Ashley Dickenson, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate for Carshalton and Wallington

Ashley Dickenson is the Christian Peoples Alliance Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Carshalton and Wallington.  We spoke with Ashley about his decision to stand.

“this nation needs a return to Judaeo-Christian values that were the yardstick for discerning between good and evil, values that everyone at one time knew and respected”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Ashley Dickenson who has lived in the London Borough of Sutton since 1984 and Carshalton since 1992.  I have worked in administrative support roles.  I am very committed to pro-life issues, and I advocate for Christian values in our schools.  I have recently been campaigning for pedestrian crossings for a venue near me as well as for school buses to reduce school-run traffic. 

What made you decide to stand for the CPA?

I believe that not just this constituency, but this nation needs a return to Judaeo-Christian values that were the yardstick for discerning between good and evil, values that everyone at one time knew and respected, even if not perfectly upheld.  Politicians from the other parties have tried to solve this nation’s problems through secular laws with the best of intentions but this hasn’t necessarily worked out for this nation’s best.

You’re the Spokesman for Carshalton and Wallington what’s made you decide to represent this area?

  • I’ve lived in this area since August 1992 and decided to take up:
  • the need for pedestrian lights at the crossroads of the Windsor Castle public house;
  • a pedestrian crossing to the Greyhound near Carshalton;
  • leafletting against the Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) in our primary schools.
    • I have also written to schools & libraries expressing concerns about drag queens being allowed to read to impressionable young children;
  • a while back I contacted several schools in my area to express concern about Ha’laal meat being served to their pupils owing to animal welfare issues. 

“I have submitted to two schools in my area petitions promoting school buses to offset – if not completely eliminate – ‘school-run traffic’”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

  • St Helier Hospital
  • Relationships & Sex Education in our schools
  • Traffic: I have submitted to two schools in my area petitions promoting school buses to offset – if not completely eliminate – ‘school-run traffic’. Especially where this has caused ‘snarl-ups’ at best and drivers speeding at worse, at over 20mph on 20 mph roads. 

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

I can be contacted via:
X/Twitter: @CPA_Party
Facebook: Christian-Peoples-Alliance UK-159505527405662
Email: [email protected]

Ashley Dickenson, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate in Sutton.

Written over the period of the recent local elections, we interview Ashley Dickenson, the Christian Peoples Alliance candidate in Carshalton Central ward, Sutton.

“The concerns I’ve heard are of excessively speeding traffic; narrow pavements; non-existent crossings needed for mums with buggies / pushchairs, besides railings for pavements that I’ve noticed are too narrow”

Tell us a bit about yourself and your party?

I’ve lived in the ward for 30 years this coming August and took voluntary redundancy from the civil service after 25 years, two of these in the Dept of Employment and 23 in the Met. Police in an Admin Support role.  I’ve stood in nine elections on behalf of the CPA.  I live alone but have lived an active life as secretary, minutes secretary and a treasurer.

You’re standing in the Carshalton Central ward, can you introduce the ward to us and what you can bring to the area?

An attractive and historic area for which I wish to see improvements.  At the council elections in 2018 I won 69 votes in this ward which I hope to increase (in 2022 Ashley won 132 votes) through my road safety petitioning for at least one pedestrian crossing in a potentially dangerous spot, not just to assist pedestrians but to keep a check on fast-moving traffic.  The concerns I’ve heard are of excessively speeding traffic; narrow pavements; non-existent crossings needed for mums with buggies / pushchairs, besides railings for pavements that I’ve noticed are too narrow.

“the CPA supports transport that is cheap, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly this Tramlink will count for little unless our shops at the lower end of Sutton High Street can fully thrive again”

More widely what would you like to see change at Sutton Council and across the borough?

I’d want to see more CPA representation; this is something I need to work on so that come the next Council elections and the London Assembly elections expected in 2024 we hope to have more candidates standing. In the London Assembly List Results, we came ahead even of the TUSC.  We need a moral voice in politics, to speak up on behalf of the unborn, the poor & vulnerable, besides a fairer taxation system, i.e.: turnover tax on multinationals, offset against corporation tax; increased stamp duty on expensive properties, especially where they’re being excessively used as purely for investment purposes: how fair is that when there are homeless on our streets?

When interviewed by the BBC on election night I pointed out the proposed Tramlink for Sutton.  Albeit the CPA supports transport that is cheap, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly this Tramlink will count for little unless our shops at the lower end of Sutton High Street can fully thrive again – through our policy of cutting business rates so that they can compete with online suppliers.  Online ordering has meant we see little of our neighbours (and that’s another issue) but physical shopping means that at least we can meet our neighbours.

Carshalton High Street (Carshalton Road) still has considerable history about it but there’s only so much pressure that it can take: considering lorries and buses have to pass through it on top of ‘usual’ traffic.  So I would consider having lorries re-routed along our Ruskin Road, for their access to Sutton and beyond – even if at certain hours.  

How can people find out more or get in touch if they want to get involved? 

They are more than welcome to get in touch with me at [email protected] we need candidates in Sutton and Croydon, and I in turn can introduce them to our party leader; we have training days in public speaking.  I have many hours in canvassing experience and not least today when I called on a lady who advised me of crossings needed close to Carshalton College, that I shall be taking further.