Campaigning for democracy in Wallington

On Saturday 23rd March, we were out in Wallington reminding Tom Brake MP that Sutton and Britain voted leave.  Huge support for a WTO Brexit and making sure on Friday 29th March we leave the EU to once again  become a free and independent sovereign nation.

Phil Sheppard out today in Wallington. Time for Tom Brake to listen.

Mike Swadling in Wallington Don’t let our MPs kill British Democracy.


Press Release – 17th March 2019

Two weeks ago Croydon Council once again decided to raise the tax burden on the hard working families of Croydon by the maximum of 2.99% for the council without calling a referendum. To give them the benefit of the doubt that they have not done, as to quote Sir Humphrey Appleby “pitch for as much as they think they can get away with and then think what to spend it on”, we would like to ask the council to reconsider the rise and make some savings.

Our proposals would bring down the increased tax take by 10% to a 2.69% increase in council tax. This would give more money back to stretched family budgets and remove the impression of a council treating taxpayers like fools.

To achieve this we needed to save £518,000 from Croydon council’s 2019/20 budget. We have done this with room to spare, here’s how:

  • Croydon’s Councillors are amongst the highest paid in London. If we reverse last year’s pay increase to bring them closer to the norm we can save £30,429.69 a year.
  • Does anyone seriously believe that being the senior leader in Croydon Council is harder than being Home Secretary? Harder than being Chancellor? Are most jobs harder than being a Minister of State, like say the Minister of Housing? Granted this might not be possible overnight, but by reducing the Chief Executive’s salary to that of a Cabinet Member (£134K) and all other Directors to that of a Minister of State (£98K) we can save a whopping £213,129 a year.
  • We would like to leave more money in people’s pockets to make their own entertainment choices. Your weekend is not best planned by the council. The Culture Growth Fund in the past year has funded a Boxpark priced above disposable income of most Croydon families, a Croydon Pride photo opportunity for local politicians that could have been funded by commercial sponsors, the Drunken Chorus Arts Collective, and somehow found £10,000 for someone to take a poo on stage. Halving this budget, and funding the truly unique and exceptional arts in the borough, not just those for the upper middle class or that take a poo, we can save £114,500 annually.
  • Councillors receive £8000 a year to fund local ward projects on fairly lose criteria. This sounds great but in reality most councillors (and we have 3 per ward in half the borough) struggle for ideas to spend the money on. If the community wants a local service, it’s a great opportunity to fundraise and pay for it. If they don’t, don’t force others to pay for it in tax. This money also risks looking like a series of local bribes, but does support some important services. We suggest councillors struggle by on £4000 a year for their local tax payer funded largess, saving a massive £288,000 a year

The total saving here is £646,058.69. £127K more that we proposed, the council could even pay down some debt. All of these savings have been achieved without impacting a single front line service.

If these savings weren’t enough maybe the council could have saved £11 million by delivering the Fairfield Halls on budget or £8 million but keeping to the budget for New Addington Leisure Centre Of Course had Croydon’s highly paid Councillors or Directors brought either project in on budget, Council Tax could have gone down this year.

Both Labour and Tory councillors voted for the increase. The people of Croydon desperately need councillors that will represent them and their families’ budget as much as they represent councillors’ allowances

Podcast Episode 7 – Parliamentary Shenanigans, Leavers of Croydon & a Debate for Democracy

We discuss the latest shenanigans in Parliament and the impact not only on Brexit but on our constitution.

We discuss recent and upcoming Leavers of Croydon events.

We announce the Debate for Democracy that we are hosting in Croydon.

We bemoan Croydon Council’s latest tax rise and suggest some areas for savings.

Finally we comment on the recent council by-election in Norbury & Pollards Hill.

YouTube –

Spreaker –

iTunes –

Pubcast 5 – Leavers of Croydon

We visit The Skylark in South Croydon where we discuss the Leavers of Britain and our local grouping.
We also hear from Croydon Leavers as to what they are looking forward to once we have left the EU.

YouTube –

Spreaker –

iTunes –

Press Release – Debate for Democracy

The Croydon Constitutionalists are hosting a ‘Debate for Democracy’ of democracy honouring pro-Brexit parties in April. Representatives of the Democrats and Veterans Party, Foundation Party, Libertarian Party, SDP and UK Independence Party, will be setting out their agenda for a democratic Britain and taking part in the panel debate.

The debate will be held upstairs at the Green Dragon, 60 High St, Croydon CR0 1NA from 7pm on the 18th April 2019. All parties are pro-Brexit and honouring the biggest vote in British history. Each speaker will be given 5 minutes to talk about their party and plans for Britain free from the EU.

Democrats and Veterans Party – Neville Watson

Party spokesman for Cities, Urban Communities & Sport, Neville has been actively involved as a social / community activist for over 30 years, often fighting against the odds for social justice and equality. The party fights to ensure that the government serve the interests of the people ahead of special and foreign interests; and for the sovereign will of the British people to be asserted on our servants in Parliament – by campaigning for Direct Democracy.

Foundation Party – Chris Mendes

Party Leader Chris has declared the major political parties not fit for purpose, the country is desperately missing a party, one that is more patriotic and genuinely at the service of ordinary people rather than themselves. Chris was the Vote Leave lead in Croydon South during the referendum. The Foundation Party is a long-term project for building a serious platform for clear patriotic principles for like-minded individuals who believe that our country can do so much better.

Libertarian Party – Sean Finch

Libertarian party candidate in the Lewisham East By Election, Sean is an avid free-speech advocate. The party stands for lower taxes for both individuals and companies, small government, free speech and individual responsibility. They support free trade and free enterprise whilst believing that people should make their own choices and not rely on the government. They support a withdrawal from the European Union and a return to the free trade agreements that it was founded on.

SDP – Richard Plackett

Richard is the London and South East Regional Organiser for the Social Democratic Party. The SDP represents the radical centre of British politics today, defining the limits of the market and the state and harnessing both to rebuild Britain. The Party aims to provide a political home to all social democrats who seek a stronger and more capable state along with greater individual responsibility, trust and social solidarity.

UKIP – Hoong Wai Cheah

UKIP Croydon Chair Hoong Wai has stood in Coulsdon for recent council elections and Lewisham West in the 2017 general election. UKIP is a Party that represents freedom, freedom from the European Union, freedom from political correctness and Cultural Marxism, freedom of speech, and freedom to be proud to be British. UKIP’s mission is to show the way forward for Britain as an independent, self-governing, democratic nation. They want trade, friendship and co-operation with the world.

This is a great chance to see local representatives of parties that are growing as people are increasingly dissatisfied with the discredited politics of those in Westminster.

Brexit Celebration / Wake – to be confirmed

On the 29th March 11pm we are due to leave the EU.  We don’t know at this stage if that time will prove to be a celebration of British independence or a wake for British democracy. 

Either way we plan from 7pm to be upstairs at the Skylark 34-36 South End, Croydon, CR0 1DP to celebrate or plan the downfall of any local MPs who rebelled against democracy.

Join us for this historic event.

Asking Tom Brake MP to honour democracy – leafleting in Wallington

Britain voted Leave, Sutton voted Leave, but Tom Brake MP wants to break with democracy and ignore the referendum of 2016.

Join us from 11am – 1pm on Saturday 23rd March in Tom’s constituency  to remind him what being a democrat is. 

We are meeting outside Boots Wallington.  43 Wallington Square, Wallington SM6 8RG.   Come and help get Brexit delivered.

Campaigner on Brexit: To Remain a Democracy UK Needs to Leave on 29th of March

On Friday 1st March Croydon Vote Leave lead Mike Swadling appeared on Sputnik Radio to discuss to possible extension to Article 50.

“In recent years we’ve seen greater use of referenda to make big constitutional choices; when there’s one the establishment don’t like, they are throwing away our democracy. There should be anger, there should be problems, and these people are effectively declaring war on the British people.”

Full article

A great day in Caterham – Putting pressure on Sam Gyimah MP

On Saturday 2nd March we were out in Caterham outside the Church Walk Shopping Centre, leafleting shoppers and the area. We also made sure we reminded Sam Gyimah that the people of Caterham won’t forget him betraying his manifesto commitments. 

Sam was a former Conservative A List candidate was effectively imposed on the previously safe seat of East Surrey. Now he is one of too many MPs who feel their views, which have included calling for a second referendum, matter more than those they serve, the British public.

Our timing couldn’t have been better with members of East Surrey Conservatives launching a no confidence bid against him:

Caterham Street Stall, 2nd March – Putting pressure on Sam Gyimah MP

Sam Gyimah MP as a former Conservative A List candidate was effectively imposed on the previously safe seat of East Surrey. Now he is one of too many MPs who feel their views, which have included calling for a second referendum, matter more than those they serve, the British public.

Being near neighbours we would like to remind Sam that even if he wants to ignore the people of Britain, his constituents in the borough of Tandridge voted to leave the EU.

We’re holding a street leafleting session outside the Church Walk Shopping Centre – Station Ave, Caterham CR3 6RT from 11am – 1pm on Saturday 2nd March.  Come and join us remind Sam that the people of Caterham won’t forget him betraying his manifesto commitments.