Hustings 2022

If you want change, vote for change.  With local elections across London in May, the Croydon Constitutionalists are proud to host a Hustings for the 2022 local elections.

With representatives of liberty loving parties and an independent mayoral candidate, these hustings are an opportunity to meet those promoting real change in local government.

Following the issuing of the Section 114 notice and de facto bankruptcy, Croydon is in desperate need for new ideas.  Come and meet those who have them – If you want change, vote for change. 

Join us from 7pm, on 24th February 2022, at Clyde Hall, Clyde Road, Croydon, CR0 6SZ.


David Omamogho, Christian People Alliance

The Christian Peoples Alliance is a party set up to promote Christian values in our nation.

David stood in Croydon South in the 2017 General Election for the CPA, and will be standing in the upcoming local elections.

Zack Stiling, Heritage Party

The Heritage Party stands for free speech and liberty, traditional family values, national sovereignty and financial responsibility.

Zachary stood in Kenley in the 2021 by-election, was on the party’s GLA list the same year, and will be standing in the upcoming local elections.

Gavin Palmer, Independent Candidate for Mayor

Gavin is standing as in independent candidate for Croydon’s first elected Mayor.

Laurence Williams, Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party believes in and promotes the rights of the individual, non–interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism, and limiting the size and scope of government.

Laurence is the London and South East Coordinator for the UK Libertarian Party and has stood in multiple General, European, Welsh Senedd and local elections.

Steve Kelleher, SDP

The SDP is a patriotic, economically left-leaning, and culturally traditional political party.

Steve was last years London Mayoral candidate for the SDP. 

Join us:
Thursday 24th February – 7pm

Clyde Hall
Clyde Road,
CR0 6SZ.

Nearest stations: East Croydon (Southern mainline), Sandilands or Lebanon Road (Tramlink).

Limited onsite and street parking available.

No Passports Required – Wednesday 19th January #ThirdWednesday

A great No Passport Required #ThirdWednesday drinks in December, we look forward to the next drinks in 2022.

Come and meet-up with likeminded freedom lovers, at our No Passports Required drinks at The George, Croydon on Wednesday 19th January, from 7pm. 

We will hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club. 

Come and meet us at The George. 17–21 George Street, Croydon. CR0 1LA on Wednesday 19th January, from 7pm.

No Passports Required – Wednesday 15th December #ThirdWednesday

Thanks to all who attended our No Passport Required #ThirdWednesday drinks in November, and great to see some new people there.

Next up are our December Drinks.

Come and meet-up with likeminded freedom lovers, at our No Passports Required drinks at The George, Croydon on Wednesday 15th December, from 7pm. 

We will hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club. 

Come and meet us at The George. 17–21 George Street, Croydon. CR0 1LA on Wednesday 15th December, from 7pm.

No Passports Required – Wednesday 17th November #ThirdWednesday

Thanks to all who attended our No Passport Required #ThirdWednesday drinks in October. An enjoyable night for all.

Next up are our November Drinks.

Come and meet-up with likeminded freedom lovers, at our No Passports Required drinks at The George, Croydon on Wednesday 17th November, from 7pm. 

We will hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club. 

Come and meet us at The George. 17–21 George Street, Croydon. CR0 1LA on Wednesday 17th November, from 7pm.

No Passports Required – Wednesday 13th October

‘I loathe the idea on principle. I never want to be commanded, by any emanation of the British state, to produce evidence of my identity.’ Fine  words we fully support once spoken by Boris Johnson.  The last 18 months of lost freedoms, the ever growing size of government, the threat of national ID cards and coerced medication through vaccine passports, risk the freedoms that once were a birth right of every British citizen. 

Come and meet-up with likeminded freedom lovers, at our No Passports Required drinks downstairs at The Milan Bar, Croydon on Wednesday 13th October, from 7pm.  We aim to make these a regular monthly event with our second drinks scheduled for the 17 November.  We will hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club.  The eagle eyed among you will spot the first one is on the second Wednesday, but broadly we hope to host on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Come and meet us downstairs at The Milan Bar, 14–32 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1YA on Wednesday 13th October, from 7pm.

Brexit vote – 5 year celebratory drinks

On the 23rd of June, 2016.  The people of the United Kingdom – and Gibraltar – went to vote…  and 17,410,742 of us voted to leave the EU. 

We have now regained our nations independence and fully left.  In commemoration of the 5 years since the vote, we’re proposing to go for drinks in what during the campaign became Croydon’s Brexit central, the Skylark.

We don’t yet know what lockdown restrictions we will be operating under.  As such we’re not able to book an area, however we propose to be at the Skylark (34–36 South End, Croydon, CR0 1DP) on Wednesday June 23rd from 7pm, and will operate under whatever rules we need to.  Feel free to come and join us.

The Future of the BBC – Zoom event

The Croydon Constitutionalists are delighted to host a forum on the Future of the BBC.

Croydon Councillor Jeet Bains, Sofia Svihurova former Brighton Group Leader of the Libertarian Party and Harry Fone of the TaxPayers’ Alliance will present their views on what’s next for the Corporation.

We will then hold a panel discussion with questions, followed by an opportunity for all to get involved.

Join us 6pm Friday 6th November by Zoom at

Or register here for details –

Libertarian Sofia Svihurova, has recently completed a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at the University of Brighton, with a thesis on “Concerning the Right to Self-Defence in the UK and the Issue of Empowerment”.

Conservative Councillor Jeet Bains stood in Luton North in the 2019 General Election. He first became a councillor in 2010 in the then Coulsdon West ward. In 2018 he ran in Addiscombe East and in a surprising result split the ward taking the seat from Labour.

Harry Fone is developing the TaxPayers’ Alliance grassroots network to apply pressure on the government and local authorities across the country. He can often be found in Croydon campaigning for local Council Tax payers or canvassing across the country.

Join us 6pm Friday 6th November by Zoom. Register here for details –

London Libertarian (Online) Meet Up

The Croydon Constitutionalists are a non-partisan group, but like to work with parties and groups that support our aims and support Classical Liberal ideals.

We are delighted to host the ‘London Libertarian (Online) Meet Up’ with our friends in the Libertarian Party.  Open to anyone with Libertarian sympathies and views but led by the Libertarian Party.

If this is for you join us Friday, 15 May 2020 anytime between 7:30pm to 10:30pm.  Go to and download the GoToMeeting app.

The invite details are also on Facebook.

Another Virtual meet-up

Following the success of our first online meet-up, thanks to all who joined and enjoyed our chat.  The event will be hosted using GoToMeeting which you can access from your computer at, on Thursday 30th April between 7:30pm and 10pm. 

Standard video conferencing you will need a microphone and camera, we will ask you to be on video so we can verify people.  If you have a laptop you can just use the built in camera and microphone that most modern laptops will have.

To join us for a chat, simply join at any point between those times on the 30th.  All we ask is you bring your own drink!

Thursday 30th April from 7:30pm to 10pm
Join us at

Virtual meet-up

We are having our first online meet-up on Wednesday 15th April from 7pm to 9:30pm.  The event will be hosted using GoToMeeting which you can access from your computer at

Standard video conferencing you will need a microphone and camera, we will ask you to be on video so we can verify people.  If you have a laptop you can just use the built in camera and microphone that most modern laptops will have.

To join us for a chat, simply join at any point between those times on the 15th.  All we ask is you bring your own drink!

Wednesday 15th April from 7pm to 9:30pm
Join us at