Long Live the Local

Winston Churchill famously said “I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me”. With 1 in every 3 pounds spent in a pub going to the taxman, it appears the government takes more from both us and the alcohol than they ever give back.

Despite serving the country for generations, our pubs are under threat from a range of pressures, and right now they are closing at a rate of 3 per day. The Long Live the Local campaign is asking government to ease pressure on pubs by reducing beer duty and other taxes on this key trade. A small reduction in beer duty adds a huge amount of capital to the industry. Please join us in supporting this worthwhile campaign and sign the petition to cut beer tax at https://www.longlivethelocal.pub/.

We also encourage you to write to your MP at https://www.longlivethelocal.pub/letter. You can also generate an image to support your local like the image above.

If you are of know any Landlords then your pub can a Landlord pack to should your support https://www.longlivethelocal.pub/landlord. This includes:
• 800 x Beer Mats
• 20 x Posters
• 20 x Tent Cards
• 2 x Window Stickers

Follow the campaign on their website https://www.longlivethelocal.pub/ twitter at https://twitter.com/LongLiveLocals and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/longlivelocals/.

Brexit is in danger – write to your MP

Brexit is in danger. We are asking you to write to your MP in Croydon today! Tell them why you voted Brexit, why Chequers is unacceptable. Remind them both the Conservative and Labour’s manifesto committed to leaving the Single Market, Customs Union & ending Freedom of Movement.

Please spare a few minutes for this Better Off Out video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7fxd_JUozo&feature=youtu.be

Croydon North to write to Steve Reed MP [email protected]

Croydon Central to write to Sarah Jones MP [email protected]

Croydon South to write to Chris Philp MP [email protected]

Value for money in Croydon?

Following our recent campaign with the TaxPayers’ Alliance Croydon’s newspapers are asking – Are we getting value for money for our Council Tax?

REVEALED: This is how much Croydon Council has spent on vehicles for mayors since 2015 https://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/news/croydon-news/croydon-council-mayor-spending-cars-1918204

Revealed: Croydon Council is hiring private detectives and it is costing them thousands http://www.croydonguardian.co.uk/news/16591581.revealed-croydon-council-is-hiring-private-detectives-and-it-is-costing-them-cost-thousands/

TaxPayers’ Alliance Street Stall Croydon 18th August

Great street stall in Croydon with the TaxPayers’ Alliance. Campaigning for lower taxes and less waste in government spending. Photos and a short video from the day below.

Visit the TPA at https://www.taxpayersalliance.com/ to find out more.

Croydon Leaflet

‘Spend Croydon’s money on fixing potholes not sculptures’ – Croydon Advertiser and Croydon Guardian

“Members of a group which campaigns for lower taxes and an end to wasteful government spending will be in Croydon town centre on Saturday.
The Taxpayers’ Alliance are due to pitch up in the High Street campaigning for lower taxes and against government waste.”

Full Croydon Advertiser article https://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/news/croydon-news/spend-croydons-money-fixing-potholes-1910633

Croydon Advertiser Facebook Page wuth great comments https://www.facebook.com/114339615299800/posts/1840508142682930/

Croydon Guardian http://www.croydonguardian.co.uk/news/16444976.taxpayers-alliance-to-set-up-stall-in-croydon/