
Response to Net Zero claims

Jerry Wraith writes to energy supplier OVO Energy Customer Care:

Thank you for your kind response to my email concerning the tragedy that is net zero. I have responded to your comments and apologise for the delay in this reply.

I am not convinced by your arguments and suggest that you, and OVO, rethink your net zero strategy, as I believe all your arguments are totally spurious and unsupportable. However, I understand that OVO (and probably all the other energy providers) are under pressure from various UK governments to support their catastrophic net zero policy. However, if OVO made a stand against it I feel sure this would be rewarded by vastly increasing your customer base, as the public would appreciate an energy company which is on their side and trying to reduce their costs.

Net Zero is all about reducing emissions of CO2 which is not a pollutant

Jerry’s response:

I sent my FOI to Milliband on net zero to OVO my energy supplier. This was part of their response. My comments are in bold and italics, with grateful thanks to Roger Arthur, CEng, MIEE, MIET, for his expert contributions. 

The Bigger Picture: Why the UK’s Efforts Matter

I completely understand why the UK’s CO₂ contributions might feel small compared to the global total—it’s a fair observation. However, tackling climate change is a collective effort, and every country’s actions contribute to the larger picture. By leading the way in reducing emissions, the UK is setting an example

 By destroying our economy?

Net Zero is all about reducing emissions of CO2 which is not a pollutant. In fact SO2 emissions have also been reduced in the process and that has increased the intensity of electromagnetic radiation hitting the earth.

and showing that transitioning to a greener economy is not only possible but can also come with major benefits, like cleaner air,

 What cleaner air? We breathe out CO2!

Many hundreds of thousands of UK jobs are being sacrificed on the altar of net zero, as industries move abroad, where they will cause higher global CO2 emissions than before

improved public health,  

One common objection to this argument is that decarbonization has other benefits—for example, reducing local air pollution. But consider the case of China, where life expectancy allegedly increased by 10 years from 1980 to 2020, even as fossil-fuel use increased by 700 percent. (Some of that owes to the reduction in indoor pollution due to cleaner cooking fuels like LPG, a fossil fuel.) Even the dirty Chinese coal plants had great benefits, since increased energy availability was much more important to most Chinese than cleaner air.

Also, if you check how many Death Certificates cite air pollution as the cause of death, you will find only one or two, while the numbers suffering from fuel poverty increased by around 67% between 2020 and 2023, impacting most on the vulnerable. Which do you think had the greatest impact on public health?

and job creation in growing industries like renewable energy.  

Many hundreds of thousands of UK jobs are being sacrificed on the altar of net zero, as industries move abroad, where they will cause higher global CO2 emissions than before. China emits more CO2 in 11 days than the UK does in a year, but we are to spend £trillions to help the Chinese take away our industries and jobs. They and other big emitters are building 100s of coal fired power stations every year and they are clearly not following our so called lead.

It’s also worth noting that the UK’s leadership inspires other countries to take action.

Prove it! How many countries followed Starmer’s boast at COP 29 that we would reduce UK CO2 emissions by 81%? NONE! The USA is likely to abolish net zero when Trump gets into the White House, thank God!

The main momentum that is building up is in reduced growth, increased poverty and excess deaths, due to deranged net zero targets. More people are dying from cold than from excess temperature.

When countries commit to ambitious targets, it builds momentum on a global scale—something that’s essential for addressing a challenge as complex as climate change.

Again, prove it?  Like India, China, and the USA for example? Look at the EU? Germany and France plus other EU countries are really struggling due to totally irresponsible and unnecessary net zero aims.

Addressing Your Specific Questions

a) What benefit is there to the UK, its citizens, and taxpayers by limiting its CO₂ emissions to 0.00072 ppm/annum, when the rest of the world is producing CO₂ at vastly greater quantities?

The benefits extend beyond just the numbers. By reducing emissions, we’re investing in cleaner air, which directly improves public health and reduces healthcare costs.

How dirty is our air now and how much cleaner will it be after emissions are reduced. Also see the comment above about the Chinese experience.

How much have UK healthcare costs reduced due to reduced CO2 emissions?

How many extra deaths have occurred in the UK due to extreme cold and the incapability of energy poverty people being unable to pay for their astronomical heating costs?

How many extra businesses have closed or gone abroad in order to survive by reducing their astronomical energy costs?

As indicated above, more people are suffering from health problems and dying from the cold, than from overheating. In fact, an average increase of ½ of 1 deg C would reduce the numbers dying, due to the cold.

At the same time, we’re building a stronger, greener economy. Renewable energy is now one of the UK’s fastest-growing sectors, creating jobs and making us less reliant on imported fossil fuels, which in turn shields us from volatile energy prices.

Not true! We are building a rapidly reducing economy. Industries and jobs are being exported to China which is building more fossil fuel powered stations as rapidly as possible. We have closed all ours down under instructions from the EU, which is now building hundreds of new fossil fuelled generating stations. Our current rate of growth is about zero and will probably reduce further. We are facing massive power cuts due to our reliance on intermittent renewable energy and are having to increase our reliance on imported energy.

Also, we don NOT have to import fossil fuels. The UK taxpayers have big reserves of coal and gas under our feet and gas in the North Sea.

b) What benefit is there to the UK, its citizens, and taxpayers by reducing its emissions from 0.00072 ppm/annum to 0.000137 ppm/annum?

Our current rate of growth is about zero and will probably reduce further. We are facing massive power cuts due to our reliance on intermittent renewable energy

Achieving this reduction shows the world that it’s possible to make meaningful progress while maintaining a thriving economy. 

Again, NOT TRUE! See note above. This reduction is any case not achievable without completely destroying the UK economy. Maybe that is what you and the politicians really, really, want?

What are your estimates of the UK’s GDP now and after the reduction proposed taking into consideration the high cost of energy, the power cuts and the cost of importing most of our goods from China and elsewhere?

With regard to the high cost of energy: That’s because these guarantees are irrespective of how competitive the prices actually are in the energy market. For example, floating offshore wind was recently awarded an eye-watering strike price of £176 per MWh, even though the wholesale price for most of 2024 averaged £78.70 per MWh. Why would these renewable energy companies look to cut costs and become more efficient if they can rely on such cushy subsidies?

It also helps us remain competitive in the global race for green technologies, which are rapidly becoming essential industries of the future.

Not true. The green technologies are mainly imported. We get our wind turbines from Denmark and our solar panels from China. Our EV’s are ruinously expensive and are ticking time bombs ready to burst into uncontrollable flames at the moment their batteries develop a fault. In addition, they are so heavy that they must be making our pot holed roads even worse. Furthermore, they are being shunned by UK motorists and rightly so due to their cost and dismal trade in value! EV’s made in China are much, much cheaper than those made in the UK and the EU!

So, how much profit has the UK made from exporting green technology in the last 15/20 or so years?

What is the TOTAL amount of money in £billions/trillions the UK taxpayers have had to pay for “green” energy in subsidies over the last 15/20 years?  

In the past 150 years the warmest period was from 1880 to 1942 with many records from these years still standing today. The last two warm periods were during Roman times and from 750 to 1200 AD

Plus, the reductions we make now help to mitigate the long-term costs of climate change—whether that’s through extreme weather, flooding, or other impacts that we’re already starting to see.

Nonsense! There is absolutely NO evidence that increasing CO2 causes extreme weather, flooding or other impacts like hurricanes, heatwaves etc. Rather the reverse is true as records show that these events have all been reducing over time!

Also, you can’t make such judgements based on short term trends. Global temperature trends run on for thousands of years and we are nearing an interglacial peak as we continue to emerge from an Ice Age. As seen, that peak is lower than many of the previous ones, which occurred long before the Industrial Revolution and we are about to enter a cooling period. The previous peak was higher and it occurred long before the Industrial Revolution.

More recently the last notable climate change was between 1500 and 1850, but since around 1870 there been no significant change. Global warming is when average temperatures increase but currently many places have seen a temperature decrease

In the past 150 years the warmest period was from 1880 to 1942 with many records from these years still standing today. The last two warm periods were during Roman times and from 750 to 1200 AD when it was a lot warmer than today.

The worst UK drought on record was in 1540 when half a million died, when CO2 levels were much lower than now.

Since the 1920s, the number of deaths due to extreme weather events has reduced by more than 90% – in spite of a four-fold rise in population – in parallel with increasing CO2 levels.

Just check what happened when human emissions fell due to Covid and Lockdowns, then decide for yourself. Total human related emissions fell noticeably, due to Covid and Lockdown, but CO2 content continued upwards, by record amounts. So, the reduction in human emissions had no discernible impact on the upward trend in CO2 

The government should check Professor William Happer’s findings – that a 50% increase in CO2 levels would cause global temperature to rise by less than 1/10th of 1 deg C – and abandon UK net zero altogether. You should be lobbying them to do just that.

I understand your concerns about the scale of the UK’s contribution, but these efforts are part of a much larger, interconnected plan. Climate change affects everyone, and by acting together, we have a much better chance of protecting the planet for future generations.

NONSENSE! As stated above a 50% increase in CO2 will increase global temperature by less than 1/10 Deg C according to Prof, Emeritus William Happer of Princeton University.  The current rate of CO2 increase is 2.4 ppm/annum (see my FOI request to Ed Milliband). Hence it will take 75 years for global CO2 (i.e. natural and human) to reach that level. Kindly detail how much damage a rise of less than 1/10th of deg C (97% of which is beyond human influence) will create for the earth after 75 years!


I sent you a detailed analysis of how small and insignificant the UK’s CO2 contribution to the global CO2 total really is, with references to my sources. Your response has been totally airy fairy with unsubstantiated claims which have absolutely no proof. Hence the OVO boasts about its green energy etc is total NONSENSE and not worth the paper they are written on. I note that you have not tried to refute my figures as they are clearly irrefutable!

I appreciate that OVO is probably complying with government (Conservative and Labour) directives, but your customers are paying extortionate amounts for their energy and destroying the UK economy, (as planned by them) in the process. You and OVO are supporting and perpetuating one of the greatest scams of modern life and should be doing the exact opposite. i.e. refusing to participate in deranged government demands to install smart meters, and inefficient and expensive heat pumps etc. All these demands are obviously making your customers energy bills much larger. You could start by making your customers aware of the unfair, unreasonable and unnecessary costs involved by detailing the total proportion of your customers bills that are simply subsidies for the “green” energy we are all having to pay for and are therefore totally divorced from the actual energy supplied!

However, if you and OVO are so keen on renewable energy I challenge you all to install smart meters and limit your company and personal electricity consumption, every hour, on a daily basis, to that proportion provided by renewables. Please let me know how you all get on with that scenario!

In the words of Prof Richard Lindzen:

“The influence of mankind on climate is trivially true and numerically insignificant.” 

China emits more CO2 in 11 days than the UK does in a year

Main Image includes picture from Mojca JJ from Pixabay 

Podcast Episode 97 – Heather McKee: Academics For Academic Freedom

We recently held a public meeting in Purley and we were joined by Heather McKee, the Convenor of Students at Academics For Academic Freedom (AFAF).

You can follow Heather on X/Twitter at and follow Student Academics For Academic Freedom at




Podcast Addict




My tuppenceworth – A Free Speech event, Wednesday 19th February

My tuppenceworth is back, on Wednesday 19th February upstairs at Whispers 5 High St, Purley.

You are the star!

This is your opportunity to speak to those assembled on an issue that really matters to you and give your tuppenceworth. Each speaker will have up to 5 minutes to speak about an issue dear to their heart, followed by a short Q&A.

We ask all speeches are non-partisan and remind you the laws of slander still apply!

Come prepared or do off the cuff, this is your opportunity to exercise some free speech.

If you do have notes, we can publish to increase the reach of your ideas as we have for previous events.

If you would like to speak, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

Join us Upstairs, Whispers, 5 High St, Purley CR8 2AF on Wednesday 19th February, from 7pm.

Held as part of our regular #ThirdWednesday drinks, we hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club, and POLITICS in PUBS a group of people from across the political spectrum who value the freedom to question and to speak openly.

politics in pubs

You can also find this as a Facebook event at

The Friend of Humanity and the Knife-Grinder

A satirical invective against early republicans, written by a Prime Minister-to-be, suggest by Zack Stiling, which could easily be discharged against certain modern political speakers.

Published in “The Anti-Jacobin, or, Weekly Examiner was an English newspaper founded by George Canning in 1797 and devoted to opposing the radicalism of the French Revolution. It lasted only a year, but was considered highly influential” (From

“This satirical poem contrasts two perspectives: a radical who espouses the ideals of the French Revolution and a pragmatic working-class individual. The speaker’s initial sympathy for the knife-grinder’s plight turns into contempt when he refuses to align with revolutionary sentiments.” (From,-And-The-Knife-Grinder)

George Canning (1770-1827) & John Hookham Frere (1769-1846)

Needy Knife-grinder! whither are you going?
Rough is the road, your wheel is out of order—
Bleak blows the blast;—your hat has got a hole in’t,
     So have your breeches.

Weary Knife-grinder! little think the proud ones
Who in their coaches roll along the turnpike-
road, what hard work ’tis crying all day, “Knives and
     Scissors to grind O!”

Tell me, Knife-grinder, how you came to grind knives:
Did some rich man tyrannically use you?
Was it the ‘Squire? or Parson of the Parish?
     Or the Attorney?

Was it the ‘Squire, for killing of his game? or
Covetous Parson, for his tithes distraining?
Or roguish Lawyer, made you lose your little
     All in a lawsuit?

(Have you not read the Rights of Man, by Tom Paine?)
Drops of compassion tremble on my eyelids,
Ready to fall, as soon as you have told your
     Pitiful story.

Story! God bless you! I have none to tell, Sir,
Only last night a-drinking at the “Chequers,”
This poor old hat and breeches, as you see, were
     Torn in a scuffle.

Constables came up for to take me into
Custody; they took me before the justice;
Justice Oldmixon put me in the parish-
     stocks for a vagrant.

I should be glad to drink your Honour’s health in
A Pot of Beer, if you will give me Sixpence;
But for my part, I never love to meddle
     With politics, Sir.

I give thee Sixpence! I will see thee damned first—
Wretch! whom no sense of wrongs can rouse to vengeance—
Sordid, unfeeling, reprobate, degraded,
     Spiritless outcast!

Kicks the Knife-grinder, overturns his wheel, and exit in a transport of Republican Enthusiasm and Universal Philanthropy.

Democracy Deferred Surrey – Write to your councillor!

The Labour government is undertaking consultations to reorganise local government, part of which may mean the cancellation of local elections in Surrey.  This has led to an extraordinary meeting of Surrey County Council to be held on 8th January 2025. 

The Surrey Reform UK team have asked local supporters to write to their county councillors to reject the postponement of May 2025 elections, using text from the template provided below. With the meeting being held on the 8th January, time is of the essence.  Whilst written for Reform members anyone based in Surrey could use the template.  If you want to support democracy and local elections going ahead, please write out before the January 8th meeting.

The agenda of the meeting is contained here




To – Who is my SCC Councilor? Your Councillors – Surrey County Council

Cc – Leader of the Council – [email protected]

bcc – Emily Dalton Local Democracy Reporter for GetSurrey [email protected]

bcc – Reform UK Surrey – [email protected]

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms _____

RE: Extraordinary meeting of Surrey County Council to be held 8th January 2025

As a constituent and voter in your division, I would like to stress my concerns around the details and expectations of the above meeting. I shall not comment on the Governments Devolution and Local Government Reform proposals which the Council is asked to endorse.

My concerns are;

  1. Deciding to postpone elections without consultation with ones constituents is flagrantly undemocratic.
  2. The current crop of councilors have served their fixed term of office and will hold no democratic mandate from May 2025 onwards.
  3. The proposed timeline for the completion of devolution by May 2026, in order to hold elections, is purely aspirational. There are no legally binding assurances with the actions of Westminster and their legislative calendars will now control the timelines of local democracy.
  4. With no mandate for these changes in the current Labour Governments manifesto and current councilors having reached the end of the fixed term. The public has the right to elect a new crop of councilors who may better represent the views and wishes of their constituents.

In conclusion, I ask you to consider my concerns and vote to ensure County Council elections are held in May 2025.

Yours sincerely,

Your name and address


Main image from Antbex74 (talk | contribs) at

No cash no problem – thank you for not shopping with us

Julie Carter who stood as an independent candidate in the 2024 general election and local bi-election in Acton writes about how she responds to business not taking cash.

2025 has kicked off with more “no cash accepted” at my local shops in Chiswick – namely our chemist. After we had loaded up the counter with potions and balms.  All priced higher than we could get elsewhere, but wanting to support local businesses, we immediately transferred our family prescriptions to a chemist further down the road.  One that still takes notes with the sovereign on.  When that establishment ceases to accept cash, we will find another that does. We won’t be bullied into a cashless society.

The following day I went to the local coffee shop and pub to inquire about their menu and both had same thing – No Cash!

“we had loaded up the counter with potions and balms. All priced higher than we could get elsewhere, but wanting to support local businesses, we immediately transferred our family prescriptions to a chemist further down the road. One that still takes notes with the sovereign on”

If you want to know and do more to help keep a cash alternative available, you can see the campaign at GB News, find out about ‘Keep It Cash Fridays’, and read more about the risk of losing cash and privacy here.

Dare we ask for Croydon Councils New Year’s Resolution to be sensible tax and spend?

“A judicial review being brought by residents of the London borough will claim the LTNs should be “quashed” because the primary motivation behind them was “financial security … rather than environmental considerations”

In early December it was reported in the Telegraph that the High Court will hear that “Croydon council created six LTNs as a “revenue-raising exercise with no environmental benefits that unhelpfully dispersed traffic to surrounding roads”.  The story is behind a paywall and received relatively little coverage.

They reported that the campaign group Open Our Roads were taking action so that “A judicial review being brought by residents of the London borough will claim the LTNs should be “quashed” because the primary motivation behind them was “financial security … rather than environmental considerations”.

It went on to say:

“The skeleton arguments also rely heavily on a Sunday Telegraph report from earlier this year in which Jason Perry, Croydon’s Conservative mayor, admitted he could not honour an election pledge to scrap the LTNs because “£20m of future income … would have to be replaced”.

“Legal papers, seen by The Telegraph, say that despite “considerable opposition” the council introduced LTNs because of the “anticipated income from enforcement fines” sent to motorists who enter roads closed to through traffic. The council anticipated raising just over £10m in three years”.

“Explaining how local authorities have no legal powers to use traffic measures to “raise revenue” it says that to do so is “tantamount to taxation”.

In response the council has said “we can confirm that the council introduced six Healthy Neighbourhood schemes as part of its priority to make Croydon a cleaner, safer and healthier borough”.

If you are able to access it, you can read the whole article at

In his manifesto when running for Mayor, Jason Perry stated: 

“Over the last eight years of Labour running Croydon Council a consistent theme has been that residents feel they are not being listened to. From planning to LTNs and council tax to housing repairs the feedback has been that Labour have simply implemented what they wanted without actually taking any notice of what we were all saying”.

With less than 18 months until new elections Mayor Perry will need to show how he is any different.

“As a reminder Croydon was the London Borough of Culture for 2023, but in the second half of 2024 over £257,000 was paid out from the “BOROUGH OF CULTURE” cost centre”

Spending continues

Whilst Section 114 notices have curbed some spending, Croydon Council has still found unnecessary ways to spend taxpayer money.  We’ve written this year and last about Borough of Culture spending.  As a reminder Croydon was the London Borough of Culture for 2023, but in the second half of 2024 over £257,000 was paid out from the “BOROUGH OF CULTURE” cost centre for amounts above £500. 

We now have data for all of 2024 up to the end of November and this shows for amounts over £500 a total of £813,703.18 has been paid out this year from the “BOROUGH OF CULTURE” cost centre.  No doubt many of the services provided were very good but that does not make them necessary.  It is surprising how exactingly round many of the payments were.  12 payments were made for exactly £3,000.00, 7 for exactly £5,000.00, 6 for £10,000.00, 5 for £2,000.00 and 2 for exactly £40,000.00.  Who were these payments made too?  Well, we’ve listed what we can below but £171,356.72 were made to a “Non Commercial Supplier” and therefore the payee was redacted.  This includes payments of £15,600.00 and £10,600.00 for which some further detail is surely in the public interest. 

Funding for the 2023 borough of culture year came from a range of national, London wide and local sources, but when pensioners have their heating allowances withdrawn, ULEZ imposes costs on the drivers who can least afford them, and Croydon Council tax keeps rising at above inflation rates, how does the Mayor justify these payments? 

“It is surprising how exactingly round many of the payments were.  12 payments were made for exactly £3,000.00, 7 for exactly £5,000.00, 6 for £10,000.00, 5 for £2,000.00 and 2 for exactly £40,000.00”

Borough of Culture Payment totals Jan-Nov 2024:

PayeeTotalNumber of Payments
Redacted £ 171,356.7269
Talawa Theatre Company £   65,000.004
Scanners Inc £   51,616.405
Double Take Projections LTD £   40,000.001
White Label Publishing Ltd £   35,788.6012
Stanley Arts £   29,995.0010
Jen Kavanagh Ltd £   23,441.758
Sound Intervention Limited £   21,779.842
London Mozart Players £   19,922.003
Four Communications Ltd £   18,764.467
4 Wise Monkeys Ltd T/A Light Up Trails £   11,422.002
YeahPod Music £   11,250.002
Jonathan Samuels T/A Samprojects £   10,701.404
Contemporary Dance Trust LTD £   10,676.241
Profile Security Services Ltd £   10,395.527
The Brit School £   10,000.001
Sysco Productions Ltd £     9,793.001
Norwood JunKAction £     8,500.002
The Young Urban Arts Foundation Limited £     7,790.001
Continental Drifts £     7,200.003
Fool’s Paradise Ltd £     6,903.004
HURLYBURLY THEATRE £     6,750.003
Worldbeaters LTD £     6,690.002
HH Producties £     6,025.001
Bureau Of Silly Ideas Limited £     6,000.001
Croydon with Talent Ltd £     5,685.002
Good Wolf People Ltd £     5,000.001
Croydon Town Centre Bid £     5,000.001
ATELIER ARZU LIMITED £     4,930.0013
Tiny Productions £     4,760.001
New Addington Pathfinders Group_ £     4,500.001
Drum the Bass £     3,800.001
Bishops Printers Limited T/A The Graphic Design House £     3,364.003
Finesse Foreva Ltd £     3,300.001
Pif-Paf Theatre Ltd £     3,290.002
Churchill Support Services Limited £     3,264.001
Llama Digital Ltd £     3,240.001
The Poetry Takeaway Ltd £     3,100.001
Beeja £     3,000.001
Bold Mellon Collective C.I.C. £     3,000.001
Hoggs Hospitality Ltd £     3,000.001
Premm Design Limited £     2,681.502
Levantes Dance Theatre Ltd £     2,400.001
Digital Drama Productions Ltd £     2,250.001
Clocktower Cafe Ltd £     2,171.502
Savvy Theatre £     2,000.001
The Enriched Kids CIC £     2,000.001
SDNA LTD £     2,000.001
Fashion Meets Music Collective C.I.C. £     2,000.001
Zip Design Ltd £     1,950.001
Rap Therapy £     1,950.001
Bainbridge Conservation Ltd. £     1,616.001
Desireé Kongerød McDougall T/A An Act Above £     1,590.001
Amanda Smethurst Consultancy £     1,500.001
Cat and Hutch £     1,300.001
Autistic Community Hub CIC £     1,200.001
Herbe Walmsley £     1,200.001
Reaching Higher £     1,100.001
Glorious Gazebos Ltd £     1,084.081
Croydon Voluntary Action £        985.001
Slide Dance £        900.001
Universal Artists Agency LTD £        750.001
Dhol Academy LTD £        750.001
A Due Bus Ltd £        750.001
The Andy Copps Company Limited £        700.001
Glenn Foster Photography £        675.001
Atalian Servest £        667.971
Oyinkansola Gabriel £        625.001
Zoo Co Theatre Ltd £        600.001
Kerala Cultural and Welfare Association £        600.001
LadyLaird £        550.201
Croydon Natural History & £        505.001
Croydon Minster Church_ £        500.001
Purley BID £        500.001
Age Uk Croydon £        500.001
Cutting Edge Design Ltd £        500.001
TOTAL £ 813,703.18238

“With the spending taps seemingly flowing at the borough HQ once again, surely those in charge at the council won’t be able to justify another bumper Council Tax rise”

As if this wasn’t enough after a resting period, we have seen an unwelcome return to payments from the Culture Growth Fund.  This was used by the previous Labour administration for many of their wasteful projects.  The 65 payments over £500 made to the end of November 2024 totalled £318,696.03 and the totals by payee are listed below.

PayeeTotalNumber of Payments
Think Events (London) Ltd£18,200.001
Fashion Meets Music Collective C.I.C.£15,199.001
Door 22 Limited£14,630.003
Giant Cheese Limited£13,200.001
Learn to Dream Ltd£13,009.952
Sound Diplomacy Limited£10,000.001
Emergency Exit Arts£7,550.001
K4 Medics Ltd T/A K4 Medical Services£7,395.003
London Calling Arts Ltd£6,562.502
Stuco Design Limited£5,950.002
Premm Design Limited£4,720.002
Continental Drifts£3,460.001
Browne Jacobson LLP_£3,275.803
Zip Design Ltd£2,975.002
Vauxhall City Farm Limited£2,792.001
Stanley Arts£2,500.001
HandMade Theatre£1,300.001
TGTM Ltd£1,195.001
Four Communications Ltd£1,000.001
Caroline Vallance t/a Caroline Coates£960.001
Profile Security Services Ltd£904.801
Clocktower Cafe Ltd£797.501
Jen Kavanagh Ltd£700.001
Norwood JunKAction£600.001

We can only hope that Croydon Councils New Year’s Resolution will be to move to sensible tax and spend.  With the spending taps seemingly flowing at the borough HQ once again, surely those in charge at the council won’t be able to justify another bumper Council Tax rise. 

How we can really revive British industry

Sam Bidwell on how we can really revive British industry.

“By the late 19th century, Britain was falling behind the United States and Germany. GDP growth slowed to less than 1% between 1899 and 1914”

People across the political spectrum say that the UK needs an industrial strategy. In fact, it was industrial strategy that killed our industry in the first place – Attlee is more to blame than Thatcher.

According to the popular narrative, British industrial decline started in the 1970s and 1980s, as free trade and neoliberalism shifted us towards a more globalised economy. Today, advocates of industrial strategy argue that Government needs to intervene to redress the balance.

In fact, Britain’s relative industrial decline starts much earlier. By the late 19th century, Britain was falling behind the United States and Germany. GDP growth slowed to less than 1% between 1899 and 1914, while productivity growth fell by two-thirds between 1871 and 1914.

Though it had led the way on industrialisation (more on this later), the UK couldn’t compete with the mass production of the US and Germany. Britain had fewer natural resources and a more skilled workforce, while American firms could rely on cheap resources and cheap labour.

Britain’s relative industrial slowdown was accelerated by the Great Depression. Heavy industry declined by a third between 1929 and 1930, with unemployment doubling from 1 million to 2.5 million. In cities like Glasgow, unemployment rose as high as 30 percent.

“In the Midlands and parts of the south, industry boomed in the 1930s – with specialisms in automobiles and household electrical goods. In 1936, Leicester was actually the second-richest city in Europe”

The decline was particularly acute in the industrial areas of Britain’s Victorian heyday, such as Lancashire, Yorkshire, South Wales, and Scotland. Coal production in Lancashire fell by 43%. Ship production in the north-east of England fell by 90% between 1929 and 1932.

But that didn’t mean that industry was declining everywhere. In the Midlands and parts of the south, industry boomed in the 1930s – with specialisms in automobiles and household electrical goods. In 1936, Leicester was actually the second-richest city in Europe.

It was true that Britain couldn’t compete with the mass production of the US and Germany – but it could lead the way again on high-quality, high-skilled industry. The social effects were incredible – between 1923 and 1937, Birmingham’s workforce grew at double the national rate.

“The Attlee government saw the success of the Midlands as damaging to traditional industrial regions. In 1945, it passed the Distribution of Industry Act”

From 1911-1954, the West Midlands grew its economic output faster than any other region of the country – by the 1960s, Birmingham wages were higher than in London. Nearby Coventry fared similarly – in 1953, it had an unemployment rate of 0.8%. British industry was back.

And then came the industrial strategists. The Attlee government saw the success of the Midlands as damaging to traditional industrial regions. In 1945, it passed the Distribution of Industry Act, which aimed to push development away from ‘congested’ areas like the Midlands.

The Government required that any factory set to be opened or expanded in a ‘congested’ area would be reviewed by the Board of Trade – which would aim to push industrial development back to places like Lancashire and South Wales. The results were predictable – and depressing.

“In 1946, the West Midlands Plan set Birmingham a population target lower than its current population. In 1964, Harold Wilson restricted the development of office space in Birmingham for 20 years”

Of the ‘Industrial Development Certificates’ rejected by the Board of Trade, just 18% actually relocated to declining industrial areas. 49% of refused projects downsized their ambition to avoid government oversight. 31% of projects were scrapped entirely.

For every job re-directed to old industrial areas, several more were prevented. In 1946, the West Midlands Plan set Birmingham a population target lower than its current population. In 1964, Harold Wilson restricted the development of office space in Birmingham for 20 years.

“Forcible relocation of growth, and subsidy for declining industries, left British industry inefficient and uncompetitive”

Industrial strategy also meant subsidising inefficient ‘old’ industries, such as coal and steel, at the expense of new industries, such as cars and household electrical products. The nationalisations of the 1940s and 1960s were designed to preserve old industry at all costs.

Forcible relocation of growth, and subsidy for declining industries, left British industry inefficient and uncompetitive. The burgeoning ‘advanced manufacturing’ boom of the 1930s was killed by the nostalgic, backwards-looking industrial strategy of the late 1940s.

These inefficient and expensive controls were eventually lifted by the Thatcher governments. Yes, British industry did shrink in the 1980s. But if it had been allowed to adapt, improve, and emerge organically in the previous decades, it would have remained competitive.

“we shouldn’t try to decide where industry ought to be based on pre-conceived ideas about where growth “should” happen. Industrialisation completely changed Britain’s economic geography”

If we actually want British industry to succeed, we shouldn’t follow in the footsteps of the 20th century industrial strategists. We should learn from the conditions which birthed British industry in the first place – which actually means less government control, not more.

First, we shouldn’t try to decide where industry ought to be based on pre-conceived ideas about where growth “should” happen. Industrialisation completely changed Britain’s economic geography – cities like Liverpool and Manchester barely existed before the 18th century.

People were able to move to where economic opportunity emerged – and the we didn’t try to direct that growth. Today, that means liberalising our housing market – allowing housing supply to emerge where people want to live, not where the Government thinks that they should live.

“Our current regulatory environment punishes companies that trial new products here, with lengthy processes of consultation, review, and assessment. Instead, we should be removing regulatory blockers”

Second, we should embrace and encourage investment in innovation. The Industrial Revolution was driven by investment in new technologies designed to reduce dependence on high-cost labour – such as Watt’s steam engine, which could do the work of 21 manual labourers.

Our current regulatory environment punishes companies that trial new products here, with lengthy processes of consultation, review, and assessment. Instead, we should be removing regulatory blockers – and reducing tax on innovative firms in cutting-edge fields.

Third, we should make it easier to build the infrastructure that powers industrial growth. In 1846 alone, Parliament approved around 9,500 miles of private railway construction, the equivalent of 63 HS2s. We must relax planning rules around major infrastructure projects.

Fourth, we must address energy costs. The Industrial Revolution was powered by cheap coal – low energy costs kept industry competitive. Today, the UK has the highest industrial energy costs in the developed world – killing businesses in energy-intensive sectors such as steel.

“The Industrial Revolution was powered by cheap coal – low energy costs kept industry competitive. Today, the UK has the highest industrial energy costs in the developed world”

This also has enormous implications for our ability to host AI infrastructure, which is similarly energy-intensive. If it wants British industry to compete, the Government should make energy cheap – particularly by bringing down construction costs for nuclear energy.

Finally, we should not try to direct the economy based on what we think industry “should look like”. We should not be picking winners – whether sectors, businesses, or regions of the country. This will be expensive, and it won’t work – as 20th century industrial decline shows.

Reproduced with kind permission of Sam Bidwell, Director of the Next Generation Centre at the Adam Smith Institute, Associate Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, although views are his own.  Sam can be found on X/Twitter, on Substack, and can be contacted at [email protected].  This article was originally published as a X/Twitter Thread at

How capitalism built Manchester

Sam Bidwell on how capitalism built Manchester.

“In c. 79AD, a Roman fort was constructed on the banks of the River Medlock, the first settlement in modern Manchester. The area remained largely depopulated and impoverished throughout the medieval period”

I\n 1700, Manchester was an obscure village of fewer than 10,000 people – by 1900, it was a metropolis, the world’s first industrial city.  Its remarkable growth is testament to the power of trade, industry, and British ingenuity.

For most of its early history, Manchester was entirely unremarkable. In c. 79AD, a Roman fort was constructed on the banks of the River Medlock, the first settlement in modern Manchester. The area remained largely depopulated and impoverished throughout the medieval period. The one exception to this trend came in 1363, when a small community of Flemish weavers, from modern-day Belgium, settled in Manchester. These weavers helped to establish Manchester as a local centre for textile production – which would one day power the city’s growth.

Under Queen Elizabeth I (1553-1603), the Crown began supporting the English wool trade. The Queen’s support for the trade was so fervent that, from the 1570s until the 1590s, Englishmen were required to wear woollen caps to church on Sunday, in order to support the industry.  With its existing tradition of textile production, Manchester benefitted from this support – and began exporting cloth to Europe, via London. Nevertheless, it was still an obscure Lancashire village – paling in comparison to its counterparts in neighbouring Yorkshire.

During the English Civil War (1642-1651), Manchester was a hotbed of support for the Parliament. On the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660, Manchester lost Parliamentary representation, as a reprisal for its support for Cromwell. No MP was to sit for Manchester until 1832. And so, without any local government or representation in Parliament, Manchester looked set to fade into obscurity as a textiles-oriented market town. In the 1720s, Daniel Defoe described Manchester as “the greatest mere village in England”. But change was afoot.

“With its history of textile production, Manchester was well-placed to turn these raw imports into high-quality material exports. It also had ideal geography, with canals connecting the city”

By the early 18th century, Britain was in the midst of a revolution. Developments in agricultural technology meant that more food was being produced than ever before – with fewer people needed to work in farming. As a result, more people moved to the country’s urban centres. At the same time, Britain’s trade with the outside world was expanding rapidly – including in places such as India. This meant that the country had more access to new raw materials than ever before – and more markets for the export of consumer goods. Enter Manchester.

With its history of textile production, Manchester was well-placed to turn these raw imports into high-quality material exports. It also had ideal geography, with canals connecting the city to the port at Liverpool, and to the coalfields of Lancashire. 

Raw goods could be imported to Manchester, processed, and then sent elsewhere for sale. The city began to boom, growing from 9,000 people in 1717 to 25,000 people in 1773. In 1781, Richard Arkwright opened the first steam-powered textile mill in the city.  Throughout this period, Manchester and the surrounding towns in Lancashire were responsible for processing 32% of cotton produced globally. And the need to sell finished textile goods prompted the creation of new transport infrastructure, which connected the city to the world.

In 1761, the world’s first industrial canal opened, connecting Manchester to the coalfields at Worsley. In 1824, one of the world’s first public bus services opened in Manchester. And in 1830, the world’s first passenger railway connected Liverpool to Manchester. Canals and railways transported Manchester textiles to the port of Liverpool, allowing them to be exported. Meanwhile buses and trams enabled the city’s workforce to reach their workplaces. By 1930, Manchester Corporation Tramways operated the 3rd largest tramway in the UK.

The city also came to be known as a commercial hub, with warehouses and markets springing up across the city. In 1815, Manchester had 1,819 distinct warehouses, housing both raw materials and goods for sale. Many of these warehouses still dominate the city’s skyline today.

The jewel in Manchester’s crown was the Cotton Exchange, first opened in 1727. This vast building was the beating commercial heart of the city, a site for the sale of textiles and the financing of new industrial businesses. In 1851, it was granted the “Royal Exchange” title. In 1867, the Royal Exchange was rebuilt, with funding provided by a consortium of notable Manchester industrialists. The Exchange which still stands today began construction in 1867, and was finished in 1921 – financed, start to finish, by private donors.

“Manchester became the hub of the Anti-Corn Law League in 1839, which argued for the removal of protectionist tariffs on food”

More than almost any other city in Britain, Manchester’s urban landscape was shaped by industry, trade, and private finance. This wasn’t just the product of textile wealth. This building, on Mosley Street, was built in 1880, to house the Manchester and Salford Bank.

The city didn’t just benefit from trade liberalisation – it exported it, too. Manchester was a hub of 19th century economic liberalism. Prominent advocates of free trade, such as Richard Cobden and John Bright, were based in the city. Indeed, Manchester became the hub of the Anti-Corn Law League in 1839, which argued for the removal of protectionist tariffs on food. The Corn Laws were eventually repealed in 1846 by Conservative Prime Minister Robert Peel, partly thanks to the League’s campaigning.

“It’s also testament to the ways in which private sector growth can improve public space and enhance civil society. The city’s University, for example, was founded as a private institute”

As Manchester develops today, it’s worth remembering how the city came to exist in the first place. From obscure market town to global metropolis, Manchester’s growth was powered by building, growth, and private industry. Manchester exists because of business and capitalism. It’s also testament to the ways in which private sector growth can improve public space and enhance civil society. The city’s University, for example, was founded as a private institute in 1824, and expanded in 1846 on the basis of a bequest from textile merchant John Owens.

Rather than rejecting development, we should recognise the opportunities that change can bring. Just as our ancestors pursued growth and change, so should we. Our cities used to some of the greatest in the world – they can be again

Reproduced with kind permission of Sam Bidwell, Director of the Next Generation Centre at the Adam Smith Institute, Associate Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, although views are his own.  Sam can be found on X/Twitter, on Substack, and can be contacted at [email protected].  This article was originally published as a X/Twitter Thread at

The British invented the modern world

“Englishman Jethro Tull developed a horse-drawn seed drill, which allowed seeds to be sowed in neat rows Tull’s drill laid the foundations for modern mechanised agriculture”

Few other countries can boast such a proud legacy of innovation and invention – for centuries, we have led the way on the development of new technologies. Some of the world-changing innovations birthed here in Britain.

In 1668, Englishman Sir Isaac Newton built the world’s first reflecting telescope Newton’s discovery was based on his understanding of prisms and optics. It allowed scientists to develop a sophisticated theory of colour, and paved the way for the modern telescope.

In 1701, Englishman Jethro Tull developed a horse-drawn seed drill, which allowed seeds to be sowed in neat rows Tull’s drill laid the foundations for modern mechanised agriculture, allowing farmers to plant more crops with fewer men – which increased productivity steeply.

In 1761, Englishman John Harrison invented the marine chronometer, a device which allowed sailors to accurately calculate longitude while at sea Harrison’s chronometer revolutionised navigation, and made long-distance sea travel much safer.

In 1764, James Hargreaves invented the ‘spinning jenny’, a textiles-weaving frame The spinning jenny allowed workers to produce cloth on an industrial scale, producing 8 times as much as an individual worker. This laid the foundations for industrial mass-production.

In 1776, Scotsman James Watt launched a new design for a steam engine Watt’s design built on earlier steam engines – but was far more efficient, both in terms of power produced and fuel consumption. Watt’s engine powered the industrial expansion of the 19th century.

In 1798, Englishman Edward Jenner pioneered the concept of the vaccine, producing an effective smallpox vaccination In Jenner’s time, smallpox killed around 10% of the global population. Jenner’s work has probably saved more lives than the work of any other individual.

In 1804, Cornishman Richard Trevithick invented the first working steam locomotive, which he tested in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales Trevithick’s locomotive was later improved upon by Robert Stephenson. Stephenson’s 1829 ‘Rocket’ formed the basis of the modern steam locomotive.

In 1807, Scotsman Alexander Forsyth pioneered the process of ‘percussion ignition’, the basis for modern firearms Forsyth’s work allowed weaponry to progress from the flintlock mechanisms of the 18th century – resulting in faster-firing and more effective guns.

In 1824, Englishman Joseph Aspdin patented the process of modern cement-mixing Aspdin’s patent made it far easier to build at-scale. His initial process was later improved upon by his son, William Aspdin, who created a product more akin to today’s ‘Portland cement’.

In 1841, Scotsman Alexander Bain patented the first ever electric clock Bain’s electrical clock enabled more accurate timekeeping – as, unlike older models, his clock did not require consistent adjustment. Bain also worked on an early fax machine, from 1843 to 1846.

In 1876, Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the first modern telephone On 10th March 1876, the first intelligible telephone call was made. On 10th August 1876, Bell made the first long-distance call, from Brantford, Ontario to Paris, Ontario.

“Welshman Edgar Purnell Hooley patented tarmac Hooley’s design combined tar and macadam, a paving material invented in the 1820s by Scotsman John McAdam. Today, about 70% of the world’s paved roads are made of tarmac”

In 1878, Englishman Joseph Swan produced the first successful lightbulb Swan’s bulbs were the first used to illuminate homes and public buildings – including London’s Savoy Theatre, in 1881. Swan was also responsible for producing early electric safety lamps for miners.

In 1902, Welshman Edgar Purnell Hooley patented tarmac Hooley’s design combined tar and macadam, a paving material invented in the 1820s by Scotsman John McAdam. Today, about 70% of the world’s paved roads are made of tarmac.

In 1928, penicillin was discovered by Scotsman Alexander Fleming Penicillin was the world’s first antibiotic, and was critical in the development of modern anti-bacterial medicine. An estimated 500 million lives have been saved by Fleming’s invention.

In 1926, the first working television was invented by Scotsman John Logie Baird Baird also achieved the first trans-Atlantic TV transmission in 1928, and the first colour TV in 1944. Baird’s work was also instrumental in the development of modern fibre-optics.

In 1930, Englishman Frank Whittle invented the first modern jet engine, patenting his design in 1932 Whittle was an RAF pilot officer, with a knack for engineering. His engine first flew in 1941 – and would go on to revolutionise air travel.

“Englishman Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web While WWW was not the first ‘internet’, it did allow the internet to go global”

In 1943, a team of British codebreakers designed the ‘Colossus’ computer, the world’s first programmable digital computer Colossus was initially designed a codebreaking tool – but it would serve as the foundation for modern computing in the post-war years.

In 1952, British aviation firm de Havilland flew the world’s first commercial jet liner, the Comet The Comet had first flown in 1949, but debuted commercially three years later. This marked a new era in civil aviation, and birthed modern air travel.

And in 1989, Englishman Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web While WWW was not the first ‘internet’, it did allow the internet to go global. Today, around 5.3 billion people use the internet, a development which has totally revolutionised how we live and work.

“Our energy policy makes it impossible to develop energy-intensive industries like AI. Our regulatory policy stifles innovation and creativity”

For literally centuries, the British have been at the cutting-edge of innovation and technology. From modern transportation to modern medicine, the British built the world that we live in today. Given the quality of our human capital, we should still be leading the way…

…but thanks to policy, we risk falling behind. Our planning system makes it impossible to build anything, including new lab space. Our energy policy makes it impossible to develop energy-intensive industries like AI. Our regulatory policy stifles innovation and creativity.

Many of the great innovations in this thread would have been impossible to develop today. Most importantly, we shouldn’t shy away from technological progress. Our greatness was largely the result of our willingness to embrace and advance change, innovation, and modernity.

If we want to be great again, we must embrace the future – and allow the natural quality of our people to flourish. That means less regulation, cheaper energy, and more enthusiasm for change. We’ve built the modern world before – and we can do it again

Reproduced with kind permission of Sam Bidwell, Director of the Next Generation Centre at the Adam Smith Institute, Associate Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, although views are his own.  Sam can be found on X/Twitter, on Substack, and can be contacted at [email protected].  This article was originally published as a X/Twitter Thread at