Tales from the campaign trail: Vinayak Malhotra, Reform UK candidate for Croydon West

My name is Vinayak Malhotra, and I had the honour of being the parliamentary candidate for the Croydon West constituency in the recent General Election, representing Reform UK. As I embarked on this journey, I was greeted with a wide array of public reactions and experiences that highlighted the spirit of our community. Alongside meaningful interactions with residents, I encountered some unexpectedly humorous moments that made my campaign truly memorable.

“The warmth and openness of the people, young and old (and even a few friendly animals), made the experience truly special”

I was met with an overwhelmingly positive response from the public during my canvassing efforts in Croydon West. The warmth and openness of the people, young and old (and even a few friendly animals), made the experience truly special. One of the more charming surprises was encountering the friendly cats of Croydon, who seemed just as curious about Reform UK as the residents!

A few interactions really stood out to me. There was a wonderful couple who not only supported me by signing my nomination form but went a step further and generously offered their office space for my use throughout the campaign. Their kindness was a reminder of the incredible community spirit that Croydon thrives on.

I also met a lovely elderly lady who reminded me of my late maternal grandmother. She was so sweet and welcoming, insisting on a chat over tea, making me feel right at home. Another older couple, captivated by my energy and enthusiasm, not only offered words of encouragement but also gave me some sweets, which lifted my spirits during a long day of canvassing.

“He told me he’d definitely vote for me, simply because he admired my dedication to going door to door all on my own”

One unexpected companion was a fluffy blonde cat who decided to keep me company while I went door to door. This little furball stuck by my side for hours, as if it were my personal campaign mascot! Even the local postmen were in good spirits, often handing me rubber bands to keep my leaflets organised.

Another moment that really touched me was when I met a friendly young man, around my age, who spotted me canvassing in the rain. He told me he’d definitely vote for me, simply because he admired my dedication to going door to door all on my own. His words meant a lot and reminded me that perseverance is always noticed.

I also began to be recognised by people throughout the constituency—surprisingly, most of them were women. Some had seen my photos in online interviews, while others remembered me from my campaign efforts across Croydon West. It was both humbling and heart-warming to know that my presence and message were reaching people in the community.

“some assumed I might be some sort of ghost candidate. The situation became even funnier when the journalist covering the election met me in person at the count. We had a good laugh when they finally realised, I did, in fact, exist!”

One of the more humorous moments during my campaign was when people online—and even a journalist—started questioning whether I was a real person! Since I’m not on social media and there wasn’t much information about me available online, some assumed I might be some sort of ghost candidate. The situation became even funnier when the journalist covering the election met me in person at the count. We had a good laugh when they finally realised, I did, in fact, exist!

One of the most pressing changes I want to see in Croydon West is an increase in affordable housing. It’s crucial that everyone in our community has access to safe and affordable places to live.

Additionally, addressing the rise in knife crime, drugs, anti-social behaviour, and crime in general is essential for creating a safer environment for all residents.

“Having dedicated local branches in various boroughs will significantly strengthen our presence and provide a solid foundation for future campaigns”

I also believe that fostering greater belief in and support for Reform UK will be pivotal. With increased community backing, we can work towards electing more Reform UK councillors and, ultimately, our own MP in the next general election.

This grassroots support is vital for driving the positive changes we all wish to see in our town.

Reform UK is rapidly expanding, with new branches being set up across the country, including here in London and Croydon. Having dedicated local branches in various boroughs will significantly strengthen our presence and provide a solid foundation for future campaigns. This structure will not only help us in the upcoming local councillor elections but also position us for greater success in future general elections. By establishing a stronger connection with local communities, we’ll be better equipped to address the issues that matter most to them and represent their voices on both a local and national level.

On a personal note, I’ve already made an application to stand in the upcoming councillor elections, though it’s still very early to know more about that. Additionally, I have been made the treasurer of my local branch.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Croydon Constitutionalists for this opportunity to share my experiences. I truly enjoyed doing these interviews and engaging with the community through this platform. Your support and encouragement mean a lot to me as we work together to drive positive change in Croydon West!

You can read more from Vinayak  at https://croydonconstitutionalists.uk/vinayak-malhotra-reform/ and listen to him on the podcast of our live event at https://croydonconstitutionalists.uk/podcast-episode-93/.

GE2024 – None of the above

My tuppenceworth speech by Mike Swadling

What I’m saying is, I think only an idiot would vote for me.

That could have been Rishi Sunak’s general election campaign strategy”

2024 was in many ways the ‘none of the above’ election. In the classic 1985 movie Brewster’s Millions, Richard Pryor’s character say’s

I figure voting for Salvino or Heller is just as silly as them running for office, which is just as silly as me running for office. The only thing that’s silly is the power of the people’s vote. And I think the people should use it to vote for… None of the above.

He’s asked, “Mr. Brewster, are we to understand that you actually don’t want anyone to vote for you?

And answers, “What I’m saying is, I think only an idiot would vote for me.

That could have been Rishi Sunak’s general election campaign strategy, and judging by voter turnout it could have also almost been Labour’s

It came as a surprise to me to learn that ‘none of the above’ is a popular international option, which includes ‘none of the above’ on ballots as a standard option, in Argentina, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Spain, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Uruguay and the US state of Nevada.

“Comparing 2024 votes to the average of the previous three elections, the total votes were down 9%. The Labour’s vote was down 10%. The Tory vote was down 47%”

We should acknowledge that 54.7% of the vote went to the Conservatives and Labour. But in many ways the big winners of the election were anyone out of power.  We saw in Scotland the SNP get pushed back, and across England and Wales the Greens, Reform and independent MPs doing particularly well.

We are Democrats. Labour won a stonking majority, and they now have a mandate to govern. But, it’s clear they’ve not gained a popular mandate. I’m hardly the first to say it, and although half the people here might not really remember it, this isn’t Labour’s win in 1997.

Comparing 2024 votes to the average of the previous three elections, the total votes were down 9%. The Labour’s vote was down 10%. The Tory vote was down 47% compared to the last three elections. Reform was up 6% on 2015. 2015 being the obvious comparison with UKIP. The Lib Dems were up 24% and the Greens were up 123%.

What happened locally? It’s hard to make a direct comparison in Croydon due to the constituency changes. Those that don’t know, Streatham came into Croydon North. and Croydon has increased in population. But roughly what’s happened? In 2015, 2019 and 2024, I’ve left out 2017, because it really was quite an anomaly. Elections have had virtually the same number of voters, despite big increases in population and for this last election adding Streatham into that mix.

“Reform’s vote is locally, back to the same level UKIP received in 2015. This was achieved with no ground game and barely visible candidates, which suggests there’s some room for growth”

Compared to the last election in 2019, the Conservative vote has dropped by 12.2%, but Labour’s has dropped by 1.2%, again despite adding Streatham, which is a predominantly Labour area. The LibDem vote was basically a wash between now and the last election. The big changes were the Greens up 27.6% on 2019 and Reform up 54.9%, of course Reform didn’t run in Croydon South in 2019.

Reform’s vote is locally, back to the same level UKIP received in 2015. This was achieved with no ground game and barely visible candidates, which suggests there’s some room for growth. Much as it pains me to say this, the real success story was the Greens, who basically achieved a 75% higher vote than they did in 2015.

I believe the Greens are the ‘none of the above’ vote for many people who don’t know what their actual policies are. The local elections were held in 2021, which included the delayed locals from 2020, where the first local elections in many areas since the high point of UKIP.  In ward, after ward, after ward, the UKIP vote went down, basically because they didn’t stand a candidate, by exactly the same amount as the Green Party vote went up. Now, this may be because of a particular demographic change in the area. It may be because the people that wanted out of Europe also wanted net zero. It may also be because they were voting for ‘none of the above’ in 2015 and they were voting for none-of-the-above in 2021.  In saying this I acknowledge as someone who stood for UKIP, many may have voted for the party, primarily as they represented at the time ‘none of the above’.

Croydon, though, is still largely a two-party town. 73% of the total vote. But these same two parties saw their vote go down by 23,000 over the last election, whilst other parties’ votes went up by 22,000.

“if you deliver on your promises you can win.  This may have also been a dig at some senior people in his party, but it could be rather a positive sign of what we need politicians to do”

Fewer people are voting, more are tactically voting, and more are voting for smaller parties.  I think it’s reasonable to assume people are voting with more knowledge rather than just voting for the traditional red or blue party.

Here in Croydon South, Chris Philp pulled out an unexpected result and won. His vote went down, and there looks like an awful lot of tactical voting, but still Chris prevails as a local Conservative.  On the night, he put it down to delivering on his promises locally, which included DEMOC, and planning.  On the night he also asked Mayor Jason Perry to commit to the Purley Pool.  He said, basically, if you deliver on your promises you can win.  This may have also been a dig at some senior people in his party, but it could be rather a positive sign of what we need politicians to do. Hopefully it catches on for the future.

Transcribed by https://turboscribe.ai/dashboard

GE2024 – How was it for you?

Labour came to power with their largest majority since 1997, we have the lowest number of Conservative MPs ever, and the SNP has been pushed back in Scotland.  The SDP ran their highest number of candidates since the 80s, and we have increased independent, Green, and Reform MPs.  Now we ask the candidates, General Election 2024 – How was it for you?

Join us on Wednesday 21st August for our drinks and conversation with a panel of local candidates.  We will be asking about the campaign, their experiences and thoughts on what happens next.

Confirmed Panel:

For drinks, conversation, panel discussion and Q&A asking General Election 2024 – How was it for you?  Come along Wednesday 21st August, Whispers Purley at 7pm.

This is part of our #ThirdWednesday drinks and events, we hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club, and POLITICS in PUBS a group of people from across the political spectrum who value the freedom to question and to speak openly.

Join us Upstairs, Whispers5 High St, Purley CR8 2AF on Wednesday 21st August, from 7pm.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/k4nkhmKYfA717pgH/

Reflections on the campaign: Alastair Mellon, SDP Coventry South

“I sat down in February ‘24 to begin to discuss how we would go about things. The SDP in Coventry did not exist at that time”

Some reflections on the 2024 campaign. Like many of you, I’ve bemoaned the capabilities of many of our MP’s. The nadir for me came in 2019 when Jeremy Corbyn parachuted a young lady with several years’ experience working at Primark into the safe Labour seat of Coventry South

In 2023 I met William Clouston of the SDP and over the next 12 months we had dozens of conversations and I became convinced that standing on the side lines was no longer an option. My wife was concerned about potential reputational damage as UK politics appears like a piranha tank.  But around January 2024, I decided that I was going to take the plunge. My oldest friend and now parliamentary agent, Paul Crilly, and I sat down in February ‘24 to begin to discuss how we would go about things. The SDP in Coventry did not exist at that time.

Our politics were moderate. We both believed that if you worked 40 hours a week 46 weeks a year you want to be able to afford a modest home of your own. We felt that the government should be competent and not expand its scope beyond what it was capable of delivering successfully.  

“As we are experienced construction professionals, neither of us can wrap our heads around the ludicrous costs and time delays of major UK Infrastructure projects like HS2 and Hinckley C”

We’ve both experienced terrible healthcare with the NHS but continue to believe in the principle of a single payer, free at the point of use health service. Neither of us care if it’s a black cat or a white cat so long as it catches mice – we hold no theological views on the NHS.  As we are experienced construction professionals, neither of us can wrap our heads around the ludicrous costs and time delays of major UK Infrastructure projects like HS2 and Hinckley C. We are convinced we can do better. We see massive waste on big sites which no politician discusses.

We both believe that natural monopolies belong in the state sector as regulatory capture is unavoidable given the asymmetry of resources (I.e. accountants and lawyers) between the owners and the regulator. Begging the French to build our nuclear power stations is embarrassing.  We were on opposite sides of the Brexit referendum, but both agreed that the result should be respected.

My own view is that with the rapid acceleration of technologically driven change it is even more important that our government is flexible and responsive to voters. And that brings me back to our representatives who are, in aggregate, simply not up to the job. Would you hire our current MP for any serious job? I doubt it. We may not win this time, but we will put down the roots of a winning organisation having gone from 0 to 15 volunteers.

“Just by being on the campaign trail and being visible has changed the calculus for people who are trapped in the Labour party but who vehemently oppose many of its trendy shibboleths”

After the holidays, we’ll start to build for the next phase. We’ll build our social media presence across all four major platforms. We’ll create a Coventry wide SDP structure, contribute to the creation of national policy and locally we’ll recruit and start to train our members. 

Just by being on the campaign trail and being visible has changed the calculus for people who are trapped in the Labour party but who vehemently oppose many of its trendy shibboleths. I would be disappointed if we are not 50 people by Christmas and that is just the beginning.  The public has responded positively to our common-sense proposals. The British people are fair minded and generous, but they have limits and those are being tested. They want cheaper housing, cheaper energy, more training, better paid and higher skilled jobs.

“Many, far too many, maybe as many as 20-25% have given up on politics altogether. This is an indictment of our political class and our elites who’ve become tone deaf to the messages sent”

Having held more than 4000 one-to-one conversations my assessment is that the public want an effective state that can get things done and struck off the ‘to do’ list. They are sympathetic towards LGB rights but reject broader identity politics and don’t want to be told what to think. 

Many, far too many, maybe as many as 20-25% have given up on politics altogether. This is an indictment of our political class and our elites who’ve become tone deaf to the messages sent with increasing vigour by the population, contrast this with Denmark.

Politics which offers cheap energy through a new fleet of British designed, British built nuclear power stations regulated through an ‘underwriter certification’ system rather than the unfit for purpose ALARA principle will lay the groundwork for a renaissance of UK manufacturing.

Just last week Britain’s richest man and our leading industrialist Sir Jim Radcliffe warned of the deindustrialisation of Europe due to costly energy. We can’t run an industrial society without cheap dispatchable energy and if it’s not to be fossil fuels, then it has to be nuclear. We are proposing that a new school of Nuclear Engineering, Design and Regulation is established at Warwick University in Coventry South to lead our efforts to deliver rapidly on this urgently needed capacity. We need to treat this like the Mulberry Harbour or the Manhattan Project.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will take 20% of US electricity by 2027 and if we want to stay competitive, we’ll need to INCREASE our grid capacity and ensure its stability. We’re currently co-leading the world in AGI but if we don’t have cheap energy, we’ll become an also ran.

In the 1950s, 60s and 70’s both parties delivered 500k homes a year for a population of 50m souls. We need to get the state back into building houses and simultaneously getting a grip on mass immigration without which no amount of building will eliminate the backlog for 75 million souls. Building creates British jobs, British apprenticeships and British high-weight, low-value products that need to be produced locally. This plus cheap energy will help spur our re-industrialisation. Young people with no stake in society won’t abide by or respect our norms or rules.

They need affordable housing and energy to start families and prevent demographic collapse which in used to justify more immigration or Human Quantitative Easing (HQE) but ignores the externalities bourn overwhelmingly by working class British communities. There’s a general acceptance of controlled immigration that makes us richer but real anger at the mess we’re currently in which has delivered the population of six Birmingham’s in ten years.

I got into this because I’m not willing to accept the country we are leaving to our children. I hope and pray we are not too late.

God bless Coventry!

These reflections were originally published on X/Twitter at https://x.com/mellonsdp6741/status/1808455767013384583?s=46

Peter Hunter, Reform UK candidate for Putney

Peter Hunter is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Putney. We spoke with Peter about his decision to stand.

“Reform and I can help the government deliver best local policies for people of Putney”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am an ex-army officer and ex-British diplomat at the United Nations in New York.  I live in South London and I’m passionate about politics having retired recently.  I have also run a small business in Switzerland so know about the EU and Europe.  I also speak a little French, German and Russian.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

Nigel says that Labour are likely to win a majority; the conservatives have lost their way and need change.  Reform is the best forum for that change and after the election, may help the Conservatives reform themselves.

Reform and I can help the government deliver best local policies for people of Putney.

You’re the Spokesman for Putney what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I resonate with local issues and concerns, like crime, traffic, and share the Wimbledon LTA plan concerns.

I have the leaderships skills and influence to get things done and help local people solve problems.

“Champion the NHS, but it needs slimmer better management so these resources can be put into front lines services”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Champion the NHS, but it needs slimmer better management so these resources can be put into front lines services.

Cut waiting times, support the police, fight crime, and stop shoplifting.

Revise low traffic networks – get traffic moving – whilst we still safeguard pedestrians and children.

Putney housing for Putney residents – build new affordable and renovate old  housing.

Support the government over legal and stop illegal immigration.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?


You can also contact me at [email protected].

Maya Severyn, SDP Candidate for Waveney Valley

Maya Severyn is the SDP prospective candidate for Waveney Valley.  We spoke with Maya about her decision to stand.

“In this election my key points are to Bring Trust Back into Politics, and to Bring Democracy Back to the People”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Maya Severyn, and I believe in service before self. In this election my key points are to Bring Trust Back into Politics, and to Bring Democracy Back to the People.

I am a Project Manager in IT, born and brought up in London, have lived and worked in Europe for 15 years and have come back to settle in Suffolk

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

I joined the SDP as, like many others, I had considered myself ‘politically homeless’. Having previously voted Labour I began to realise that the Labour Parliamentary party was no longer representative or interested in the Labour Movement. Having been at one time a Shop Steward, but also running my own company, I believe in the benefits of a mixed economy; nationalisation of core infrastructure can and should sit alongside private enterprise.

“I live here, I work here and to be honest I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else! I am a local town councillor”

You’re the Spokesman for Waveney Valley what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I live here, I work here and to be honest I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else! I am a local town councillor, and, from experience, I am frustrated that there is only so much which can be resolved at a local level and so my hope is to be given the opportunity and mandate to address the challenges and opportunities for the people here as a member of Parliament. 

“We are a rural constituency, with a widespread population, and there are many concerns about transport infrastructure and access to basic services”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Agriculture is at the heart of this constituency, and has my full support.  We are a rural constituency, with a widespread population, and there are many concerns about transport infrastructure and access to basic services.

Employment and training opportunities for young people plus, of course, affordable housing to enable them to start their own family homes.

The other big issue is of course the Norwich-Essex pylon scheme, which I wholeheartedly oppose, as being disruptive to our communities, damaging to our farms and environment and unnecessary; better options exist!

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

You can find me on X/Twitter at @MayaSDP, email me at [email protected], find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560565660579, and join us at https://sdp.nationbuilder.com/.

Ashley Dickenson, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate for Carshalton and Wallington

Ashley Dickenson is the Christian Peoples Alliance Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Carshalton and Wallington.  We spoke with Ashley about his decision to stand.

“this nation needs a return to Judaeo-Christian values that were the yardstick for discerning between good and evil, values that everyone at one time knew and respected”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Ashley Dickenson who has lived in the London Borough of Sutton since 1984 and Carshalton since 1992.  I have worked in administrative support roles.  I am very committed to pro-life issues, and I advocate for Christian values in our schools.  I have recently been campaigning for pedestrian crossings for a venue near me as well as for school buses to reduce school-run traffic. 

What made you decide to stand for the CPA?

I believe that not just this constituency, but this nation needs a return to Judaeo-Christian values that were the yardstick for discerning between good and evil, values that everyone at one time knew and respected, even if not perfectly upheld.  Politicians from the other parties have tried to solve this nation’s problems through secular laws with the best of intentions but this hasn’t necessarily worked out for this nation’s best.

You’re the Spokesman for Carshalton and Wallington what’s made you decide to represent this area?

  • I’ve lived in this area since August 1992 and decided to take up:
  • the need for pedestrian lights at the crossroads of the Windsor Castle public house;
  • a pedestrian crossing to the Greyhound near Carshalton;
  • leafletting against the Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) in our primary schools.
    • I have also written to schools & libraries expressing concerns about drag queens being allowed to read to impressionable young children;
  • a while back I contacted several schools in my area to express concern about Ha’laal meat being served to their pupils owing to animal welfare issues. 

“I have submitted to two schools in my area petitions promoting school buses to offset – if not completely eliminate – ‘school-run traffic’”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

  • St Helier Hospital
  • Relationships & Sex Education in our schools
  • Traffic: I have submitted to two schools in my area petitions promoting school buses to offset – if not completely eliminate – ‘school-run traffic’. Especially where this has caused ‘snarl-ups’ at best and drivers speeding at worse, at over 20mph on 20 mph roads. 

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

I can be contacted via:
X/Twitter: @CPA_Party
Facebook: Christian-Peoples-Alliance UK-159505527405662
Email: [email protected]

Sam Wood, Libertarian Party candidate for Ynys Môn

Sam Wood is the Libertarian Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Ynys Môn (Anglesey).  We spoke with Sam about his decision to stand.

“People are competent, people are ambitious, people are brilliant, the government is only standing in the way of what greatness we can achieve”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Sam Wood, I’ve spent most of my life on Anglesey in North Wales, despite leaving and coming back many times this has always been the place that I’ve called home. My background is finance/economics, and this has only amplified my understanding and appreciation of libertarianism and the value that it can bring to the average person.

“don’t look at where the puck is, look at where the puck is going to be, that’s where I’ll be fighting”

What made you decide to stand for the Libertarian Party?

Fundamentally my belief in libertarianism comes from the fact that it is a morally superior political philosophy, the concept that no one has the right to force someone else to do something that they do not consent to is a very powerful one. It is the party of principle, and a party that I think throughout it’s policies demonstrates its belief that people do not need government to succeed. People are competent, people are ambitious, people are brilliant, the government is only standing in the way of what greatness we can achieve, it is holding us back.

My political spectrum is not left or right, it is authoritarianism on one side and libertarianism on the other, with emerging technologies that have immense power to coerce us. My concern is that if we fall into authoritarianism in the future, we won’t ever have a way out, so we need to start this fight now. That old saying, don’t look at where the puck is, look at where the puck is going to be, that’s where I’ll be fighting.

You’re the Spokesman for Ynys Môn what’s made you decide to represent this area?

Ynys Mon is my home, even when I have not lived here it has always been home. All the things that I value most in my life are right here.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

The big issues here are the same systemic issues that the UK faces, housing, inflation, excess immigration and the strain it places. A far stricter immigration policy coupled with lower regulation and free’er markets will set us on a trajectory to improving these issues in the most speediest of fashion. The main goal being improving the standard of living, prosperity and the quality of life for people here in the UK.

“Right now, the best way for libertarian minded folks to help is to share the libertarian message in whatever way they can, speak to people about freedom”

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Right now, the best way for libertarian minded folks to help is to share the libertarian message in whatever way they can, speak to people about freedom, share articles etc on social media. Start that conversation with people, ask people why we let our government steal so much of our resources from us, call tax what it is, it is theft, and it is immoral.

The ten commandments, arguably the 10 most important rules that humans have ever had, one of them is to not steal. The government is fundamentally immoral stealing from hard working families that are trying to provide for their loved ones in the best way they can.

For those fine people out there that have a spare quid and want to help advance our cause check out the GoFundMe I recently set up at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-out-a-libertarian-party-general-election-candidate?qid=7fab8d02a156da95f40568fb89a9247b  Also check out our website that has a link to the parties manifesto https://www.libertarianpartyuk.com. If you are interested in helping out in any other way please do contact the party.

Nick Goulding, Reform UK candidate for Chester North and Neston

Nick Goulding is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Chester North and Neston. We spoke with Nick about his decision to stand.

“I got involved in politics again was my disgust at the attempt to defy the clearly expressed will of the people and obstruct Brexit”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m a 60 three-year-old business owner, former army officer and a small business campaigner. I am married with four children, and I have lived in Cheshire for over thirty years.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I previously stood for the Brexit party in the last general election and then for Reform UK for the post of Police and Crime commissioner for Cheshire. The reason I got involved in politics again was my disgust at the attempt to defy the clearly expressed will of the people and obstruct Brexit by politicians’, civil servants and judges.

“I find as I go round the constituency the overriding issue is the betrayal of their voters by all the main existing parties and the desire for a new way forward”

You’re the Spokesman for Chester North and Neston what’s made you decide to represent this area?

Although I live outside the constituency, in mid Cheshire, I wanted to stand for Chester because it is the county town and most significant location which can send the clearest message to the country.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Although there are all local issues that need to be addressed. I find as I go round the constituency the overriding issue is the betrayal of their voters by all the main existing parties and the desire for a new way forward, which Reform UK can provide.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Anyone who wishes to help the campaign can reach me:
by email at [email protected]
on https://x.com/nickgoulding4
and on Facebook.com/nickgoulding4brexit.

Emma Guy, Reform UK candidate for Mid Cheshire

Emma Guy is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Mid Cheshire. We spoke with Emma about her decision to stand.

“The tipping point was during lockdown, when the decisions made on our behalf by the government seemed more and more detached from reality”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Emma Guy and I have lived and worked in Northwich, Cheshire for almost 35 years, during which time I have served on the local Lostock Gralam Parish Council, started, and grew my own wellbeing clinic, and represented local interests since 2001 by campaigning with CHAIN (Cheshire Anti Incinerator Network) against the building of the Incinerator on Griffiths Lane on the edge of our beautiful town.

I am a Prevent Breast Cancer ambassador and part of a local group helping to make Northwich Dementia Friendly.

Currently, I am the Chief Commercial Officer for a Runcorn based business, Aqueous Digital, and in November 2022 I won Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year at the Crème de la Crème Cheshire Business Awards, for my ongoing work with the business.

On top of these roles, I am also Chair of the board of Trustees at Halton Haven Hospice.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction which triggered early onset menopause, an episode I covered in my bestselling 2021 book, Wisdoms of the Menopausal Godmother.

I have been happily married to my husband Jonathan for 18 years and we have three children.

“a new seat comprising Northwich, where I live, and the two nearby local towns of Middlewich and Winsford. Collectively I refer to them as the ‘salt towns’”

What made me stand for Reform Uk?

The tipping point was during lockdown, when the decisions made on our behalf by the government seemed more and more detached from reality. 

The fear campaigns, the rule of six, mask mandates and social distancing based on no scientific evidence made me determined to do something. As Simon Wiesenthal once said, “For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing”. I couldn’t, in all good conscience, do nothing.

On New Year’s Day 2021 I contacted the party to ask it they had a candidate in this area, and would they consider me.

I was duly selected as the Spokesperson in early 2021 after undergoing the vetting process and became Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the party in November 2023. I was formally announced as the official Parliamentary Candidate when my nomination papers were accepted in early June this year.

You’re the Spokesperson for Mid Cheshire what’s made you decide to represent this area?

Mid Cheshire is a new seat comprising Northwich, where I live, and the two nearby local towns of Middlewich and Winsford. Collectively I refer to them as the ‘salt towns’ as they all have a long history of salt production, dating back to Roman times. 

Fun fact: most people don’t realise that when the gritters go out during icy spells to grit the roads all over the U.K., the chances are that what is being spread comes from our local salt mines in Winsford.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

There are several issues that affect my local constituency, but I expect that my priorities may resonate with a lot of people in a lot of other areas.

The first is that I want to bring back a sense of Civic Pride to the area. Too many local residents tell me that they are disappointed with what they see locally, and no one seems to have a sense of responsibility that was high on the agenda in Victorian times. If you can’t be proud of where you live then it’s no surprise if you don’t want to engage positively with your local town.

The second is that we desperately need an integrated transport policy in our area. Luckily, we don’t suffer (yet) from ULEZ, LTN’s or mandatory 20mph zones, but what public transport is available is fragmented, infrequent and ill-suited for local needs and motorists are still seen as a burden rather than the driver of investment in our towns.

Finally, rather than a disparate and disjointed allocation of funds to our towns, which straddle two County Authorities, we should have funds allocated based on local need, not what is decided for us by someone in an office 40 miles away. Would you believe that the one consistent point made by residents I talk to in each of the towns is that they bemoan the lack of public toilets in the town centre? It’s incredible that this should have happened in the twenty first century.

“For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing”. I couldn’t, in all good conscience, do nothing”

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

If anyone is able to help then they can visit my website at https://www.emmaguyreform.co.uk/ and from there they can follow my social media profiles or email me directly.