Ashley Dickenson, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate for the 10th April Sutton Central ward by-election

Ashley Dickenson is the Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA) candidate for the Sutton Central ward by-election in the London Borough of Sutton. We spoke with Ashley about his decision to stand.

“I’m running to promote the Christian Peoples Alliance in this Borough and not least our policies that could benefit Sutton High Street that’s in this ward”

Can you introduce yourself to our readers, and tell us what made you decide to run?

I’m running to promote the Christian Peoples Alliance in this Borough and not least our policies that could benefit Sutton High Street that’s in this ward.  For example, our turnover tax of 5% on turnovers of at least £85,000, offset against corporation tax, in order to reduce business rates that have cost us our High Street shops.  Just earlier this month I read of an independent coffee shop, Tazza, that has been forced to close owing to the ‘chain’ coffee shops in Sutton.  OK this is an issue that needs to be addressed at a national level but, if elected, this is what I would raise, given the opportunity. 

On a more practical level: school buses!  Given that more money has been raised through the ULEZ scheme, is it not possible that a % of that could not fund school buses to reduce school-run traffic and thereby reduce even further any pollution, to say nothing of increasing road works owing to the pressure on our roads.  At one time the Tramlink was proposed for Sutton: this will be pointless unless there’s a re-vitalisation of our High Street, not least through independent and family-run businesses.  

“At least one main concern brought to my attention is the site of the former B & Q on which it is proposed to build new developments called Chalk Green.  Not least the increased pressure on one of our Health Centres”

You’re the candidate for Sutton Central. What are the main concerns in the area?

At least one main concern brought to my attention is the site of the former B & Q on which it is proposed to build new developments called Chalk Green.  Not least the increased pressure on one of our Health Centres; the limited parking which means that homeowners who own cars will have to park (creating ‘overflows’) on nearby roads, adding to parking pressures.  

“Time and again I have witnessed overcrowding on our regular routes by pupils.  If our excellent schools had their own buses, this would go a long way to alleviating the ‘school run’ traffic”

What do you see as the major issues more widely in Sutton and if elected what do you hope to champion?

The housing issue as well as speeding restrictions.  The latter as, if you’re going to have 20 mph imposed on some roads then drivers will increase speeds on other roads to make up ‘for lost time’ as it were and so risk accidents and breaking the speed limit, even 30 mph.  Regarding roads, I refer you back to the need for school buses. 

The benefits of a school bus:

  1. Children are always on time
  2. They can make new friends
  3. Children learn to look after their things
  4. Children learn about time management
  5. Lower accident/crime rate against our children
  6. Parents’ peace of mind.
  7. It would restore the face-to-face contact between friends considering the enforced separation of each other since this pandemic started. As:

When children are being driven to school they contact friends via mobile or tablet. A school bus encourages more natural contact and would help reduce over-dependency on technology, as marvellous as it is.  Though I accept that contact via mobiles will still take place, even on buses.

Time and again I have witnessed overcrowding on our regular routes by pupils.  If our excellent schools had their own buses, this would go a long way to alleviating the ‘school run’ traffic.  We have excellent schools in this Borough. 

Also: leaves!  They are not swept away as regularly as they should be and those that are left I take it on myself to use as compost for our shared garden.  The more upswept leaves end up inside our drains they are blocking the same and so rainwater is not efficiently or sufficiently dealt with. 

How can people find out more or get involved in the campaign?

You can find out more about the CPA at and contact Ashley at [email protected].

Ashley Dickenson, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate for Carshalton and Wallington

Ashley Dickenson is the Christian Peoples Alliance Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Carshalton and Wallington.  We spoke with Ashley about his decision to stand.

“this nation needs a return to Judaeo-Christian values that were the yardstick for discerning between good and evil, values that everyone at one time knew and respected”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Ashley Dickenson who has lived in the London Borough of Sutton since 1984 and Carshalton since 1992.  I have worked in administrative support roles.  I am very committed to pro-life issues, and I advocate for Christian values in our schools.  I have recently been campaigning for pedestrian crossings for a venue near me as well as for school buses to reduce school-run traffic. 

What made you decide to stand for the CPA?

I believe that not just this constituency, but this nation needs a return to Judaeo-Christian values that were the yardstick for discerning between good and evil, values that everyone at one time knew and respected, even if not perfectly upheld.  Politicians from the other parties have tried to solve this nation’s problems through secular laws with the best of intentions but this hasn’t necessarily worked out for this nation’s best.

You’re the Spokesman for Carshalton and Wallington what’s made you decide to represent this area?

  • I’ve lived in this area since August 1992 and decided to take up:
  • the need for pedestrian lights at the crossroads of the Windsor Castle public house;
  • a pedestrian crossing to the Greyhound near Carshalton;
  • leafletting against the Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) in our primary schools.
    • I have also written to schools & libraries expressing concerns about drag queens being allowed to read to impressionable young children;
  • a while back I contacted several schools in my area to express concern about Ha’laal meat being served to their pupils owing to animal welfare issues. 

“I have submitted to two schools in my area petitions promoting school buses to offset – if not completely eliminate – ‘school-run traffic’”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

  • St Helier Hospital
  • Relationships & Sex Education in our schools
  • Traffic: I have submitted to two schools in my area petitions promoting school buses to offset – if not completely eliminate – ‘school-run traffic’. Especially where this has caused ‘snarl-ups’ at best and drivers speeding at worse, at over 20mph on 20 mph roads. 

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

I can be contacted via:
X/Twitter: @CPA_Party
Facebook: Christian-Peoples-Alliance UK-159505527405662
Email: [email protected]

Sid Cordle, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate for Mid Bedfordshire

Following the resignation of Nadine Dorries the Mid Bedfordshire by-election is coming up on the 19th October.  We’ve spoken with local Sid Cordle, who is the Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA) candidate for the election.

Can you introduce the party and say a bit about what it stands for?

The 5 core values of the CPA are

1. Support Marriage and the Family
2. Protest the sanctity of life from conception until natural death
3. Care for the poor. We help run foodbanks
4. Defend persecuted Christians worldwide
5. Fight crime.

We have a broad set of policies in other areas but these are our core values.

Can you introduce yourself to the people of Mid-Bedfordshire, and tell us what got you involved in politics,

I’ve been a Councillor and shadow chairman of a planning committee. I’ve also chaired a school governing body and also chaired a school finance committee. One resident told me “you are by far the best Councillor we have ever had”. I live in Hitchin and most of my working life has been spent as a Financial Adviser. I now work as a researcher for a DUP MP and am leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance party.  I am a firm believer that parents should have a say what is taught in all RSE lessons.

Politics is in my blood. I was elected to my school Council and was very active in University politics. The biggest inspiration for me was the persecution of Christians behind the Iron curtain I was very aware of and the blatant injustice of it carried out on people who just wanted to pray and read the Bible.  I was determined to stop Communism coming to the UK from my teenage years. 

If elected what are the local challenges you want to champion?

At the moment we feel the biggest issue is the sexualisation of children in schools. So our core message is 

VOTE CPA to Stop the Sexualization of Children
VOTE CPA if you believe an Innocent child is a happy child.
VOTE CPA if you think RSE in Schools has gone too far.

What would be your main national priorities?

In addition to our core values our economic policies are 

*Turnover Tax to to be set at 5% initially which will be a sellers VAT with the same threshold as purchasers VAT, £85,000. We would offset it against corporation tax (tax on profits) so British Companies would pay less. The idea is to get tax off Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad and so don’t pay corporation tax. We would use the anticipated £40.5bn raised to

  1. Get rid of all Commercial rates to help small business and stores to compete with online retail. This will save our city centres. (£21bn)
  2. Restore the cuts to benefits to get rid of the 5 week waiting period a key reason why people attend food banks (£12bn)
  3. Support marriage and the family by giving a £12,000 grant before a first marriage and £6,000 grant before a first child is born if it is within wedlock. Family breakdown wrecks lives. (£3bn)
  4. Tackle homelessness and cut crime. Guarantee everyone who leaves prison a place to live to cut reoffending and guarantee everyone sleeping rough a night shelter and a free meal. (£4.5bn)

* Cut Quangos now costing over £90bn a year and save £30bn a year (£150bn over 5 years) to be spent on capital projects like a new hub airport in the Thames estuary to replace Heathrow which would make billions in revenue and create jobs.

* Make the only test for procurement value for money. This costs £379bn a year and we could save 10% so £37.9bn a year spent on cutting tax and cutting debt. It costs just over £5bn to take 1p off income tax so with his policy we could take 5p off income tax and raise tax thresholds and still cut debt.

*WE would reintroduce GP fundholding which worked so well in the 1990s and make the NHS much more efficient, make sure people get GP appointments and still spend what we spend now on health.

How can people find out more and get involved in your campaign?

Either e mail [email protected] or contact me on 07808474192.

Lorna Corke, Christians Peoples Alliance candidate for Somerton and Frome by-election.

With the Somerton and Frome by-election coming up on the 20th July.  We bring details of Somerset resident and former local Councillor Lorna Corke, who is the Christians Peoples Alliance (CPA) candidate for election.

“a local Councillor in the County for 4 years from 2014. From that position she was elected onto Local Government Association Think Tanks looking at Children and Young People and Education.  She was a parent governor of a local school for 8 years”

Lorna Corke served as a local Councillor in the County for 4 years from 2014. From that position she was elected onto Local Government Association Think Tanks looking at Children and Young People and Education.  She was a parent governor of a local school for 8 years.

She previously worked in a voluntary capacity for the Children Country Holiday Association for deprived children, vetting families to give children the opportunity of enjoying country holidays.  She was involved in the holiday letting and long-term letting industry for around 35 years. She still lets out 2 properties. Lorna has also been involved in sheep farming and still looks after sheep. She is very concerned that new houses should be built on brownfield sites and NOT farmland.

“The Christian belief that sex should be between a man and a woman inside marriage should at least be taught as an option. So should the moral beliefs of other religions”

The CPA is focusing on two main areas:

  • We want moral education
  • We would transform the economy

Lorna said “The Christian belief that sex should be between a man and a woman inside marriage should at least be taught as an option. So should the moral beliefs of other religions. We also want puberty blockers banned which mostly lead to sterilization of children.”

“During the King’s coronation Rishi Sunak read from the Bible ‘In him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, all things have been created through him.’ Yet in our schools the New Age theory of evolution is taught that doesn’t explain where life came from. Even excluding the possibility that God created the world. This is indoctrination not teaching. Christians believe God created the world and controls the climate.”

“We would use the anticipated £40.5bn raised to;
Get rid of all Commercial rates to help City Centres (£21bn)…
Support marriage and the family by giving a £12,000 grant before a first marriage and £6,000 grant before a first child is born if it is within wedlock (£3bn)”

Leader of the CPA Sid Cordle said the “CPA policy is for a turnover tax to be set at 5% initially which will be a sellers VAT with the same threshold as purchasers VAT, £85,000. We would offset it against corporation tax (tax on profits) so British Companies would pay less. The idea is to get tax off Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad and so don’t pay corporation tax. We would use the anticipated £40.5bn raised to;

  • Get rid of all Commercial rates to help City Centres (£21bn),
  • Restore the cuts to benefits to get rid of the 5 week waiting period a key reason why people attend food banks (£12bn),
  • Support marriage and the family by giving a £12,000 grant before a first marriage and £6,000 grant before a first child is born if it is within wedlock (£3bn),
  • Guarantee everyone who leaves prison a place to live to cut reoffending and guarantee everyone sleeping rough a night shelter and free meal (£4.5bn).”

Sid goes on to say “We would also set up a new Professional Standards Authority directly answerable to ministers and get rid of numerous quangos such as the Teachers Regulatory Authority, Social Work England, Wilton House etc. This will drastically cut red tape. All quangos that remain like the Financial Conduct Authority will also be answerable directly to ministers. This will help stop the civil service undermining ministerial decisions. Before the 2010 election, the Taxpayers Alliance issued a manifesto that highlighted the presence of 1,148 quangos spending £90 billion a year.  These are mostly still intact.  We estimate we can save £30bn a year immediately we will use on capital spending. (Over 5 years we would have £150bn to spend). We believe a new 6 runway hub airport in the Thames Estuary would do most for the British economy and reduce pollution. Capital spending like this creates wealth which means we can in time eliminate the deficit and reduce debt.

We would reintroduce GP fundholding which operated in the 1990s very successfully to transform the NHS and make it efficient again.

These are radical policies, but we know they work and we know they would transform the economy.”

You can contact Lorna at [email protected], find the CPA online, on Facebook and on Twitter.

Enomfon Ntefon, Christians Peoples Alliance candidate for Uxbridge & South Ruislip by-election.

With the Uxbridge & South Ruislip by-election coming up on the 20th July.  We bring details of local resident and Pastor Enomfon Ntefon, who is the Christians Peoples Alliance (CPA) candidate for election.

“Moral education is a major concern of mine. Education should be about teaching different moral points of view including those of Christianity and New Age liberalism and those of other religions especially where they are in a majority”

Enomfon Ntefon has lived in Uxbridge for 12 years working as a nurse in the community. She has led a church in the area with her husband Robert for 7 years until recently. She’s headed up an organisation “Mums against youth crime” for 4 years. She’s also been involved in helping people with food provision in the community that need it. She’s developed a close connection with a number of care homes in the area supporting residents. She spent many years as a parent governor of her local school.

Robert and Enomfon have had 5 children between them now ages 20 to 31. They understand all the problems parents face in modern society.

Enomfon has authored 6 books, 3 of which are related to the family, “Winning mums”, “120 Words of Wisdom” and “Answering your Destiny Call as a Mother”. She’s currently running an “Arrows on Point” parent coaching and mentorship programme.

The CPA is focusing on two main areas:

  • We want moral education
  • We would transform the economy

Enomfen Ntefon said “Moral education is a major concern of mine. Education should be about teaching different moral points of view including those of Christianity and New Age liberalism and those of other religions especially where they are in a majority”

“Many parents have complained, some very vocally, outside schools and reviews have been promised but to date nothing has been done. Sometimes children themselves are protesting about the teaching inside classrooms.”

“The idea is to get tax off Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad and so don’t pay corporation tax”

Leader of the CPA Sid Cordle said the “CPA policy is for a turnover tax to be set at 5% initially which will be a sellers VAT with the same threshold as purchasers VAT, £85,000. We would offset it against corporation tax (tax on profits) so British Companies would pay less. The idea is to get tax off Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad and so don’t pay corporation tax. We would use the anticipated £40.5bn raised to;

  • Get rid of all Commercial rates to help City Centres (£21bn),
  • Restore the cuts to benefits to get rid of the 5 week waiting period a key reason why people attend food banks (£12bn),
  • Support marriage and the family by giving a £12,000 grant before a first marriage and £6,000 grant before a first child is born if it is within wedlock (£3bn),
  • Guarantee everyone who leaves prison a place to live to cut reoffending and guarantee everyone sleeping rough a night shelter and free meal (£4.5bn).”

“Capital spending like this creates wealth which means we can in time eliminate the deficit and reduce debt.”

Sid goes on to say “We would also set up a new Professional Standards Authority directly answerable to ministers and get rid of numerous quangos such as the Teachers Regulatory Authority, Social Work England, Wilton House etc. This will drastically cut red tape. All quangos that remain like the Financial Conduct Authority will also be answerable directly to ministers. This will help stop the civil service undermining ministerial decisions. Before the 2010 election, the Taxpayers Alliance issued a manifesto that highlighted the presence of 1,148 quangos spending £90 billion a year.  These are mostly still intact.  We estimate we can save £30bn a year immediately we will use on capital spending. (Over 5 years we would have £150bn to spend). We believe a new 6 runway hub airport in the Thames Estuary would do most for the British economy and reduce pollution. Capital spending like this creates wealth which means we can in time eliminate the deficit and reduce debt.

We would reintroduce GP fundholding which operated in the 1990s very successfully to transform the NHS and make it efficient again.

These are radical policies, but we know they work and we know they would transform the economy.”

You can contact Enomfon at [email protected], find the CPA online, on Facebook and on Twitter.

Sidney Cordle of the Christian Peoples Alliance

The CPA is a Christian Democratic party whose members come from all backgrounds and church traditions. They actively promote Christian social teachings and draw our principles from the bible.  We spoke with Sid Cordle who is standing for them in the Bearton Ward of North Herts district Council.

“We have a policy of introducing a turnover tax paid by all companies to get money off Google, Facebook, Amazon, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad so don’t pay corporation tax.”

Tell us a bit about yourself and your party?

I have been the leader of the CPA since 2012. We stand 100% for Christian values, so we get all our values from Jesus’ teaching. Our 5 Core values are,

a. Supporting marriage between a man and a woman and the family.
b. The sanctity of life from conception until natural death.
c. Care for the poor.
d. Support Persecuted Christians worldwide,
e. Fight crime.

We have a policy of introducing a turnover tax paid by all companies to get money off Google, Facebook, Amazon, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad so don’t pay corporation tax. We would offset it against corporation tax so British companies pay less & there would be an incentive to locate in the UK. We would also cut quangos introducing a new Professional Standards Authority and get rid of quangos like Social Work England, 19 health quangos, Wilton Park (under foreign office)  etc. The only useful thing these quangos do is to maintain professional standards. All the rest is a waste of time.  Eg. it is important to be able to bar criminals or abusers from professions like social work and the NHS.  

“The sewers are full, the roads are clogged up. You can’t get a GP appointment and schools are full, but they build more houses with no new facilities”

You’re standing in the Bearton Ward, can you introduce the ward to us and what you can bring to the area?

Bearton Ward is on the Bedford side of Hitchin a town of about 35,000 people but just 30 mins from London with trains every 15 mins. One of the big issues is building new homes in the area with no infrastructure to support them. The sewers are full, the roads are clogged up. You can’t get a GP appointment and schools are full, but they build more houses with no new facilities. We’ve claimed the big parties don’t understand basic planning rules (here Lib/Lab coalition, in Hertfordshire County Council Con).

“We would use money from our turnover tax to get rid of Commercial rates altogether so people pay the same tax if they buy in a shop or buy on line.”

More widely what would you like to see change at North Herts district Council and across the area?

Planning is a major issue. Another is speed on the side roads. I would like to see traffic control measures (square road humps) rather than putting up 20MPH sings which drivers ignore. Hitchin town centre is quite good but still under pressure with some shops closing. We would use money from our turnover tax to get rid of Commercial rates altogether so people pay the same tax if they buy in a shop or buy on line.

How can people find out more or get in touch if they want to get involved?

How can people find out more or get in touch if they want to get involved? E mail [email protected] or go to our web site

Plans for 2023

With a politically tumultuous 2022 coming to an end, we asked you, ‘What do you hope your organisation will be doing in 2023?’

Steve Kelleher, London Organiser for the SDP

“Every candidate will hold “meet the public” street stalls and other high profile “get to know you” local events”

The London SDP will run monthly meetings and quarterly events with guest speakers. We will also be identifying at LEAST 20 candidates to run in the Next Parliamentary elections. Every candidate will hold “meet the public” street stalls and other high profile “get to know you” local events. The SDP profile and cut through in London should, hopefully, rise with media coverage. We will encourage local agreements and support with other groups and parties where our values and ambitions agree.

The two parties in our FPTP system are NOT fit for the job. They need to be run out of office and true patriotic democracy needs to be restored. London is the best City in the world. We are so lucky to live here. Let’s all get together and organise local people to make 2023 the platform for real change in 2024!

Peter Sonnex, Political Activist

“Trust is a massive issue for me, with a burning distaste for the established and establishment parties in their incompetence: precipitating a cost of lockdown crisis; failing to deliver in the national interest on energy and health, and in their hypocrisy”

2023 – Making Your Mind Up!

Having stood for the Brexit Party in 2019 on conviction, I look forward to seeing which candidates or parties I may support in their convictions in the health, security and prosperity interests of the United Kingdom in the run up to the next General Election…

Trust is a massive issue for me, with a burning distaste for the established and establishment parties in their incompetence: precipitating a cost of lockdown crisis; failing to deliver in the national interest on energy and health, and in their hypocrisy; putting measures in place they are not themselves prepared to follow. Their values are no longer representative of those they should be serving. It’s time for most of them to go.

I shall be watching the Reform Party most closely. They are performing well in recent polls, though that would not yet yield seats in parliament. They also have work to do if they want more engagement from former Brexit Party candidates and supporters, and that is down to trust, too.

Beyond the traditional party politics, I am looking to Reclaim for the culture wars rhetoric on free speech, British values, ID politics, intersectionality and sex-based rights, and to the Together Declaration as they seek to take back democracy – again, championing free speech with open debate over dictate and suppression. Together is going to build a shadow cabinet in the new year to challenge the orthodoxy – across health, economy, energy, housing, defence etc – and increasingly similar government and opposition approaches to ruling over us rather than to serve.

Bending the rules of the game
Will let you find the one you’re looking for
And then you can show that you think you know
You’re making your mind up!

Lorena Serantes, Blogger and Political Scientist

” I will try to focus on interviews regarding the situation in Ukraine at this moment of conflicts between Russia, the EU, NATO and others”

In 2023 I will try to focus on interviews regarding the situation in Ukraine at this moment of conflicts between Russia, the EU, NATO and others, and I’ll probably write a review of the Spanish local elections that are going to take place in May. In fact, I have been interested in getting interviews from Spanish political leaders. There’s not a culture of responding e-mails from researchers or journalists in this country, which contrasts with the high level of answers that I’ve got from British politicians.

Turning to the political context of Spain, Spanish representatives are distinguished by their low profile contributions in Parliament, specially the members of parties such as Podemos on the left side and VOX on the right side. Furthermore, judges interfering in strictly political debates and the impossibility of reforming Francoist institutions that changed nothing but their names, makes it absolutely annoying and toxic, at least for me. I’m a calm person, therefore in my duty as Political Scientist and analyst I prefer the moderation of Conservative-Labour dynamics. Ideologically, that’s another thing. In conclusion, I’ll see what I can do to analyse the Ukraine-Russia conflict from different perspectives, as I always try to do.

“Our main aim is to get candidates in place. We are hoping for 100 by the end of 2023 so we can have a party political broadcast next time”

Sid Cordle MBE, Leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance.

Our main aim is to get candidates in place. We are hoping for 100 by the end of 2023 so we can have a party political broadcast next time. We currently have 20 committed to standing in the next General Election. We also have a training course fixed for January 2023 with a professional trainer and we are hoping for at least 20 new people on that course.

We’re getting more exposure on Christian TV.  I do a weekly interview on Air TV. Our Assembly was broadcast live on LCBN TV for the first time. Maureen Martin (President) goes regularly on Revelation TV. This is also opening doors to speak in churches. We are getting better known and accepted among church leaders. We aim to continue this process and speak in as many churches as possible in 2023

Relationships with the DUP are getting stronger. Ian Paisley Jnr MP spoke at our assembly this year and was just amazing. If you’re interested this was his speech as I say broadcast live. Part3 Christian People Alliance Conference on LCBN TV UK I hope to be a guest speaker at the DUP conference next year at the fringe as a first step. We are also preparing our Assembly for 2023 we plan to hold in Birmingham Sept 29th and 30th

We meet every Monday on zoom to pray and then afterwards review our manifesto a process Tom Rogers is in charge of. We are constantly coming up with new ideas and honing it and improving it. I would like to think that no party has a more comprehensive and well thought out manifesto to deal with the issues the country faces. This gives us a strong basis for campaigning and growing as a party. A weak manifesto is a fatal flaw as a party grows and is almost certain to bring growth to a standstill. 

I should also say we are very open to bringing in Christians from other political parties in 2023. David Campanale was recently removed as a candidate for the Lib Dems in Sutton for being a Christians and for having previously stood for us. Lib Dems sack former BBC journalist in target seat ‘because he is a Christian’ | Politics | News | So was Robert Flello in Stoke Election candidate deselected by Lib Dems over pro-life and pro-marriage views – The Christian Institute

In 2019 Revelation TV couldn’t find a single Christian in the Lib Dems who was willing to come on their programme for fear of expulsion. The Greens sacked a Councillor who spoke against same sex marriage. Brighton councillor expelled over views on same-sex marriage | ICN ( This sacking was upheld by the parties’ disciplinary committee. 

Keir Starmer’s vow never to visit another church that stands by Biblical teaching is a grave insult to all Christians. Starmer’s Jesus House apology is an insult | The Spectator.

We are the only party positioned to bring Christians together in politics and we aim to further than process in 2023.

On to Part 2

European Court of Human Rights – Your views, Part 4

The European Court of Human Rights intervened to stop the deportation flight of asylum seekers to Rwanda.  The UK is a member of the Council of Europe and a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights.

We asked your views on:  How should the government react to the ruling by the ECHR?

Back to Part 3

Helen Spiby-Vann of the Christian Peoples Alliance party.

“Whether it’s a refugee’s welcome group, Justin Welby or the Prince of Wales, that ‘someone’ in ‘someone should do something’ is you. If you really cared, you would offer of yourself”

The intervention of the ECHR was based on previous Rwandan breaches of human rights. The government needs to improve the process so ‘refugees to Rwanda’ detainees are protected. Subsequently, this criticism should no longer be an obstacle to the scheme.

The UK government should take a steer from all stakeholders, especially the British people.

None of the critics of this scheme have offered suggestions for improvements or an alternative. It begs the question, how serious are they on brokering a solution to make refugee asylum applications fair for all?

I understand the principal behind ‘refugees to Rwanda’ is to put their asylum applications on an equal footing with other refugees who are applying from overseas, and even France. But the government should also be elevating the chances of overseas applicants to those of UK applicants.

I can see the current poor application process incentivises dissent with people who are already over here, having an appeal advantage which encourages people-trafficking. The fact that the lawyers grounding the flight were representing refugees already here, is a case in point.

Other nuances to the ‘refugees to Rwanda’ debate are as follows:

  • In my opinion, it’s good that the discussion centres around allocation of resources and logistics rather than whether or not we should offer sanctuary.
  • The people of the UK are in support of offering asylum to refugees.
  • The debate is over the process not the principal. This is because of our Judeo-Christian legacy.
  • The Good Samaritan put his hands into his pocket and rescued a victim of crime who was facing death. The victim happened to be a stranger from a hostile people group.
  • He paid for him to be looked after till he was back on his own two feet. So far as we read in the story, it is implied that the victim of crime accepted the help he was offered and was grateful that he was safe and healthy.
  • There’s an element of personal responsibility implied for both the Good Samaritan and the victim of crime.
  • In the Bible parable the initiative to help comes from the heart of the good Samaritan.

While I think it’s appropriate and right that the British people allocate resources from taxes to help refugees coming to Britain, I also think people should be left with capacity to lavish their financial resources (money or time) on the worthy causes God has put on their own hearts. Do the critics want us to pay more taxes so more money can be spent on supporting one state sanctioned worthy cause?

Whether it’s a refugee’s welcome group, Justin Welby or the Prince of Wales, that ‘someone’ in ‘someone should do something’ is you. If you really cared, you would offer of yourself. Go live in a shack and turn your capital into sponsorship, medical and legal aid to help failed asylum seekers. Don’t be like a whitewashed tomb. Practice what you preach.

In the past, my family made a personal sacrifice by offering accommodation to a refugee from Syria (via Lebanon). This dear person was not given appropriate help upon arrival to combat alcoholism (which no one appeared aware of) and sadly without this help upon arrival, their chances of successful integration in Britain were slim despite huge financial investment.

There’s so much more can be done to get the system working fairly and squarely.

Dan Liddicott, Independent Libertarian.

“I’d much rather allow for more free movement hand-in-hand with eliminating expectations of being subsidised by the state – or should I say, by the taxpayer”

From my perspective as an independent libertarian the matter of refugees and migrants is something that I’m often at odds with the mainstream about. In principle I am an advocate for free movement. I’d like the freedom and opportunity to relocate to anywhere in the world should I so wish. In principle I can hardly deny the same to others.

I’d much rather allow for more free movement hand-in-hand with eliminating expectations of being subsidised by the state – or should I say, by the taxpayer. There are many industrious and entrepreneurial migrants who would bring cultural richness and prosperity to the UK and it’s a pity if that should be curtailed by welfare state resources and other similar concerns. I’d like to see that migrants therefore have adequate medical insurance for their own needs. I’d like to see migrant sponsorship take a front seat through which those seeking residency here may be sponsored by someone who will take responsibility for their health and welfare and other needs rather than the taxpayer. Migration in this sense is a freedom of association issue more than a legal one, and in that sense ought to be none of the government’s business. The challenge comes with the practicalities, and the practicalities are made a mess of by too much state intervention and control in everyone’s lives.

Here in the UK the state insists on doing so much for us and to us. The welfare state with its benefits, state school, state housing and NHS can create just such a problem area. Where movement ought to be free, these finite services which we’re all coerced into paying for through taxation cannot be subject to infinite demand. Were NI payments actually ringfenced and treated as insurance for health treatments it would be a simpler thing to explain, but the hash various governments have made of that just adds to the mess. Migration becomes controlled to protect other things the state insists on controlling, however badly in either case.

Outlawing free movement, as with outlawing many things, simply creates a black market for less reputable people to make money from those desperate enough to attempt life threatening means to travel. It all adds up to a prime example of how so much government meddling requires even more government meddling to deal with its own consequences. Flights to Rwanda are just yet another example of the state trying to fix its own mess, making things messier by upping the stakes in a game of brinkmanship between government, black marketeers and desperate people. I think flying people to Rwanda is a terrible policy, there are better ways to deal with it, I’d rather hold people airside here, decide and then act. But I don’t think the UK is likely to improve its other policies any time soon, to mitigate the migrant effect or meddle less in our lives.

In all this I do believe each nation has the right and obligation to make its own laws regarding the entry of individuals within its borders. I’d like them to be freer as I have explained, but they are properly in the competence of each nation to decide. So, even though I think Priti Patel is an authoritarian with little regard for liberty and the correct role of government, as things stand I tend to reject the notion that the ECHR has anything to say on this.

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Image: detailsoriginalamended.

European Court of Human Rights – Your views, Part 3

The European Court of Human Rights intervened to stop the deportation flight of asylum seekers to Rwanda.  The UK is a member of the Council of Europe and a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights.

We asked your views on:  How should the government react to the ruling by the ECHR?

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Maureen Martin of the Christian Peoples Alliance.

“The desire for a better life is not a valid reason to illegally enter a nation and expect to be welcomed with open arms.  They must go through the process legally”

This is the now very familiar battle between the rule of law and woke social justice or asylum seekers versus economic migrants.  Nations without controlled, patrolled and hard boarders are not sovereign nations at all but merely what the USA calls sanctuaries for whosoever.  The UK government has a responsibility to its legal citizens to ensure they carefully vet whom we allow into this country, this process must be governed by the rule of law and not fuzzy feelings of social justice policies, otherwise known as the European Court of Human Rights.

The ECHR is making rulings based upon individual appeals and of course as they are all in basically the same predicament the court has ruled similarly in each case.  For one of these individuals the argument is being made that he was seeking a better life in the UK and would still be vulnerable in Rwanda.  If the vulnerability of the individual is the issue, would he be vulnerable wherever he settled? What makes Rwanda a dangerous place for him? This is not clear. In addition to which seeking a better life makes him an economic migrant and not eligible for asylum seeker status.  This must be addressed as the cry of human rights activists seems to focus on this point; it is not humane to deny someone the chance of a better life. The answer to that is if a better life is the goal, then the rule of law must be adhered to.  The desire for a better life is not a valid reason to illegally enter a nation and expect to be welcomed with open arms.  They must go through the process legally.

The UK government should pursue its mandate to protect our boarders and enforce its immigration laws and policies.  The message must be sent to other nations, human traffickers, and drug smugglers that the UK is not open for illegal immigration business. If they know that asylum seekers will be sent to another closer/bordering nation it will deter those considering making the trip across the Chanel risking their lives in the process. 

We have to look no further than the USA to ascertain that such policies are extremely effective.  During the Trump administration the Stay in Mexico Policy was instrumental in controlling the Southern border with amazing results.  The current administration has rolled out the welcome mat for whosoever resulting in record illegal immigration numbers, the highest in 97 years. We do not want the same in the UK.

Zack Stiling of the Heritage Party.

“it refuses to recognize the merit in deterring would-be asylum seekers from making the dangerous journeys across the English Channel”

The interference of the European Court of Human Rights in the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda is disgraceful, but sadly predictable. I strongly doubt that any flights will ever go ahead, because the E.C.H.R. is unlikely to relent and I do not believe the Johnson administration really cares about cracking down on illegal immigration. Having mixed a preposterous cocktail of socialism, totalitarianism and spectacular economic cretinism during its first 2½ years, who can honestly expect the Johnson government to successfully implement a genuinely conservative policy?

Through its decision to suspend the flights, the E.C.H.R. has given up the pretence of existing to protect human rights and quite openly revealed its politicized agenda. The deportations do not contravene any part of the European Convention on Human Rights and yet the Court is happy to remain silent when serious contraventions do occur in Europe (the Convention is supposed to guarantee the right to personal liberty, freedom of expression and freedom of association, all of which are disregarded by so-called public health measures and the criminalization of ‘hate speech’). All migrants do, of course, have a right to live in Britain provided they follow the correct legal procedures and satisfy at least the same criteria as are required of all native-born British citizens.

The E.C.H.R. would appear to prefer the policy mooted in May of destroying a Yorkshire village by filling it with 1500 asylum seekers, at enormous cost to the British taxpayer. By the same margin, it refuses to recognize the merit in deterring would-be asylum seekers from making the dangerous journeys across the English Channel which have already resulted in dozens of them perishing. Perhaps the E.C.H.R. prefers them dead, or maybe it just thinks British resources should be stretched even further by having coastguards posted on 24-hour dinghy-watch.

An important distinction which must be made is that the right to life is the right not to be killed, not an entitlement to be spoon-fed by Nanny Taxpayer. If we presume that the E.C.H.R. would rather claim the latter (and we must presume much, for it is being so suspiciously cagey), we can be certain that it has abandoned any interest it may have had in protecting actual human rights in favour of trying to impose costly and community-destroying socialism on countries within its jurisdiction. To suggest that working taxpayers who are struggling to make ends meet and young workers with no hope of ever buying a house should have money taken from them and given to people with no entitlement to British residence is much worse than crassly insulting.

As with the E.U., we again find ourselves being coerced into acting against our own interests by an unelected body. The best thing the government can possibly do is withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights. As nice as it is to have such a convention, which looks on the surface to be so righteous and upstanding, its value is nil when existing clauses are ignored and non-existent ones are fabricated and used against us. Britain would be much better off with her own intelligently drafted human rights constitution.

Cllr Mary Lawes, The Foundation Party, Folkestone Town Council.

“We campaigned and won the right to be a sovereign nation. We must leave the ECHR and bring in a UK owned ‘Bill of Rights’”

Decisions taken by a foreign body on UK & it’s citizens, must be stopped at all costs. 

When the rights of foreigners come before the country’s own citizens it’s time to leave. This is something that should have been done at the same time as leaving the EU. We campaigned and won the right to be a sovereign nation. We must leave the ECHR and bring in a UK owned ‘Bill of Rights’. This must be agreed by the people of this country not Parliament. 

If in many years to come this country can sustain taking in large numbers of economic migrants, then great. However, the infrastructure is not in place for its own people never mind those illegally entering the UK. The country also needs to reduce the amount of work visa being issued to many countries around the world. 1,000,000 foreign nationals came to the UK on work Visa’s last year during Covid 19.

I, as a local Councillor see local people having to go back home to parents with their families in overcrowded housing condition. Families being separated and moved to other parts of the country. If you have a partner and cannot prove how long you have lived together you cannot live with them if the Council is helping them out. 

In my local town there are no private properties available to rent as London Boroughs send those on their waiting lists to us and other towns. London Borough’s pay large deposits to landlords and agents to guarantee those on their waiting lists above locals. No social housing is being built even though there is such a huge need. 

We have insufficient medical services, too few GP’s, patients unable to see a GP, too few beds in ICU units, overcrowded A&E departments. 

Schools are overcrowded and having to spend time teaching foreign children English. Children leaving primary and secondary school illiterate. Insufficient vocational education, too many children being pushed for academic education. Pushing vast numbers to university instead of training for future carpenters, electricians, bricklayers, engineers, or plumbers. 

If the country continues the way it is going, we will end up with most of the country’s citizens getting poorer with no housing, no education, mental health continuing to rocket. People dying as they would be unable to get any medical care. 

People calling for more migrants to come, pushing wages down while trying to fight for better wages and conditions for those already here, is perverse. Businesses looking for cheap labour and rubbing their hands together.  Let’s look after our own first and when we have improved our infrastructure and helped all our own then by all means put infrastructure in place and bring in those in need at an agreed number. 

This whole of Parliament has for the last 6 years been pitting people against each other on all these matters. We need to have a grown-up conversation about this country going forward but this useless Parliament are incapable of doing so. 

The people are the masters not the servants – we are stronger together. 

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Image: detailsoriginalamended.

Ashley Dickenson, Christian Peoples Alliance candidate in Sutton.

Written over the period of the recent local elections, we interview Ashley Dickenson, the Christian Peoples Alliance candidate in Carshalton Central ward, Sutton.

“The concerns I’ve heard are of excessively speeding traffic; narrow pavements; non-existent crossings needed for mums with buggies / pushchairs, besides railings for pavements that I’ve noticed are too narrow”

Tell us a bit about yourself and your party?

I’ve lived in the ward for 30 years this coming August and took voluntary redundancy from the civil service after 25 years, two of these in the Dept of Employment and 23 in the Met. Police in an Admin Support role.  I’ve stood in nine elections on behalf of the CPA.  I live alone but have lived an active life as secretary, minutes secretary and a treasurer.

You’re standing in the Carshalton Central ward, can you introduce the ward to us and what you can bring to the area?

An attractive and historic area for which I wish to see improvements.  At the council elections in 2018 I won 69 votes in this ward which I hope to increase (in 2022 Ashley won 132 votes) through my road safety petitioning for at least one pedestrian crossing in a potentially dangerous spot, not just to assist pedestrians but to keep a check on fast-moving traffic.  The concerns I’ve heard are of excessively speeding traffic; narrow pavements; non-existent crossings needed for mums with buggies / pushchairs, besides railings for pavements that I’ve noticed are too narrow.

“the CPA supports transport that is cheap, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly this Tramlink will count for little unless our shops at the lower end of Sutton High Street can fully thrive again”

More widely what would you like to see change at Sutton Council and across the borough?

I’d want to see more CPA representation; this is something I need to work on so that come the next Council elections and the London Assembly elections expected in 2024 we hope to have more candidates standing. In the London Assembly List Results, we came ahead even of the TUSC.  We need a moral voice in politics, to speak up on behalf of the unborn, the poor & vulnerable, besides a fairer taxation system, i.e.: turnover tax on multinationals, offset against corporation tax; increased stamp duty on expensive properties, especially where they’re being excessively used as purely for investment purposes: how fair is that when there are homeless on our streets?

When interviewed by the BBC on election night I pointed out the proposed Tramlink for Sutton.  Albeit the CPA supports transport that is cheap, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly this Tramlink will count for little unless our shops at the lower end of Sutton High Street can fully thrive again – through our policy of cutting business rates so that they can compete with online suppliers.  Online ordering has meant we see little of our neighbours (and that’s another issue) but physical shopping means that at least we can meet our neighbours.

Carshalton High Street (Carshalton Road) still has considerable history about it but there’s only so much pressure that it can take: considering lorries and buses have to pass through it on top of ‘usual’ traffic.  So I would consider having lorries re-routed along our Ruskin Road, for their access to Sutton and beyond – even if at certain hours.  

How can people find out more or get in touch if they want to get involved? 

They are more than welcome to get in touch with me at [email protected] we need candidates in Sutton and Croydon, and I in turn can introduce them to our party leader; we have training days in public speaking.  I have many hours in canvassing experience and not least today when I called on a lady who advised me of crossings needed close to Carshalton College, that I shall be taking further.