Gary Stevens, Reform UK candidate for Dulwich and West Norwood

Gary Stevens is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Dulwich and West Norwood. We spoke with Gary about his decision to stand.

“I became actively involved in 2017 and in 2018 I was elected as a local Councillor in Bromley. It was an incredibly rewarding time to be able to help out in the community”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born and raised on a sheep and cattle farm in Southland, New Zealand, and have since lived and worked in several major cities, including Sydney, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, and London. Currently, I reside in Bromley with my wife and our two sons. I have had a long career in IT and Finance, first starting in Investment Banking in the early 90’s in London. I am currently a Director with an Investment Bank, working on high-profile projects as a Program Manager. This is a role which I enjoy immensely and is indeed a dream come true for me to be living and working in IT and finance in London.

The first time I voted it was for a Labour government, as at the time, they were more credible, organised and had a clear plan of delivery, rather than just empty promises. I would, however, first and foremost describe myself as a modern conservative – believing in your freedoms and liberties, low taxes, and small government. Over the last 4 years it is also clear to me that I am also a libertarian. I believe we should be able to live freely and enjoy our lives as much as possible, free from authoritarian government over-reach. I also consider myself to be an old-school liberal and old-school progressive, but with a strong conservative base, and a key part of this is the family unit and the closely connected, interdependent members of our communities and country. As a society, country and indeed human race, we must progress in an open-minded manner, delivering policy in a conservative structured way.

After years of following politics, I became actively involved in 2017 and in 2018 I was elected as a local Councillor in Bromley. It was an incredibly rewarding time to be able to help out in the community, and during my tenure, I worked diligently at both the ward and council levels, addressing issues such as housing, planning, traffic, and community projects.

Some extra info:

  • PADI qualified scuba diver.
  • International Rugby Board (IRB) qualified Rugby Coach.
  • First job out of university was for a bungy jump company in Queenstown NZ, driving a jetboat in Skippers Canyon, and I have done over 100 bungy jumps.
  • I have had two exhibitions of my own art.
  • Alongside my career in IT and finance I have worked as an actor appearing in numerous TV series, commercials and films.
  • I have backpacked around The Middle East (Syria, Jordan, The Sinai, Israel and Egypt), India, Nepal (Annapurna Base Camp) & Thailand.

“Labour called for harder lockdowns, sooner and far more extreme than they already were. It was an appalling state of affairs as the British people were used as playthings for politicians”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

The old UK parties have failed us all. I am an ex-Conservative Councillor, but the Conservatives no longer stand for anything remotely C/conservative. Conservative members and indeed all British people have been ignored. Labour has become an elitist London centric club and no longer stands for the working class or indeed the ordinary British people, and the Liberal Democrats are largely irrelevant. It is time for change, it is time for Reform UK.

Whilst it is important to have unity at times of crisis, during Covid it was clear that we have one party in the UK, the “UniParty”. Labour may as well have crossed the floor and joined the Tories over the last few years. Elitist Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour (who values the WEF and Davos, over Westminster and the British people) provided no opposition or scrutiny whatsoever to the extremist legislation and policies forced on the British people. Indeed, Labour called for harder lockdowns, sooner and far more extreme than they already were. It was an appalling state of affairs as the British people were used as playthings for politicians across Wales, Scotland, NI, England, and internationally, to see who could out do the other in terms of how hard line they could be. This must never happen again.

I am not a career politician and I bring with me a large amount of real-world experience. I would take a more professional approach to the role as MP, and engage with and listen to people in Dulwich and West Norwood (DAWN), and indeed take their guidance.

You’re the Spokesman for Dulwich and West Norwood what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I have strong links to DAWN, having lived in various locations across the constituency since the early 90s. My first job in the UK was pulling pints at the Crown & Greyhound in Dulwich Village and I have been actively involved with a local Rugby Club in Dulwich for 9 years. I love this area and indeed I consider it my UK home.

Whilst there are a number of international events that have gained much needed attention and scrutiny, my primary focus will be the people of DAWN. I will work tirelessly to address local issues and support community organisations, particularly those relying on volunteers. My experience in sports club management will be instrumental in engaging with and supporting local clubs and organisations. These clubs and organisations are an under acknowledged part of our community and must be supported and encouraged.

“I stand firmly against Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) and the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which have proven to be detrimental to social cohesion and disproportionately affect the poorest in our communities”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Kids are getting mugged on their way to and from school in DAWN. Street-level crime and crime in general across London has rocketed under a Labour Mayor of London and without a doubt drugs and drug use are a major part of this, as well as being a major social issue. There is no one policy that can resolve this all-invasive issue. Stop and Search, reform of the justice system, Policing levels and funding, zero tolerance, stronger leadership, and community engagement are just part of a much larger set of policies that make up the overall approach on crime. I would work with the MET Police and local community groups to provide the level of safety that residents deserve.

I stand firmly against Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) and the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which have proven to be detrimental to social cohesion and disproportionately affect the poorest in our communities. These measures must be removed, and I fully support Reform’s policy to legislate their removal across DAWN and the UK.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Please see below links;

John Gager, Reform UK candidate for Tunbridge Wells

John Gager is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Tunbridge Wells. We spoke with John about his decision to stand.

“They trounced over our rights, tried to criminalise us for peacefully protesting, used behavioural psychology against the people to manipulate and scare them.  They tried to mandate vaccinations on people – unforgiveable”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is John Gager. I am 44 years old. I have lived in the Paddock Wood / Capel area near Tunbridge Wells for 12 years now.  I am divorced, have a daughter just finishing Year 7 of school and two stepdaughters who are now adults – one at university and the other working full-time in the NHS care sector.

I currently work as an IT support tech for a small IT service provider based near Tonbridge, supporting local businesses and charities.  I have worked in the IT industry for around 20 years, both in an employed and self-employed capacity.

Away from work I love sport and am a regular gym goer – one of my proudest personal achievements is losing nearly 6 stone in weight over the past 6 years through just sheer willpower and self-motivation.  I also confess to being a bit of a geek (hence the career choice) so enjoy tinkering with tech at home.

“these politicians need to be replaced by people who love our country, customs and freedoms”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I am not a politician, activist or campaigner. Those things have never really interested me.  Until the Brexit Referendum I did not pay too much attention to current affairs, however I was becoming more aware of mass migration affecting access to public services and jobs and how much control the EU seemed to have over our government.

I was really surprised how biased and visceral the mainstream media and most politicians were towards leaving the EU, despite it being to me the obvious choice to protect the sovereignty of our country and stop uncontrolled immigration. Then following the referendum result, my surprise turned to disgust as “the establishment” did everything in their power to thwart the decision of a democratic vote our country had made.

The theme of “the establishment” (government, all the major political parties, the mainstream media) seeking to act against the best interests of our country and people has continued since then. 

Lockdowns were the final straw for me – the first one I can probably accept albeit being too long, but every other lockdown and non-sensical diktat enforced on us by Government since that point has been an absolute disgrace. They trounced over our rights, tried to criminalise us for peacefully protesting, used behavioural psychology against the people to manipulate and scare them.  They tried to mandate vaccinations on people – unforgiveable, especially given recent history. 

No one should ever forget that it wasn’t just the Tory Government doing this, all the other parties in parliament and the mainstream media wanted more of this – sooner, harder and longer.  

I can never forget that and how it impacted my daughter.  This is why I am standing; these politicians need to be replaced by people who love our country, customs and freedoms.

“Tunbridge Wells has been a Conservative seat for nearly 20 years, but in this coming election they are completely unelectable”

You’re the Spokesman for Tunbridge Wells what’s made you decide to represent this area?

Tunbridge Wells is the area I live in, and over the years it has really grown on me.  This part of the country is beautiful – lovely countryside, quaint villages and Tunbridge Wells itself has great potential to be a thriving, attractive town that people can be very proud of. 

Tunbridge Wells has been a Conservative seat for nearly 20 years, but in this coming election they are completely unelectable. The people here need a candidate and party to vote for with true small “c” conservative values, wanting to put Britain first.

“the majority held Lib Dem council will want to implement LTNs and other anti-car measures”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

We have several looming issues that challenge Tunbridge Wells. 

Demand for living accommodation is increasing forcing house prices to become unaffordable. There has been a housebuilding frenzy in the villages surrounding Tunbridge Wells with nowhere near enough infrastructure being put in place to support it, which the local plan is meant to secure during planning applications before approval.

Population increase is also beginning to clog up major roads into Tunbridge Wells, while the majority held Lib Dem council will want to implement LTNs and other anti-car measures.

Crime and anti-social behaviour appear to be on the rise.  We love our police force and need to do more to help them be more effective and present on our streets.

The expensive and illogical madness that are Climate Change policies are here too.  Inefficient and environmentally questionable solar farms are appearing across the constituency, and the council are pushing ahead with converting public buildings to “carbon neutral”.

I will endeavour to highlight these issues and apply pressure on the relevant parties so that more sensible decisions are made that will benefit our constituents and not continue to harm them.  I also pledge to conduct myself with honesty and integrity, no more of the spin we are all sick of hearing.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign? 

For those wishing to contact me, you can email me at [email protected]. Please also follow and share my social media channels, including Facebook, X/Twitter and other which can be found here

Robert Bayley, SDP Candidate for Ely & East Cambridgeshire

Robert Bayley is the SDP prospective candidate for Ely & East Cambridgeshire.  We spoke with Robert about his decision to stand.

“The definition is – social conservatism with centre-left economy. In other words, a politics that prioritises the financial security and the societal health of the nation”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Robert Bayley. I moved into Witchford in 2011. I have worked as a reliability engineer in a start-up, as a boardmarker in the betting industry, as a screenwriter in LA, in pop promos, I have worked in IT, and more recently I have worked in the care sector. I write novels. My latest is a murder thriller set in Cornwall entitled Rache (pronounced Rakke). I love the arts and often despair of politics.

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

The beautiful thing about the SDP is that it combines left and right in the same package. The definition is – social conservatism with centre-left economy. In other words, a politics that prioritises the financial security and the societal health of the nation. I have been in the Labour party; I have been in the Conservative party; I have drifted politically because I am not a died in the wool ideologue, I simply want politics to work for the people. Left and right curiously have suffered similar declines and falls in recent years. Blair was a revelation who destroyed his own success by going too far. Johnson contrived a brilliant opportunity only to squander it. Fourteen years of undelivered promises have steered the Tories towards a political abyss. I do not crow at that. I do not take the prospect of a Labour landslide majority with its odd fringe elements lightly. I read the SDP manifesto, it ticked the boxes, so I joined. I joined just before the announcement of the snap election and stood shortly after. My immediate priority is to get the SDP on the ballot paper and back into the public arena and get the manifesto read. It is well worth it.

“There’s a lot of history in the constituency: the guerilla warfare of Hereward the Wake and those treacherous Ely monks, the home of Cromwell, the pamphleteers, the strife of the Corn Laws”

You’re the Spokesman for Ely & East Cambridgeshire what’s made you decide to represent this area?

The simple answer is, I live here. I’m not going to say I love it, too many politicians lie. I like hills, unfortunately, this area lacks them. But if you live in a village for a while and you get to know the people, that makes up for any shortfall in topographic aesthetics. There’s a lot of history in the constituency: the guerilla warfare of Hereward the Wake and those treacherous Ely monks, the home of Cromwell, the pamphleteers, the strife of the Corn Laws, industrialisation, Thomas Paine, and the draining of the Fens. It’s an interesting place to stand.

“With respect to housing, I have been to Hamburg. I love those three or four storey high streets with shops beneath. All those studio flats and apartments ideal for professionals and students”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

I think the introduction of a National Care Service would have a huge impact on care delivery across the constituency. I think private companies operating in the sector fragment the service. I believe there would be more accountability and more efficiency were the services combined into one organisation. A re-introduction of convalescent homes might be considered to help prevent (awful phrase) bed blocking.

With respect to housing, I have been to Hamburg. I love those three or four storey high streets with shops beneath. All those studio flats and apartments ideal for professionals and students and essential workers. Building modestly higher in established conurbations would be my preference going forward rather than developmental sprawl.

A re-nationalised rail service would be brilliant. Open some of those closed stations. We should have a clean, punctual, efficient service, with clear and affordable pricing and manned stations. Rather like national rail services found on the Continent.

Anglia Water is doing a good job I believe, but I cannot agree with siphoning off monies for dividends. I am pro the re-nationalisation of natural monopolies.

The perennial pothole problem needs to be addressed urgently. Covid decimated many high streets, they must be regenerated with a range of quality retailers, reducing rates if necessary. Centralise disabled parking and have more of it.

Access to medical care should be eased by training homegrown nurses and doctors rather than relying so much on imported trained staff, as welcome as they are. And there should be a loyalty clause aimed at retaining people. Dentistry needs to be overhauled on a national scale. 

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?  (if available please include Facebook, Twitter, emails etc)

I will be handing leaflets out on various days around the constituency (weather permitting)

I can be contacted at:
X (Twitter) @rob_sdp
Email [email protected]

Alex Culley, Reform UK candidate for Southampton Itchen

Alex Culley is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Southampton Itchen. We spoke with Alex about his decision to stand.

“the seemingly constant attacks on our heritage and culture from radical elements which are either indulged or promoted by the legacy parties”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Alex Culley. I live in Eastleigh (next door to Southampton Itchen) and am an owner of a small consulting business based in Southampton. The business helps firms active in the financial services industry understand the raft of regulations they are subject to.

I am a father to two boys. In my limited spare time I enjoy reading, learning new things, travelling and watching a variety of sports.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I decided to stand for Reform UK simply because I have had enough of the:

  • dysfunctional political system. It is no accident that Parliament meanders from one crisis to another. The First Past the Post electoral system gives rise to “safe seats” which are attractive to careerists who appear to stand for nothing other than election. Nepotism is a designed in feature of the system of political appointments to the House of Lords;  
  • the seemingly constant attacks on our heritage and culture from radical elements which are either indulged or promoted by the legacy parties; and
  • liberal elite’s total contempt for public concerns about the impact mass immigration is having on our country.

Reform UK has an excellent set of policies to tackle these issues. For example, we would:

  • shake up our political system by replacing the House of Lords with a smaller second chamber and introducing proportional voting for the House of Commons;
  • legislate to stop left-wing bias and ‘woke’ ideology; and
  • freeze all non-essential immigration.  

“I can regularly be found at St Mary’s on a matchday. Furthermore, being based in next door Eastleigh, I am a frequent visitor to the city’s bars, restaurants, shops”

You’re the Spokesman for Southampton Itchen what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I have a strong emotional connection to the area.

My father hails from Southampton Itchen (Thornhill). He left when he joined the Royal Air Force during the Cold War. However, as a child I would spend many happy weekends and holidays in the constituency visiting my relatives. Naturally, I caught the Southampton FC bug too! I can regularly be found at St Mary’s on a matchday. Furthermore, being based in next door Eastleigh, I am a frequent visitor to the city’s bars, restaurants, shops and leisure facilities and want to see them thrive.

“Council tax, rents, parking charges and fees on the Itchen Bridge have all risen to help cover the shortfall. Many are anxious to ensure that a Birmingham style financial collapse does not occur in Southampton”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

In my view, the biggest concern which is specific to the constituency is the financial situation at Southampton City Council. Threatened with bankruptcy, the Council was forced to seek emergency government assistance earlier this year. Council tax, rents, parking charges and fees on the Itchen Bridge have all risen to help cover the shortfall. Many are anxious to ensure that a Birmingham style financial collapse does not occur in Southampton. 

Other significant concerns include the public health risks currently posed by the high levels of e. Coli in the River Itchen, the availability and quality of social housing and improving Southampton’s transport infrastructure, particularly to maximise the benefits of the Solent Freeport.

I especially hope to champion:

  • the preservation, and balanced presentation of, British history, culture and traditions;
  • the promotion of free speech; and
  • prudent financial management, both locally and nationally.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Being a snap election, the campaign will largely be comprised of the following activities:

  • leafleting;
  • displaying boards;
  • participating in hustings; and
  • possibly, also operating some street stalls or “round town” style events. 

Any offers of assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to get involved.

You can also find me on X/Twitter at

Marian Newton, Reform UK candidate for Lewisham West and East Dulwich

Marian Newton is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Lewisham West and East Dulwich. We spoke with Marian about her decision to stand.

“I believe this country needs drastically reforming, and I just want to help with this as much as I can”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Born, and grew up in North Derbyshire, I went to art school  and a college of technology. I eventually moved to London, and then abroad, to work on the airlines.

I joined the Brexit Party in 2018 and then I became a member of ‘Reform UK’.

“I’d like to give the people the chance to vote for a new common sense, and honest party”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I believe this country needs drastically reforming, and I just want to help with this as much as I can.

I was asked to ‘stand’ in West Lewisham & Dulwich East. I’d like to give the people the chance to vote for a new common sense, and honest party.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Some of the things that I would look into are the following:-

Lewisham is the 3rd most dangerous borough in London. With violence and sexual offences, homelessness, premature deaths of 75 year olds and education of 19 year-olds without a level 3 qualification etc.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign? 

You can start to get involved by contacting Reform UK at

Paul MacDonnell, Reform UK candidate for North East Somerset and Hanham

Paul MacDonnell is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for North East Somerset and Hanham. We spoke with Paul about his decision to stand.

“I am an anti-authoritarian Austrian. Brexit was the first step. There is much work to be done to reform the UK”

Briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

Paul MacDonnell was executive director of Global Digital Foundation—a technology-policy think tank which he co-founded—from 2016-2024. He is a specialist in public policy that affects the development and use of digital technology. He is currently researching the threat to free speech posed by government regulation, organisations’ speech-codes, and censorship by digital platforms.

Prior to founding Global Digital Foundation, Paul was head of European policy at the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) in Brussels. Before that he spent 12 years as director of regulatory policy and EU affairs at Insurance Ireland, the industry association of the national and international Irish insurance industry. In 2015 he launched an initiative, supported by the OECD, to develop a workplace auto-enrolment pension for all Irish workers. He began his career with Hill & Knowlton’s government affairs division in London where he provided advice to a number of Fortune 500 companies. In 2001 he co-founded an economic policy forum in Dublin, Open Republic, which, as well as hosting events aimed at policy-makers and politicians on such issues as pensions, taxation and the EU, was the Irish publisher of the Economic Freedom of the World Report. Paul has extensive broadcast and print media experience and has contributed articles to The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, The Critic Magazine, Economic Affairs, EurActiv, EU Observer, and Europe’s World. He holds a BA in Medieval & Renaissance English Literature and Philosophy from Trinity College Dublin, an MBA from University College Dublin, and a masters degree in Classics from the University of Exeter.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK

I agree with its platform. The Thatcher-Hayek-inspired revolution has curdled into corporatism and this needs to be opposed. Also I am an anti-authoritarian Austrian. Brexit was the first step. There is much work to be done to reform the UK.

“Jobs are very important, as are skills. We also have issues with poverty in Somerset”

You’re the Spokesman for North East Somerset and Hanham what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I live in Somerset (in the constituency of Wells next-door) and I am interested the county. 

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Jobs are very important, as are skills. We also have issues with poverty in Somerset and I believe that a clear lead from government where help is sharply defined and decisively offered to those who need it should be available while those who do not understand their obligations to work and improve their skills need to be encouraged to re-engage with the community as workers and citizens.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

Contact me on : [email protected], see my X profile: @paulmacdonnell and find us on Facebook at

Ian Cooper, Reform UK candidate for Tamworth

Ian Cooper is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Tamworth. We spoke with Ian about his decision to stand.

“I joined Reform UK because like many individuals across the UK. I had grown disillusioned with the main parties, both, having a credit card thickness between them on many issues”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Ian Cooper, originally from Nottingham. I’ve worked in business and industry all my professional life. First on the shop floor, eventually ending up as a business director.

I’m from a working/middle class family background. I started as an apprentice lithographic printer with a local firm, moving through various aspect of the industry.  I’ve worked along the length of the industry supply chain, from manufacturer, sales & marketing to end user/customer. On my business journey I did a business degree and finally a post graduate MBA. Later I spent approximately 10 years in politics. After my experience with politics, I worked with a variety of businesses both large and small, ending up as a director of an accounting company based in Birmingham.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I joined Reform UK because like many individuals across the UK. I had grown disillusioned with the main parties, both, having a credit card thickness between them on many issues, and both only offer the electorate a “Uni-Party” choice at the ballot box. Reform UK supply an opportunity for the electorate to choose a party that has the interests of the whole of the UK at heart, and not the current offering of a technocratic-managerial approach to managed decline of the UK. Reform offer something fresh and new, with a positive vision of the UK, and an alternative the vast majority support, if  given the opportunity. 

“I’ve lived in Tamworth nearly 30 years, I do business in Tamworth with SME’s and I’m a member of a local business networking group”

You’re the Spokesman for Tamworth what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I’ve lived in Tamworth nearly 30 years, I do business in Tamworth with SME’s and I’m a member of a local business networking group. My children also grew up here (now grown up and moved away) etc. Outside school, they were members of the swimming club, drama group and sports teams. Also, I was the “Head Steward” on the Day, for the local Canwell Agricultural Show (one of the largest one day shows in the Midlands) for 11 years. Plus, I was also a former borough and parish councillor. So, I’ve lots of local roots and connections.

“There is extreme pressure to build more homes in an already overcrowded borough, the road infrastructure is crumbling, we don’t have enough GPs or hospital capacity”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

The biggest concerns for Tamworth are the cost of living, housing and local services. As one example (there are others) These problems are exacerbated by mass uncontrolled economic migration. The UK has seen an explosion in the population over the past 25 years, both legal and illegal economic migration, combined with stagnant economic growth (over a long period of time). This has resulted in the prosperity of everyone in the UK declining (GDP per capita) due to, too many individuals chasing too few resources. There is extreme pressure to build more homes in an already overcrowded borough, the road infrastructure is crumbling, we don’t have enough GPs or hospital capacity and we have competition for low wages being undercut by new arrivals, making everyone poorer. Finally, our only purpose built hotel in the town centre has been requisitioned and is full of illegal economic migrants who freely roam the town with the resultant consequences.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

If you live in the Tamworth Constituency, would like to help, and/or donate then please get in touch by emailing me at: [email protected]

You can also help by liking and sharing my Reform UK Facebook page:

Damon Young, SDP Candidate for Epsom and Ewell

Damon Young is the SDP prospective candidate for Epsom and Ewell.  We spoke with Damon about his decision to stand.

“Some of the people I read, listen to and admire such as Andrew Doyle, Graham Linehan and Winston Marshall publicly expressed support for the SDP and so I was drawn to the party”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.

I am a published poet and a teacher at Epsom College. Most importantly, I am a single father to my 11 year old daughter.

What made you decide to stand for the SDP.

Like so many, I have been feeling the frustration of political homelessness. In that frustration I became more and more conscious of an eco- system of similarly minded people online and have taken solace by reading and listening to UnHerd, Triggernometry, Brendan O Neill and Spiked, Bombshells, Matt Goodwin, Laura Dodsworth and many more. 

Some of the people I read, listen to and admire such as Andrew Doyle, Graham Linehan and Winston Marshall publicly expressed support for the SDP and so I was drawn to the party. In doing so I was enormously impressed by the leadership of William Clouston and the Mayoral candidacy of Amy Gallagher and felt it was time for me to contribute to the SDP’s ambition of raising its electoral profile. 

“The lack of affordable housing is an equally pressing matter. I am passionate about solutions being found for my daughter’s generation”

You’re the spokesman for Epsom and Ewell what’s made you decide to represent the area?

My daughter and I moved here two years ago and we very quickly came to love the area.

“As a teacher at one of the country’s top independent schools, I am horrified by Labour’s punitive policy on school fees”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Like the rest of the country, the breakdown of health and social care is a crisis that must be a top priority. 

The lack of affordable housing is an equally pressing matter. I am passionate about solutions being found for my daughter’s generation. 

As a teacher at one of the country’s top independent schools, I am horrified by Labour’s punitive policy on school fees. This policy will not impact the very rich (for whom school fees are pocket change) but will impact disastrously on middle- class families who make sacrifices and work extremely hard to provide the education they have chosen for their children. The knock-on effect will be an influx into already overcrowded state schools. It strikes me as a policy born of resentment and envy rather than a genuine desire to raise educational standards. 

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

You can contact me at [email protected]

Or find me on Twitter/X @Mondo39.

Richard Brunning, SDP Candidate for Mid-Bedfordshire

Richard Brunning is the SDP prospective candidate for Mid-Bedfordshire.  We spoke with Richard about his decision to stand.

“It was some years before I started taking an active role though and became a parish councillor. I’m primarily a (small c) conservative but the Conservative party is no longer worthy of the name”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I grew up in Shropshire, spent four years living and working in the USA in my mid-twenties before coming back to the UK and finally settling down in Bedfordshire. I’m married with twin daughters – who can be a real handful at times – and enjoy walking our Hungarian Vizsla, reading, films, playing with cars, motor-racing, football, cricket and much more besides.

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

Being wholly ambivalent about politics in my youth, I became much more interested while living across the pond. The 9/11 attacks shook me – along with most of the world – and jolted me out of my political complacency. It was some years before I started taking an active role though and became a parish councillor. I’m primarily a (small c) conservative but the Conservative party is no longer worthy of the name, so I became politically homeless. A chance contact on Twitter led me to research the SDP and I found them to be aligned very closely to my beliefs and values, so it was a natural fit for me. The SDP is a patriotic, economically left leaning and socially right leaning, culturally traditional party. That’s what attracted me.

“my roots run deep within the Bedfordshire soil. It has a wonderful mix of rural and urban areas with a long and proud history of being open to newcomers who share the values of the locals”

You’re the Spokesman for Mid Bedfordshire what’s made you decide to represent this area?

My family and I have lived in Mid Bedfordshire for nearly fifteen years; my daughters were born and go to school here, I’ve been a parish councillor here, so my roots run deep within the Bedfordshire soil. It has a wonderful mix of rural and urban areas with a long and proud history of being open to newcomers who share the values of the locals. Having a representative in parliament who’s representative of the people and not some parachuted in career politician is something I’m keen to provide.

“Real change is needed to tackle the very real problems and concerns of the British public, and the SDP has the right policies”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

There are myriad concerns throughout constituency, but the economy and health are among the most pressing. The Tories have wasted fourteen years tinkering with their fingers in their ears while Labour have gone through successive self-immolation periods and have ended up with a leader and a front bench that looks as lightweight as a packet of Quavers. Real change is needed to tackle the very real problems and concerns of the British public, and the SDP has the right policies to achieve the real changes that will benefit everyone. 

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

You can follow me on Twitter (X) @richardbrunning or email [email protected] and you can find out more about the SDP on our website:

Where you can, vote SDP on July 4th.

Irene Yoong-Henery, Reform UK candidate for Birmingham Ladywood

Irene Yoong-Henery is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Birmingham Ladywood. We spoke with Irene about her decision to stand.

“The NHS appears to have a culture of Death at the moment, whether it is due to a lack of resources or “woke” ideology. All lives are precious to God”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I will be standing as a Reform UK parliamentary candidate for Birmingham Ladywood in the General Election on 4/July/2024. I was born in Malaysia (previously a British colony for 133 years). I studied at a Catholic convent school founded by British nuns for 11 years. Later I also studied in Singapore, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom where I qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant.

I started my professional career at J. Sainsbury’s plc, preparing and monitoring multi-million pound budgets for hundreds of its supermarkets from Scotland, to Northern Ireland, to Coventry, for 5 years. I then embarked on a legal career as CEO of Ian Henery Solicitors Ltd for 23 years. I have worked with local and international businesses, promoting British businesses overseas in China and Hong Kong. I was part of the England China Business Forum in Birmingham.

However I have now retired from professional life to work for the good of our country.

I will be very pleased to meet Ladywood constituents and find out what their concerns are affecting them and their families.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

I was approached to become a Reform candidate through my work as Chairperson of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Walsall branch. I am a staunch Catholic and am convinced that I can save hundreds of thousands of lives, the lives of mothers and their babies, if better laws are passed in parliament. DIY abortions by poison- pills-in-the-post may save the NHS money but the outcomes are terrible for both mother and baby. The NHS appears to have a culture of Death at the moment, whether it is due to a lack of resources or “woke” ideology. All lives are precious to God and as Christians, we must do our outmost to preserve lives. Reform UK has a large number of Christians as members and we are all working to improve the quality of life for British people. “We want our country back” is often heard amongst our members and we mean to turn back the clock to a more gentle and peaceful period where British people went to church, loved God, King/Queen and country, and did not shout hatred at each other and tear down statues nor stop traffic and hold the British public to ransom with impossible demands.

“I speak Mandarin to Chinese Mainland constituents, Cantonese to Hong Kong constituents, Malay to Malaysian & Indonesian constituents, and English to everyone”

You’re the Spokesman for Birmingham Ladywood what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I am representing Birmingham Ladywood which encompasses Chinatown where I had 2 branches of my law firm for many years. We were a full service law firm that won many awards and were well respected in the Chinese community. We also won the Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year award from Birmingham Law Society. I still count many business owners in Chinatown as friends, and they are supporting my campaign. I speak Mandarin to Chinese Mainland constituents, Cantonese to Hong Kong constituents, Malay to Malaysian & Indonesian constituents, and English to everyone else! As I spent my childhood in Malaysia which has a majority of Muslims, I can relate to Muslims. In some wards within Ladywood, there are up to 84% Muslim constituents.

“We have the ridiculous situation of a lack of housing in Birmingham, yet we have nearly 1000 apartments in Perry Barr, Birmingham from the 2022 Commonwealth Games, still standing empty”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

The big concerns that Birmingham Ladywood constituents have brought up for my attention during my campaigning which started last year, are crime, housing, immigration, the rising costs of living. Amongst Muslim and Christian parents, they are also concerned about LGBT teachings in the classrooms. Asian families want schools to concentrate on helping their children get straight A’s in the exams, and woke ideology to be banned. As a mother of 4, I can understand these parents’ concerns and would fight for all these issues. We have the ridiculous situation of a lack of housing in Birmingham, yet we have nearly 1000 apartments in Perry Barr, Birmingham from the 2022 Commonwealth Games, still standing empty. We need to bail out Birmingham City Council in order to complete the development, sell the apartments at market value, and pay off the Council’s debts so that Council Tax does not have to be raised by over 10% every year. I am a qualified accountant and business entrepreneur, so I believe I can sort out these problems quite easily.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign? 

Reform UK is still a relatively small and very new party, and we are always looking for volunteers to help out with campaigning and fund-raising. Anyone wishing to volunteer and donate can reach me, by email to [email protected], by text message to 07779 253682. I do have Facebook and X accounts but the best way to volunteer are by email and text.

Finally, I want to say a big THANK YOU for helping Reform UK get its message out. I hope that together, we can spread the word that there is a good alternative to voting Labour or the Conservatives – vote for change, vote for Reform UK.