Podcast Episode 11 – Freedom of Speech…Just Watch What You Say

In this episode we bring you the speeches from our recent event held at The Green Dragon in Croydon, Our speakers on the night were:

  • Harry Fone – Taxpayers Alliance
  • Sean Finch – Libertarian Party
  • Izzy Montague – Croydon Mother
  • David Kurten – GLA Member

More on the participants available here and photos from the night.

Podcast available on:

Podcast – Episode 10 – Boris, Brexit & his Cabinet, DEMOC, Taxpayers Alliance & Leavers of Croydon

We discuss Boris Johnson’s first weeks as Prime Minister, the implications for Brexit and his interesting Cabinet appointments. Mike talks about DEMOC, a new local campaign for an elected Mayor of Croydon and we reflect on our recent Taxpayers’ Alliance Street Stalls, our upcoming event in Selsdon and our next Leavers of Croydon social in Purley.




Podcast Episode 9 – Tory Party Leadership Contest, A Tale of 2 Local MPs & Taxing Times in Croydon

We discuss the Tory Party Leadership Contest and the ongoing political journeys of Chuka Umunna and Sam Gyimah. We reflect on our recent Leavers of Croydon Drinks, our upcoming Taxpayers’ Alliance Street Stall and Croydon Council’s ongoing war against the motorist.

Out now on Spreaker, iTunes and below on YouTube.

Podcast Episode 8 – EU Parliamentary Election Results, Debate for Democracy & Croydon Parking

We discuss the EU Parliamentary Election results both nationally and locally, our recent Debate for Democracy and Croydon Council’s vindictive new parking proposals.

Spreaker – https://www.spreaker.com/user/croydonconstitutionalists/podcast-8

iTunes – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/croydon-constitutionalists-podcast/id1436442293


Podcast Episode 7 – Parliamentary Shenanigans, Leavers of Croydon & a Debate for Democracy

We discuss the latest shenanigans in Parliament and the impact not only on Brexit but on our constitution.

We discuss recent and upcoming Leavers of Croydon events.

We announce the Debate for Democracy that we are hosting in Croydon.

We bemoan Croydon Council’s latest tax rise and suggest some areas for savings.

Finally we comment on the recent council by-election in Norbury & Pollards Hill.

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyQ4FhLVblw&t=4s

Spreaker – https://www.spreaker.com/user/croydonconstitutionalists/podcast-7

iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/croydon-constitutionalists-podcast/id1436442293?mt=2#

Podcast Episode 6 – Meaningful Vote Delay, Pastures New, Orange County Libertarians, A Message for Croydon Council & Croydon Politics – a 2018 Review

We discuss the delay in the Meaningful Vote and the implications for Brexit. We also discuss the hosts’ decisions to leave UKIP.

Further afield we discuss Mike’s recent trip to California.

Back on Croydon matters we talk about our New Year’s Message for Croydon Council and Review 2018 in Croydon politics.

Listen now on:

Get in touch:
Twitter: @CroydonConst
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: facebook/CroydonConstitutionalists

Podcast Episode 5 – Brexit Arithmetic, Reiss & the Libertarian Party & Tim Martin comes to Croydon

Episode 5 – Brexit Arithmetic, Reiss & the Libertarian Party & Tim Martin comes to Croydon

We discuss the Parliamentary arithmetic for the vote on the EU withdrawal agreement and our recent Brexit Street Stalls in Addiscombe & Thornton Heath. We speak with local Brexiteer and Libertarian Party member Reiss Ferlance and discuss some upcoming Brexit events being held in Croydon and Westminster.

Listen now on:

Podcast – Episode 3 – Brexit, Canada Legalises Cannabis & Hate Crimes

Episode 3 – Brexit, Canada Legalises Cannabis & Hate Crimes

Promoting a Classically Liberal set of ideas and encouraging others to campaign for individual freedom. Please send us your feedback.


Croydon Constitutionalists podcast – Episode 2 – Brexit Negotiations & Croydon Council’s Ideas on Art

The eagerly awaited second episode of the Croydon Constitutionalists Podcast.

Promoting a Classically Liberal set of ideas and encouraging others to campaign for individual freedom. Please send us your feedback.

Episode 2 – Brexit Negotiations & Croydon Council’s Ideas on Art
