
Dickie Fletcher, SDP candidate for Macclesfield

Dickie Fletcher is the SDP prospective candidate for Macclesfield.  We spoke with Dickie about his decision to stand.

“The experience of trying to build and sustain businesses over the last 30 years, through the 2008 financial crisis, the covid lockdowns and myriad ups and downs in between, has sharpened my thoughts on how badly we have been led by politicians”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am the owner of a small business which is based in Manchester and serves the music industry with equipment hire and technical services. I have run my own businesses since graduating from Manchester University with a Psychology degree in 1994. I now live with my wife, cat & dog, in Bollington, having recently moved out of the city.

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

I have been politically engaged all my life, from a childhood growing up in Sheffield during the hothouse of the Miners’ strike and the upheaval that Thatcherite policies brought to the North. I was also very influenced by my Great Uncle, Eric Fletcher, who was a Labour MP for 25 years following the war. With parents who were a teacher and an academic, there was always stimulating debate in the house growing up.

Following the sheltered atmosphere of university, it was somewhat a baptism of fire to go straight into setting up a business in Ancoats, Manchester, which in the 1990s was still a tough place to be. The experience of trying to build and sustain businesses over the last 30 years, through the 2008 financial crisis, the covid lockdowns and myriad ups and downs in between, has sharpened my thoughts on how badly we have been led by politicians for so many years.

“I then felt I should do whatever I could to aid the effort to change things. We will not get change from the “uniparty” of Lab/Con/Lib”

I picked up the SDP’s New Declaration last year and immediately found a political home where I could see there were like-minded people. Having seen William Clouston, the party leader, speak at the party conference last October, I was very impressed with his depth of thought and commitment to building a real party of change for the UK. I then felt I should do whatever I could to aid the effort to change things. We will not get change from the “uniparty” of Lab/Con/Lib.

You’re the Spokesman for Macclesfield. What’s made you decide to represent this area?

I am a keen cyclist, and the Cheshire edge of the Peak District has always been a favourite place for rides out from the urban jungle. As I have cycled through it, it became a place I have wanted to live. I am fortunate that it is now my home, hopefully for many years.  I am representing the SDP in this, my home constituency.

“we need to preserve our national democratic accountability to our citizens and reject the failed neo-liberal globalist project”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

I have only been here a short while, so I am very much looking forward to learning about the concerns of Macclesfield’s residents and the people living in the surrounding towns and villages. I suspect that the cost of living pressures, housing for young people and the over stretched health & social care services will be at the forefront of people’s minds.

I think the concerns nationally will be reflected locally also and I am keen to focus on the failures of the economic model over the past 30 plus years, that all the main parties have followed. This is the root cause of all the problems from immigration, to lack of affordable housing and the decline of our industries.

Importantly, we need to preserve our national democratic accountability to our citizens and reject the failed neo-liberal globalist project that has based growth on debt and cheap immigration, at the expense of our manufacturing and industrial base.

For those eager to help, how can the get involved in the campaign?

You can find out more about the SDP at

People can find me at:

[email protected]

Or on X – @sdpdickie

Why Free Speech Matters – Interview and Q&A with Dr Jan Macvarish of the Free Speech Union. 

Join us for a live interview and Q&A with Dr Jan Macvarish of the Free Speech Union on Wednesday 20th March at 7pm.

Dr Macvarish is a researcher, writer and lecturer, and sociologist with a strong interest in family life.  She has conducted research into contemporary single living, teenage pregnancy, and parenthood.  She also stands for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, the reinvigoration of public life and protection of private life and is the Education and Events Director of the Free Speech Union.

You can follow her on Twitter and find out more at

The Free Speech Union is a non-partisan, mass membership public interest body that stands up for the speech rights of its members and campaigns for free speech more widely.  Find out more at

Upstairs, Whispers,
5 High St,

Part of our #ThirdWednesday drinks and events, we hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club, and POLITICS in PUBS a group of people from across the political spectrum who value the freedom to question and to speak openly.

Join us Upstairs, Whispers, 5 High St, Purley CR8 2AF on Wednesday 20th March, from 7pm.


You can also find details at Why does free speech matter? – POLITICS in PUBS

Paul Murphy, SDP candidate for Runcorn & Helsby

Paul Murphy is the SDP prospective candidate for Runcorn & Helsby.  We spoke with Paul about his decision to stand.

“I knew very little of the SDP when I first started researching, but quickly became enamoured with their common-sense policies”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m a 40-year-old IT consultant, originally from Yorkshire I now live in Cheshire with my wife, 5 year old daughter and 2 dogs. I’ve always had a keen interest in politics and will often bore anyone who will listen as I debate some particular policy.

I’ve previously been a paid up member of both the Labour and Conservative party – but found that neither of these truly represented my own beliefs.

“I put my name forward as I believe people should have the choice to vote SDP”

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

Following my split with the Conservative party I was looking for a new political home. Like I guess many of your readers I knew very little of the SDP when I first started researching, but quickly became enamoured with their common-sense policies. Shortly after joining a call was put out for people to stand and I put my name forward as I believe people should have the choice to vote SDP.

“A political elite who looks down at them and refuse the introduce the policies that they want, an obsession on woke and thought policing while actual crimes go unpunished”

You’re the Spokesman for Runcorn & Helsby what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I live in the constituency and see day to day how the policies of the government have a negative effect on the constituents.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

I’d say they have the same problems as the rest of the country. A political elite who looks down at them and refuse the introduce the policies that they want, an obsession on woke and thought policing while actual crimes go unpunished and a breakdown of social cohesion that uncontrolled immigration has brought about.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign? You can find out more about the SDP at You can contact me by email at [email protected].

Hamish Haddow, Reform UK candidate for Chipping Barnet

Hamish Haddow is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Chipping Barnet.  We spoke with Hamish about his decision to stand.

“My personal vision is, when I leave this mortal coil, to have left this country in a better state than when my grandparents left it”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am Hamish Haddow, Reform Party Spokesman for the Chipping Barnet Constituency.  Having been brought up in Kent, I have also had the privilege in living in both South Africa & Zimbabwe. After doing a Business Degree, I have been in IT Management for thirty years with industry qualifications.  I live in Hertfordshire, near to Chipping Barnet, with my wife. I have three children.  I am very active in the local community and a member of the local Rugby club, PCC, and other charity work.

My personal vision is, when I leave this mortal coil, to have left this country in a better state than when my grandparents left it. 

“Migration is out of control, RNLI working as a taxi service for illegal immigrants. Reckless spending and not on the British residents. Retired Servicemen sleeping on the streets”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

My father was a Conservative Councillor for Holborn and my family have always supported the Tories, as I have done in the past.  However, I feel betrayed.  They do not represent my Patriotic and Conservative values anymore, having made our Great Britain worse than when they got into power, 13 years ago.  Migration is out of control, RNLI working as a taxi service for illegal immigrants. Reckless spending and not on the British residents. Retired Servicemen sleeping on the streets, whilst illegal asylum seekers are placed in 4-star hotels.  British History is still not being taught in schools, but rather LGBT rhetoric and other nonsense.  My father is turning in his grave.

You’re the Spokesman for Chipping Barnet what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I used to work for the Barnet Council and know Barnet very well, living close by.  My grandparents used to live in Barnet, before moving to Kent.  I love the high street and iconic St John’s and Hadley common with St Mary’s.  People have a lot to be proud of.

“Working for the council I saw the waste that councils spend money on and whilst Barnet is not as bad as others, there is no accountability when they ask for a bail out”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Barnet has the worse potholes on record in the country.  The Mayors thieving fingers are taking out of the pockets of every Londoner, most especially now with ULEZ.  Working for the council I saw the waste that councils spend money on and whilst Barnet is not as bad as others, there is no accountability when they ask for a bail out.  Antisemitism is out of control in London and this needs to end.  Enough is Enough of woke police and teachers. Enough is Enough of migration destroying our beautiful country and taking away housing and opportunities from Londoners.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

We are slowly building up a fantastic team of Volunteers in Chipping Barnet and we need more help to get out there and speak to all our residents. Anyone interested in getting involved can contact me on [email protected]

We are very active on Twitter @rukchipbarnet.  We have setup a Just Giving page to help with producing flyers and banners etc.

You can also find out more about Reform at

Thomas Mallon, Reform UK candidate for Chatham and Aylesford

Thomas Mallon is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Chatham and Aylesford.  We spoke with Thomas about his decision to stand.

“I believe in fairness in society and in the power of people governance and free speech”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I have lived and worked in and around the Kent area for over 28 years, firstly in Building Construction and housing, before moving into Warehouse and Logistic Management. During that time, I met and married my Wife, who is from a loving and caring Chatham family.

I have an NVQ in Political Modern Studies and have been interested in Politics and how it can, and should work for the people, for most of my life. As I believe in fairness in society and in the power of people governance and free speech.

Therefore, I would be honoured to represent the people of Chatham and Aylesford constituency. To help make the constituency a safer place to live, and bring about the changes and reforms the area needs to make the area, Medway, Kent, and Great Britain great again.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I have put myself forward to stand for the Reform Party as we are the only party willing to listen to the people, and to put forward common sense policies on making Britain great again, by putting money back into people’s pockets by cutting taxes on incomes and at the same time have a plan for growth, growing the police force with more bobbies on the beat, reforming the NHS for the better and making fuel bills cheaper.

“I have seen the outcome of over 20 years of the failure by Labour and the Conservatives to protect people, property and small businesses in the area”

You’re the Spokesman for Chatham and Aylesford what’s made you decide to represent this area?

My Wife and all her family are from Chatham, and after living and working in the Kent area for 28 years I have seen the outcome of over 20 years of the failure by Labour and the Conservatives to protect people, property and small businesses in the area. We can reform Chatham and the surrounding areas to be safer places to live and work.

“A lot of the problems facing the area are safety, high bills, high rents, NHS waiting lists”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

A lot of the problems facing the area are safety, high bills, high rents, NHS waiting lists, finding a Dentist, homelessness, adequate housing for families and road infrastructures. All this needs to be addressed, I will look into all of them.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Anyone can get involved with helping out in any matter of ways, by either becoming a full member at or help out by assisting with posting leaflets, street stalls and word of mouth, you can also find out about events and meetings by following us on these platforms. 

Email: [email protected]
Twitter (X): @ReformChatham
Facebook: Reform UK – Chatham and Aylesford
Instagram: reformukchatham
Go Fund Me:

Tim O’Rourke, SDP candidate for Hazel Grove

Tim O’Rourke is the SDP prospective candidate for Hazel Grove, Greater Manchester.  We spoke with Tim about his decision to stand.

“I had always voted Labour, but I increasingly felt they were losing sight of what was really important to people and were becoming increasingly ideologically captured”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a former Electrical Engineer and Project Manager and spent half of my career in the private sector (Power and Rail projects) and the other half in (effectively) the public sector (Nuclear).  I have studied Martial Arts for over 50 years and hold the rank of 5th Dan.  I am also a keen musician and have played guitar in a band for over 30 years.   I retired about 5 years ago and started becoming interested in politics and the way it seemed to be becoming more distant from the views and needs of ordinary members of our society.  I had always voted Labour, but I increasingly felt they were losing sight of what was really important to people and were becoming increasingly ideologically captured. 

“I had also directly seen the effects of deindustrialisation which is what happens when you don’t care where you source goods from”

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

Back in 1981 my dad had also become disillusioned with the Labour Party and joined the original SDP and became involved in Shirley Williams’s Crosby campaign.

Like most people I did not know that the SDP had survived the 80s until I saw something from Ben Cobley referring to them.  I followed it up and was immediately hooked by the SDP’s New Declaration.  It was for me the ideal mix of left wing economics combined with a great respect for pride in our country and the need for a strong sovereign state and control of our borders and where the laws that govern us are made by people we can ultimately remove at the ballot box should we need to.  I had also directly seen the effects of deindustrialisation which is what happens when you don’t care where you source goods from as long as you get the cheapest price. 

I took over as Chair of the North West Branch of the SDP at the beginning of 2023

You’re the Spokesman for Hazel Grove what’s made you decide to represent this area?

Hazel Grove is close to where I live, and I have many friends there and have spent a lot of time in the constituency.

As Chair of the North West Region we are trying to cover as many constituencies as we can as our main problem is exposure.  We find that once people know about us and our policies, they are usually enthusiastic   The North West region runs from Carlisle down to Chester and from the Wirral to Glossop so it’s a big area.  Although I live in the Macclesfield constituency we had another excellent candidate in that area and, knowing Hazel Grove well I elected to stand there.

“We see increasingly that police resources are diverted into into activities which don’t reduce crime and with more sympathy being given for those that carry out crime than are victims of it”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

I think the main issues for the constituency are similar to those nationally.  We see increasingly that police resources are diverted into into activities which don’t reduce crime and with more sympathy being given for those that carry out crime than are victims of it.  We seem to be becoming more tolerant of Anti social behaviour and the real reasons for the breakdown of social cohesion appear not to fit with the current “liberal” mindset and are therefore ignored.

I believe when Hazel Grove constituents look at the SDPs policies they will resonate with them and realise that something must be done to break the endless cycle of Labour/Conservative neither of which achieve any real change for them.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?
You can find out more about the SDP at You can contact me by email at [email protected] and follow me on Twitter @Iskimore199546.

You can also read about Tim in the Stockport Nub News at

William Fotheringham-Bray, Reform UK candidate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey

William Fotheringham-Bray is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey.  We spoke with William about his decision to stand.

“I am a strong advocate for the concept of individual liberties such as the freedom of speech, the rights to own property, and the right to a fair trial”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 23-year-old, fresh out of university, man working within my local communities here in Sittingbourne and Sheppey. I studied film at University and am now focusing on my independent film projects, my day-to day work, and providing a voluntary service for the local libraries whenever I can. I was too young to vote for Brexit but I would have most certainly have done so and I would do again! Unlike what keyboard warriors would have you believe, I am a strong advocate for the concept of individual liberties such as the freedom of speech, the rights to own property, and the right to a fair trial. My personal key political aspirations is the lowering of income tax, bringing down immigration figures, and the abolition of the undemocratic First-Past-the-Post voting system. That doesn’t sound far-right to me!

“I took the pledge to stand for Reform UK because I was betrayed! Boris Johnson failed to make the most of the Brexit opportunities we were given. On top of this, we shattered our economy by locking the nation down”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I took the pledge to stand for Reform UK because I was betrayed! Boris Johnson failed to make the most of the Brexit opportunities we were given. On top of this, we shattered our economy by locking the nation down which only saw mega-corporations make a decent profit whilst small to medium businesses were decimated. Then there’s the spending, end money pits of spending that haven’t improved the British standard of living in the slightest! The wasteful HS2 project, funding the endless suffering and conflict in Ukraine, and simply throwing BILLIONS away to nations that do not need our aid (India). I became politically homeless, until I discovered Reform UK in my last year of uni. I did my research, make some calls, and then decided that I wanted to be a part of of a REAL conservative party, something new, something filled with ordinary working to middle class people. I’ve stood for Reform in the 2023 local elections as well as a by-election, and I have every intention to fight against the Tories in my home constituency.

You’re the Spokesman for Sittingbourne and Sheppey what’s made you decide to represent this area?

Apart from my time away at university, I have known no other home then Sittingbourne and Sheppey. I live on both the Isle of Sheppey and Sittingbourne and have come to love the familiar highstreets, as well as seeing my home constituency develop and grow its amenities and local businesses. During COVID, the high street took a beating, but thankfully it still has that familiar feeling for me. In addition to this, the farming sector here is strong, and with food security becoming an every more prevalent problem, I would look to bolster the farming industry here as much as I can.     

“I would tackle head on the net zero lunacy that threatens our farmers from axing carbon taxes to making it easier to obtain licenses to remove badgers from infecting livestock with TB”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Being a Kent constituency, the issue of illegal immigration is a constant reminder. I’ve had calls from concerned citizens from neighbouring Faversham about illegal migrants being dropped into local communities without informing or having the consent of the locals. Under Reform UK, I would do my all to ensure that NO illegal migrants are settled in Sittingbourne or Sheppey. Another key focus, as mentioned prior, is the farming sector. Both me and Reform UK know that without Farmers, there is no food, and the growing globalist agenda is that of war against farmers. We’ve seen it in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and practically the entire EU. Under Reform UK administration, I would see to it at our British farmers are not driven out of their own markets by cheap imported food, and I would tackle head on the net zero lunacy that threatens our farmers from axing carbon taxes to making it easier to obtain licenses to remove badgers from infecting livestock with TB.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

You can find out more about Reform at  My Twitter account is @WillReformUK. For anyone eager to help in my campaign, please email [email protected]

Richard Barker, Reform UK candidate for Woking

Richard Barker is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Woking.  We spoke with Richard about his decision to stand.

“While it is understood that a pandemic would challenge any government, many of the draconian measures deployed to achieve compliance, particularly the shutting-down of opposing views, were totally unacceptable”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Born and schooled in Hastings, on the south coast of England, an interest in science and a passion for the natural world at an early age led me to study geology at university. This was followed by an enjoyable career of more than 30 years as a geoscientist in the global oil and gas industry, with significant focus on optimising production for the UK.

I moved to the outskirts of Chobham village in 2007, just to the north of Woking, where I live happily with my wife, son, two spirited chihuahuas and a garden full of nature that consumes far too much of my time to maintain!

“Reform UK will thus protect what are often cited as the ‘Four Pillars of Civilisation’: Cheap Energy, Meritocracy, Law and Order, and Freedom of Speech.
All pillars are currently under attack!”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

Passionate about my country and wanting to see it thrive, I will never forget the sense of relief and hope I felt as the Tories were swept to power on election night in December 2019. Yet this only made the subsequent betrayal by the Tories, on so many levels, even harder to bear.

While it is understood that a pandemic would challenge any government, many of the draconian measures deployed to achieve compliance, particularly the shutting-down of opposing views, were totally unacceptable. Such groupthink that pervaded Westminster was (and is) only paralleled by the eco-zealotry with which climate change fanaticism took root; championed by the Tories, ‘Net Zero’ policies now unleash havoc across British industry, the economy and the public, with the consequent shocking rise in energy bills and taxes to subsidise unreliable, intermittent energy sources. The same ‘Net Zero’ under which imports to the UK receive an emissions ‘free-pass’ under the Climate Change Act! This will impoverish the British people and we need to change direction fast.

The established parties have morphed into a single mindset. Uncontrolled mass immigration, high taxation, low growth with big state/state interference are now endorsed across the political spectrum. A total failure by the Tories to address the ‘woke’ agenda taking root across society, eroding freedom of speech, promoting anti-white racism, re-writing our history and threatening our culture, can only be interpreted as endorsement of its objectives. Furthermore, the total failure to implement Brexit simply raises suspicions as to the Tories’ belief in our country’s future as an independent sovereign nation.

Reform UK stands almost alone in promoting those values which made Britain a prosperous nation: Freedom (of speech, from tyranny or coercion), the Enterprise Economy (supporting entrepreneurs and businesses), Excellence in Public Services (education, health, police etc.) and Sovereignty (of the people legitimately transferred to parliament, Brexit, free trade). Reform UK will thus protect what are often cited as the ‘Four Pillars of Civilisation’: Cheap Energy, Meritocracy, Law and Order, and Freedom of Speech.

All pillars are currently under attack!

“ULEZ expansion is also a concern for many, with potential additional transport costs for private individuals and businesses alike. Reform would scrap ULEZ altogether.”

You’re the Spokesman for Woking. What’s made you decide to represent this area?

Woking is the main town and business centre close to where I have lived, on the outskirts of Chobham, for the past 17 years. I wanted to represent a constituency near home that had both its own strong business community, where I believe I could have a positive impact, but was also a significant London commuter hub, likely presenting both domestic and international commerce perspectives.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Many of Woking’s issues are caused by a failure of central government policy cascading down, causing local problems. For example, a report in the Woking News & Mail in January 2023 highlighted that of around 18,000 people living in poverty in the constituency, about 11% had a cardiovascular or respiratory condition. This is a concern because, as stated by the Office for National Statistics, people in poverty are more exposed to the cold, and so more likely to be hospitalised or die as a result of such conditions. The high cost of energy is literally putting lives at risk and needs addressing urgently.

ULEZ expansion is also a concern for many, with potential additional transport costs for private individuals and businesses alike. Reform would scrap ULEZ altogether.

“Perhaps of greatest concern was the effective declaration of Woking Borough Council’s bankruptcy in June 2023 which now threatens services and facilities within the borough, such as the much enjoyed ‘Pool in the Park’ recreational centre”

Another ‘Net Zero’ drive, the UK Energy Bill 2023 passed with little opposition and yet grants enforcement rights to enter private properties to ensure home owners meet energy performance regulations. Failure to comply could lead to fines of up to £15,000, or 12-months imprisonment. This is state over-reach to a level not before witnessed in Britain with such legislation heaping additional costs onto private individuals against the threat of a custodial sentence.

Local businesses I have spoken to comment on increased amounts of bureaucracy, particularly in regards to accounts reporting to HMRC. This is wasted time and effort, that could be better spent growing their business.

Perhaps of greatest concern was the effective declaration of Woking Borough Council’s bankruptcy in June 2023 which now threatens services and facilities within the borough, such as the much enjoyed ‘Pool in the Park’ recreational centre. Government commissioners’ investigation into the (then Tory) council yielded serious concerns as to the ‘exceptional level of financial and commercial risk’ and ‘its approach to strategic financial decision-making’. My initial review of the causes of failure suggest the whole governance structure of local government needs reforming, to ensure decision-making at an appropriate level of competence, effective processes with appropriate checks and balances, peer review, and oversight.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

If you are also disillusioned with the established parties and support a significant shift in politics, then join the Reform Party, volunteer and help us campaign.

I can be contacted on email: [email protected]

You can also follow me on Twitter/X: and Facebook:

Paul Skinner, Reform UK candidate for Tonbridge

Paul Skinner is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Tonbridge.  We spoke with Paul about his decision to stand.

“After leaving the British Army I became a police officer in the Met where I learned a great deal about helping the community and serving the British public”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Paul-Shane Skinner I have lived in Kent all my life, my parents were working class citizens and worked locally in the area. I have lived in Tonbridge now for 6 years and always admired the people and community. Me and my partner still live with my mother in a council house and are expecting our first baby. 

I left school at 15 and pursued a career in the British Army as A Tank crewman, with a family background in the Armed Forces and my late grandad being in the Royal Marines during the Falklands war, I wanted nothing more than to make him proud. After leaving the British Army I became a police officer in the Met where I learned a great deal about helping the community and serving the British public, I sadly left for family reasons and headed for the private security sector where I was helping different types of people while doing this, I served in my local parish council as a Councillor for Staplehurst. 

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

The reason for standing for the Reform party is I agree with all its polices, now we have always been a working-class family and have always been a Labour supporter but in recent times neither them or the Conservatives are fit to run government, they have put us in debt, run the country and infrastructure down, not supporting out farmers after leaving the EU and I believe “if you want change you must vote for change” it’s the only way to reform our great United Kingdom again and make Britain GREAT.

My nan used to have a saying “the working man will always get shafted the most” meaning no matter how hard the working-class work they get so little back.

“People are sick of the Conservatives lying and partying and they can’t rely on Labour because they haven’t got a backbone or want to express the people’s voices, only their own. Which is why Reform is the only way”

You’re the Spokesman for Tonbridge what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I have always lived in Kent and always lived in the Maidstone area in little villages such as Headcorn etc. but since living under the Tonbridge area for the last 6 years I have come to love the place and the people within it, I believe that I can represent the people of Tonbridge and give them a voice and change to help everyone better than our current government. People are sick of the Conservatives lying and partying and they can’t rely on Labour because they haven’t got a backbone or want to express the people’s voices, only their own. Which is why Reform is the only way.

“I’m holding a local meet up on the Tuesday 13th February to speak with my current volunteers and people that support reform to listen to any current major issues in the area”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Now obviously any MP of any area won’t be able to presume to know every issue and the fact the job is a very demanding but rewarding, Any MP has a great privilege to help the people in the best way possible but in the Tonbridge area I’m 100% committed to helping everyone in the best way possible and identifying them issues that need fixing. I’m holding a local meet up on the Tuesday 13th February to speak with my current volunteers and people that support reform to listen to any current major issues in the area.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

You can also find out more about Reform UK at  For people wanting to help me please follow me and contact me on X (twitter) @paulsskinner or email me at [email protected].

Lesley Crosby, Reform UK candidate for Bakewell

Former US Speaker Tip O’Neill is credited with the quote ‘All politics is local’.  Local elections matter and are all about the issue that impact peoples’ everyday lives.  Lesley Crosby is the Reform UK prospective candidate for Bakewell in a by-election for the Derbyshire Dales District Council.  We spoke with Lesley about her decision to stand.

“I intent to highlight all the disproportionate disadvantages Bakewell’s residents are expected to accept due to our location and a lack of the healthy competition our urban neighbours enjoy”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m a 59-year-old mum and grandmother. I am also a relative newcomer to the area, but I see this as a positive as I can view Bakewell through fresh eyes.

I am disabled, so naturally concerns about the wellbeing of our communities’ vulnerable residents are firmly in my sights. I intent to highlight all the disproportionate disadvantages Bakewell’s residents are expected to accept due to our location and a lack of the healthy competition our urban neighbours enjoy. There is not one member of our community that isn’t a loser to premium fuel costs and high prices in our shops. I will ensure that our families, the disabled and elderly will not feel hunger, cold or experience isolation.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I believe we need Reform, we need new solutions to old problems and we need a voice that isn’t held back by council chamber domination and party whips.

“We can make sure, for a start, that debris blocking local drains and culverts is regularly removed. I will be suggesting an autumn programme of regular road clearance”

What do you see as the big concerns for the ward and what issues do you hope to champion?

Flooding is a big issue for our community, and alongside a crumbling road network, causes regular misery in town. While Bakewell is built right on the river Wye and we cannot completely resolve the cause of flooding, we can be far better prepared for inevitable rainfall when it comes. We can make sure, for a start, that debris blocking local drains and culverts is regularly removed. I will be suggesting an autumn programme of regular road clearance. We can also look at how reaches of the river Wye above and below the town are managed and consult with landowners and local authorities to ensure that fallen trees and other debris are cleared away to assist easy flow. Although this is little more than good housekeeping, it’s clearly not happening or not happening often enough.

“I’m also deeply worried by the banking crisis that has brought Bakewell to the attention of the entire country, due to the imminent closure of our NatWest, their last bank in the Peak District”

I’m also deeply worried by the banking crisis that has brought Bakewell to the attention of the entire country, due to the imminent closure of our NatWest, their last bank in the Peak District. This should have been an issue for our MP to get seriously involved with at the earliest intimation of closure, and I cannot help wondering why things have been allowed to progress without either her deliberate intervention or sourcing an alternative provider of vital banking services.

I’m eager to keep the heat on rural issues and get Bakewell into the limelight. Bakewell is a national icon, an important agricultural, cultural and tourist hub, and we must not allow ourselves to be forgotten.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

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