Martin Evison, SDP Candidate for Newcastle upon Tyne North

Martin Evison is the SDP prospective candidate for Newcastle upon Tyne North.  We spoke with Martin about his decision to stand.

“I am still active in writing and research, and volunteer as an English teacher for a charity working in Guinea-Bissau in West Africa, which helps build schools and promote education”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m retired – more-or-less – after a 40-year career in science and technology. A Shropshire lad, I first came to Newcastle in 1979, moving back for a second time in 2010—having studied and worked in New Zealand, Australia, and Canada in the intervening years. My career gave me experience of both the public and private sectors, and a return to the academic world led to work in the life sciences and forensics. I am still active in writing and research, and volunteer as an English teacher for a charity working in Guinea-Bissau in West Africa, which helps build schools and promote education.

“My motivation for involvement in politics is the chronic failure of the political system to respond to the reasonable expectations of the public”

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

My motivation for involvement in politics is the chronic failure of the political system to respond to the reasonable expectations of the public, and the pressing need to pass on to future generations those core values of British culture and community for which preceding generations sacrificed so much. The SDP is the only political party that genuinely represents these values.

You’re the Spokesman for Newcastle upon Tyne North what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I have lived in the Newcastle since about 2010.. I stood in the South Jesmond Ward in the local government elections in 2021 and 2023.

“People are not interested in futile NetZero and Diversity schemes. They want resources devoted to a better health service and care system”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

The big concerns are much the same as they are in many constituencies. The cost of living is too high and there is a lack of affordable quality accommodation for the less well off. State-sector housing is particularly neglected. People are not interested in futile NetZero and Diversity schemes. They want resources devoted to a better health service and care system and want to see an end to open borders immigration and people trafficking.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Please email [email protected] and follow @SDPNorthEast on X.