
TaxPayers’ Alliance Public meeting

Tuesday 31st July saw Harry Fone, Grassroots Campaign Manager from the TaxPayers’ Alliance at out meeting in Purley #Croydon. Great discussion on tax and government waste. We also spoke about waste at Croydon Council. Photos and video below.

Join us at the TPA street stall Saturday 18th August 10am – 1:30pm. Near the junction of High Street and George Street Croydon.

Find out more about the TPA at


Leavers of London in Croydon

Leavers of London came to Croydon on Tuesday 17th July at the Green Dragon Pub. A great night meeting up with likeminded people from across our town, across London and as far away as Torquay!

Lucy Harris the group’s founder spoke about the group and the guest appearance from her famous bag. Hugh Bennett also gave us an update on the Chequers plan.

Register here to find out details of regular Leavers of London events, and here for future Brexit and Classical Liberal events from in and around Croydon.

Photos from the night:

Being priced out of the Croydon job market – Croydon Citizen

As part of his acceptance speech at the local election count last month, Tony Newman suggested within the council’s powers, they do just that. The new council wants to create “a living wage borough, not just a living wage council”.    Michael Swadling writes in the Croydon Citizen about the folly of this plan.

Comments on the Facebook post give an interesting insight into the lack of awareness of the downside of minimum wage policies.

Economics and Motivational Fun

The American Conservative University Podcast has over a 1,000 conservative (American meaning not UK party) audio shows. As they say – just listen at the feet of some of the world’s greatest Conservative thinkers.

Two great recent Podcasts we would like to draw your attention to.

Anyone with a passing interest in Economics should read or listen to Milton Friedman.  This MasterEdit podcast covers many interviews with Friedman and covers a wide range of economic issues.

You don’t get much comedy from practical politics.  Zig Ziglar (1926 – 2012) was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker.  A light-hearted and funny look at developing the qualities of success and how to be self-reliant.