By Jerry Wraith
“The human contribution to this annual increase was 3% of which the UK contributed just 1%. Therefore, the increase in the global concentration of CO2 by the UK was 0.00072 ppm”
To Ed Miliband MP, Minister of Energy Security and Net Zero
Dear Sir,
The current global level of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 420 parts/million (ppm). According to the Mauna Lao laboratory the level in 2017 was about 405 ppm which rose to 417 ppm in 2022. Hence from these certified figures the annual increase in CO2 was 12 ppm or about 2.4 ppm/year. The human contribution to this annual increase was 3% of which the UK contributed just 1%. Therefore, the increase in the global concentration of CO2 by the UK was 0.00072 ppm. Hence it will take the UK nearly 1,400 years to add just 1 ppm to the global total.
Despite this infinitesimal amount you and the PM boasted to the COP 29 meeting that the UK would reduce its CO2 emissions by 81% by 2030. If this was achievable (which it obviously isn’t) the UK’s emissions would drop to about 0.000137 ppm. At that rate it would take the UK 7,300 years to add just 1 ppm to the global total.
“Using this figure, it is estimated that the UK’s current annual contribution to global temperature increase is therefore going to be 0.0000004 °C. If the ludicrous reduction in emissions is achieved this will drop to 0.000000077 °C”
However, Emeritus Professor Happer of Princeton University has shown that increasing the current level of CO2 from about 420 ppm to 600 ppm would increase global temperature by less than 1/10 of 1°C or about 0.00056°C per 1 ppm. Using this figure, it is estimated that the UK’s current annual contribution to global temperature increase is therefore going to be 0.0000004 °C. If the ludicrous reduction in emissions is achieved this will drop to 0.000000077 °C.
From the above the following conclusions may be drawn:
- It will take 75 years for global CO2 level to reach 600 ppm at the current emission rate.
- At that time the global increase in temperature will have risen by less than 0.1°C.
- Compare this with the farcical predictions made by so-called “experts” in the IPCC which range from 1.5 to 5°C. (See https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a9_JmjlwgixQnwdURDL-oDVMWBtdUk2_/view?usp=sharing also https://croydonconstitutionalists.uk/lies-damn-lies-and-net-zero/)
- The UK’s contribution to the global temperature rise at that time will be in the order of 0.00003°C at the current rate.
- It will take the UK 1,400 years to add 0.00056 °C to the global total.
“In order to achieve this infinitesimally small target you, the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Lib Dems and the Greens have severely damaged the UK economy”
In order to achieve this infinitesimally small target you, the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Lib Dems and the Greens have severely damaged the UK economy already and are allegedly all totally committed to deliberately completely destroying it in the near future.
Hence you are requested to provide the answers to the following questions as a FOI request:
- What benefit is there to the UK, its citizens and its taxpayers by limiting its CO2 emissions to 0.00072 ppm/annum, when the rest of the world is producing CO2 at vastly greater quantities?
- What benefit is there to the UK, its citizens and its taxpayers by reducing its already suicidal low level of CO2 emissions of 0.00072 ppm/annum, to 0.000137 ppm/annum when the rest of the world is producing CO2 at vastly greater quantities?
Yours faithfully