten
Harry Fone
Sean Finch
Izzy Montague

You can just turn up on the night or book via

Interview with the Libertarian Party’s Sean Finch

It is we great pleasure we interviewed the Libertarian Party’s Sean Finch.

Sean is an avid free-speech advocate and was the party’s candidate in the Lewisham East By-Election.  Sean also took part in our Debate for Democracy in April, and represents a party that stands for lower taxes for both individuals and companies, small government, free speech and individual responsibility. They support a withdrawal from the European Union and a return to the free trade agreements that it was founded on.

Sean thank-you for the interview.

What got you into politics?

I’ve always had a passing interest in politics. When in school, my favourite subjects were History and Business Studies. Then once in sixth form college, I continued to study History but also Government & Politics, and Law. However, I never once imagined, nor desired, to ever become a political candidate or even involve myself in any political party. There was even some period of my life where I was apolitical and would only vote if convenient. My only ambition was to own a pub, be a firefighter and have a family, never did I want to be actively political. It’s seeing how morally degenerating society has become, I see it as a civil duty to attempt to change this declining society.

It truly wasn’t until the day after the 2016 Referendum when I recalled the reaction and appalling behaviour displayed by Remain voters. I was shocked by the result myself but being a believer in democratic results, I respected the decision. Little did I know, this would be the start of a political journey and begun my departure from left wing politics.

“It is a bitter irony to think that those mentioned party supporters are all for diversity, unless it’s the nuance of diversity of thought and critical thinking”

When discussing with friends who I believed like me respected democracy, I was bewildered by their refusal to accept the reality of the result. These Individuals being supporters of parties such as LibDems, Greens and Labour, parties which I had once supported and claim to apparently be for democracy, did not accept reality. The referendum revealed those who believe in liberty & democracy, and those who do not. This was a sobering moment, and due to my natural mind set to respect the electorate, I was ostracised from many circle of friends. It is a bitter irony to think that those mentioned party supporters are all for diversity, unless it’s the nuance of diversity of thought and critical thinking.

What campaigns have you been involved in?

At this time, I have personally been a candidate in 3 election campaigns, but have also assisted in other election campaigns. My first ever experience at canvassing was for a former friend in 2008 in East Dulwich for local councillor for the Liberal Democrats, by which she was successful elected.

Two years after the 2016 Referendum, I finally had enough of the current establishment political class; those in Westminster, Whitehall, mainstream media, as well as those in the EU, undermining the biggest democratic action in UK history. I reluctantly involved myself in the cesspool of active politics. I began to try find a political party to call home, as since 2016 had become absolutely apolitical due to Parliament unwilling to implement Brexit and listen to the public. In my mind, what was the point of ever voting again? I started to seek a party which would represent a majority of my personal values. If I could not find one, I would create my own. Eventually, after a long search of most the English parties, I found the Libertarian Party. I didn’t really know what libertarianism was at the time, apart recalling reading a very short (and I believe purposely) vague paragraph from my Government & Politics exercise book. Having read the Parties policies, constitution and researching online the party and ideology, I signed up and haven’t looked back since. My first personal campaign was for councillor in the London Local Elections 2018 in an Orpington ward (Cray Valley West) where I had almost no idea what to do. I knew I was not going to win, due to both being inexperienced, and introducing a new party to the area. Although I had a secret aim to gain 100 votes, but gained 60.

My next election test was immediately after the London Local Elections, where I was suddenly entered into a Parliamentary by-election for Lewisham East constituency. Having been born & raised in Lewisham, I knew the people and area very well. In a borough which is still to this day totally dominated by Labour (every Cllr, both MPs, an Executive mayor, and the Mayor of London all Labour), libertarianism was not going to gain any traction. However, it would still be an opportunity to gain publicity for Libertarian Party and build experience and my profile. This by-election was again a sobering moment and felt odd on just how intolerant (mostly) left wing parties are towards a party which seeks personal liberty & freedom via less State control and less taxation. In the past, this type of thinking was seen as basic principal for liberal thinking, but apparently no longer.

The last election I was in was the recent Kent Local Elections, where having now some reasonably experience, gained 7% of the vote. Taken, I believe, mostly from the Conservative vote share. Immediately after, many Tories attempted to recruit me, but I continuously refused. In my town I have now effectively become a one man pressure group to the highly dominate Conservative council.

What do you think is next for Brexit?

In my opinion, Brexit has already occurred. We left on 29th March 2019. There has been no repeal to the Withdrawal Act, a new Act of Parliament to countermand the Withdrawal Act, or any EU law to supersede the Withdrawal Act. Yet Parliament have not acknowledged this reality. Brexit is now beyond simply leaving the EU. It is about both our democracy and has highlighted we have a constitutional crisis, and in fact have very little protection from the State. As pessimistic as it may sound, this is actually another positive of referendums. The Magna Carta guaranteed we would have a representative democracy in exchange to end the chaos of the English Civil War, and this has been the case for hundreds of years up until 2016. By Parliament ignoring the Referendum result, it has broken this sacred contract. Now our uncodified UK constitution is as follows: “Parliament is sovereign”. In other words; Parliament can do as it likes, even to ignore the Rule of Law.

I believe the question isn’t when is Brexit, as it’s already occurred, but when will it be acknowledged and when will Westminster, Whitehall and the EU concede defeat. If these two points are not recognised by 31st October, sweeping changes will occur throughout the nation via the vehicle of the Brexit Party. Ironically, for these London institutions to hold onto power, it would be far wiser to respect the 2016 result and leave the EU, then campaign to re-join after, than to force a re-do of 2016 and therefore risk massive change.

Photo source

“had fittingly given a speech on how our civil liberties such as freedom of speech are being slowly eroded, the police closed the event due to the chaotic appalling behaviour from protesters. My point was vindicated”

Any interesting or fun stories from the campaign trail?

The obvious story to stand out was the Lewisham East by-election 2018. I was born & raised in Lewisham nearly all my life but never consciously realised the corruption on my former doorstep. What was revealing was the almost never-ending scandal of the entire campaign from Labour. Labour candidates were caught up with old anti-Semitic quotes, sexist discrimination against men in their selection process (Joe Droby), and being seen with controversial individuals. However, the most noted scandal was during the one and only hustings held in Catford. Anne-Marie Waters of the For Britain Party was also standing, which gave the Labour controlled group “Stand Up To Racism” an excuse to be violent towards ANY candidate or member of the public who was not a Labour supporter, despite Waters not even attending the hustings. The eventual Labour candidate (Janet Daby) chose not to show in solidarity against Waters, which to me showed she could not debate and I questioned therefore how effective she could possibly be to the people of Lewisham East as an MP if she would not talk with someone simply because of a person’s differing views. The Green and Conservative party candidates also didn’t attend. When I arrived outside the event, a gauntlet of hate was awaiting in the alleyway entrance to the building. Labour supporters (which is well documented) were extremely aggressive towards all people (candidate or public) who wanted to attend the hustings debate, using violence and intimidation. It’s ironic to think that the very reason why these Labour supporters were protesting; to stop the supposedly fascist For Britain Party candidate Ann-Marie Waters (who herself didn’t even attend in fear of safety) used fascistic tactics to close a liberal democratic debate. Fortunately, the UKIP candidate Dave Kurten coincidentally arrived with me, a very tall individual, so unintentionally acted as a shield to deflect any drinks or spit. Once I had managed to enter the building via the gauntlet, which had a familiar connection to 1984’s “two minutes of hate” (but only longer), I had fittingly given a speech on how our civil liberties such as freedom of speech are being slowly eroded, the police closed the event due to the chaotic appalling behaviour from protesters. My point was vindicated.

I suggested to the remaining candidates to continue the hustings in the nearby Whetherspoons pub in order for the public to ask us questions, but only myself, Democrats & Veterans, UKIP and the Monster Raving Loony candidates joined. On a side note, Howling Laud Hope (leader of Monster Raving Loony Party), despite the appearance, is one of the wisest men I’ve ever met and was a great pleasure to hang around.

Despite of these events, the Labour candidate still won the seat with minimal effort. This again highlights just how broken our First Past the Post (FPTP) system is. Although some would say it still accounts for individualism of the candidate (which I do slightly agree) unlike Proportional Representation where you are voting for the party, this example alone defeats the argument. Labour went through 2 other candidates caught up in scandal before choosing Daby.  With FPTP, you are still always voting for party brand like PR, not on Individualism.

What surprised you most about getting actively involved in politics?

The broken degenerating society we currently live in. The polarisation of friends. Friends whom I had even helped to become elected. I, even now, have always been welcoming & respectful of people’s opinions. I naturally assumed so was everyone else, bit this is not the case. I always knew not everyone would share the same views, that’s life. However, when I told some friends (LibDems, Greens, Labour) I had joined a very little known party which wasn’t mainstream, they’re was banishment despite years of friendships.

If you introduce or repeal 3 laws (other than for Brexit) what would they be?

Almost every tax law.

I would advocate for an amendment on how the NHS is managed. In my opinion, you cannot save the NHS by throwing money at it. I believe it is a management in people in usage. I would instead give a choice to those who wish to opt-out of the NHS in order to relieve the demand for it.

Repeal the Terrorism Act. The State have been using this act to detain obvious non-terrorist suspects due to being an inconvenience to the State, therefore denying individuals to their natural rights. This has always been a worry when passing an act such as this one.

Amend gun laws to allow pepper spray to be legal. Especially so women can use it to at least defend themselves due to our ever growing crime rate.

“There is a nobility in just knowing that by planting the seed, although you may never see the tree, there is joy in knowing future generations will hopefully enjoy its fruits”

What do you see as your parties route to electoral success?

I’ve never had any illusions that there will be Libertarian Party MPs under FPTP. At least, not for a very long time. Perhaps there is chance of Cllrs (which we have had) in some rare circumstances, but as mentioned above; even in Local Elections, people mostly vote based on party brand label. This can be seen in my recent local election campaign where despite me being the only person to canvass and speak in pubs, I did achieve 7% of vote but no seat.  The same parties were voted in. Instead I’ve always seen the Libertarian Party as a pressure group to not just the Tories but to all parties, to return to our basic civil liberties and economic freedoms. Too long has the State stepped over its boundaries, and yet because some of us have always known this to be the norm within our lifetimes, it is actually abnormal in the greater scheme of time. The State should not be involving itself in our everyday lives. I see the party as an obvious vehicle to spread the ideology of libertarianism. When I was studying Government & Politics, libertarianism was but a footnote, it simply isn’t discussed. Across the pond in the USA, libertarianism is a household name due to the efforts from individuals such as Ron and Rand Paul. The ever-growing US Libertarian Party is now the 3rd biggest party. This is where I want to see the UK Libertarian Party but further. There is a nobility in just knowing that by planting the seed, although you may never see the tree, there is joy in knowing future generations will hopefully enjoy its fruits.

Any other thoughts you want to leave us with?

I already taken too much time!

Are referendums and direct democracy a positive? Yes. Not only do they bypass the now broken, slow and often corrupt system of representatives, but they truly do expose those who have nefarious ambitions, versus the selfless who want a better world. Although the establishment; legacy media, academia and Parliament have successfully dirtied the words “liberal”, “conservative” and even “Brexit”, do not let them dirty the word “referendum” and “democracy”. The 2016 Ref has exposed many negative aspects within our society, exposed the bitter reality of how our representatives do not represent us and revealed their true colours, and exposed just how unconstitutional Parliament is by defying the Rule of Law. The answer is not less referendums/direct democracy but more, and allow us as individuals to take our nation into prosperity and have personal stake in how our society operates via individual liberty. Don’t let government do it for you, do it for yourself. As Ronald Reagan said: “Government is not the solution to your problems, government IS the problem.”

Sean is on Facebook, and Twitter.  London Libertarians can be found at

Grassroots democracy in Croydon

Grassroots democracy was in action in Croydon on Thursday 18th April, when the Croydon Constitutionalists held their inaugural Debate for Democracy.  Five democracy honouring pro-Brexit parties spoke and took place in a debate at the Green Dragon on Croydon high street.

Unlike so many in Westminster all parties agree on honouring the biggest vote in British history and the evening focused on a post-Brexit Britain.  Questions covered a wide range of topics from knife crime, where a number of participants spoke about the need to rebuild families, alongside tough sentences.  Chris Mendes the former Vote Leave lead in Croydon South and now Foundation Party Leader quoted a recent case where someone caught with a assortment of knives on them, was given just a four month suspended sentence.

Chris Mendes

Parties policies on the Customs Union was an area of agreement with all saying they wanted to leave it, and move to WTO terms.  In the event us being caught in the Backstop, Richard Plackett who in 2002 stood for Labour in Shirley and is now the SDP London and South East Regional Organiser, suggested they would want to give notice to leave and use the Vienna Convention to ensure we did.

Direct verses Representative democracy was a reoccurring theme, Neville Watson the Democrats and Veterans Party Spokesman for Cities, Urban Communities & Sport, and Sean Finch Libertarian Party candidate in the Lewisham East By Election speaking in favour of a Swiss style model.  UKIP Croydon Chair Hoong Wai Cheah, who stood in Lewisham West in the 2017 general election and Old Coulsdon in last years local elections, spoke about UKIP retaining its deposit in the Newport by-election and how we need to move to a Proportional Representation system for elections.

Neville Watson and Hoong Wai Cheah

In a change from the tribal nature of so much of politics the representatives and their supporters stayed behind to enjoy a drink and swap stories from many campaign trails.  With the current two party system broken these parties showed how the future of politics can be different.

Audio from the night available on YouTube at:


Panel Part 1

Panel Part 2

Richard Plackett
Sean Finch
Panel with Chair Dan Heaton

Press Release – Debate for Democracy

The Croydon Constitutionalists are hosting a ‘Debate for Democracy’ of democracy honouring pro-Brexit parties in April. Representatives of the Democrats and Veterans Party, Foundation Party, Libertarian Party, SDP and UK Independence Party, will be setting out their agenda for a democratic Britain and taking part in the panel debate.

The debate will be held upstairs at the Green Dragon, 60 High St, Croydon CR0 1NA from 7pm on the 18th April 2019. All parties are pro-Brexit and honouring the biggest vote in British history. Each speaker will be given 5 minutes to talk about their party and plans for Britain free from the EU.

Democrats and Veterans Party – Neville Watson

Party spokesman for Cities, Urban Communities & Sport, Neville has been actively involved as a social / community activist for over 30 years, often fighting against the odds for social justice and equality. The party fights to ensure that the government serve the interests of the people ahead of special and foreign interests; and for the sovereign will of the British people to be asserted on our servants in Parliament – by campaigning for Direct Democracy.

Foundation Party – Chris Mendes

Party Leader Chris has declared the major political parties not fit for purpose, the country is desperately missing a party, one that is more patriotic and genuinely at the service of ordinary people rather than themselves. Chris was the Vote Leave lead in Croydon South during the referendum. The Foundation Party is a long-term project for building a serious platform for clear patriotic principles for like-minded individuals who believe that our country can do so much better.

Libertarian Party – Sean Finch

Libertarian party candidate in the Lewisham East By Election, Sean is an avid free-speech advocate. The party stands for lower taxes for both individuals and companies, small government, free speech and individual responsibility. They support free trade and free enterprise whilst believing that people should make their own choices and not rely on the government. They support a withdrawal from the European Union and a return to the free trade agreements that it was founded on.

SDP – Richard Plackett

Richard is the London and South East Regional Organiser for the Social Democratic Party. The SDP represents the radical centre of British politics today, defining the limits of the market and the state and harnessing both to rebuild Britain. The Party aims to provide a political home to all social democrats who seek a stronger and more capable state along with greater individual responsibility, trust and social solidarity.

UKIP – Hoong Wai Cheah

UKIP Croydon Chair Hoong Wai has stood in Coulsdon for recent council elections and Lewisham West in the 2017 general election. UKIP is a Party that represents freedom, freedom from the European Union, freedom from political correctness and Cultural Marxism, freedom of speech, and freedom to be proud to be British. UKIP’s mission is to show the way forward for Britain as an independent, self-governing, democratic nation. They want trade, friendship and co-operation with the world.

This is a great chance to see local representatives of parties that are growing as people are increasingly dissatisfied with the discredited politics of those in Westminster.