Richard Langridge is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Witney. We spoke with Richard about his decision to stand.
“I have been a Councillor here for 16 years as a District Councillor and County Councillor. I have loved every minute of it. It is fantastic being able to help people in a huge number of ways”
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Richard Langridge, and I am the PPC for Reform UK in the Witney Constituency. I live in Witney with my Wife, Alexandra, and have lived in the Constituency all my life. I have run my own Accountancy business for the last 27 years.
I have been a Councillor here for 16 years as a District Councillor and County Councillor. I have loved every minute of it. It is fantastic being able to help people in a huge number of ways, and also helping shape the area that you live in.
During most of my time as a District Councillor, I served on the Council’s Cabinet with roles including Leisure and Tourism, Economic Development, Environmental issues and Finance.
I was a Conservative Councillor for a lot of my time, but became an Independent for the last 5 years as I realised that The Conservative Party could no longer be said to be Conservative in any meaningful sense. Being Independent also meant that I could serve my residents without having to conform to Party diktats and policies.
I was also the Conservative Constituency Chairman here, working closely with our Member of Parliament, David Cameron, whilst he was Prime Minister. This was a fascinating experience, and I learned so much about the Constituency, and working at a high level of Government. I was also lucky enough to go to Number 10 and Chequers.
“I am a passionate believer in Freedom – both free speech and the ability to get on with our lives, unfettered by the State. Freedom is not a given- you have to continually fight for it”
What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?
It has become clear to me that the Conservatives no longer stand for the values I believe in. I was a lifelong Conservative, but, like many, they no longer represent the views and ethos that they did in the past. I am afraid you can no longer tell Labour and the Conservatives apart in many ways.
In my opinion, Parliament has become undemocratic and totally detached from the views of the majority of people it is meant to serve.
Debate has been shut down in so many areas such as climate and appallingly, Covid and the dreadful consequences of unneeded lockdowns that were forced on us with no debate permitted. This all powerful state control is a huge danger to all of us.
In particular, I am a passionate believer in Freedom – both free speech and the ability to get on with our lives, unfettered by the State. Freedom is not a given- you have to continually fight for it.
Only Reform UK stands for the Freedom I believe in, and has the Policies our Country so desperately needs, and only Reform UK can take our Country out of the mess it is currently in.
I believe that Reform UK have the values, ethics and policies to take our Country forward into a positive and exciting future – a Country that values traditions and history, alongside a strong sense of diversity and inclusivity, with a love of Liberty alongside responsibility.
Our Country desperately needs a change from the socialist light consensus and “woke” ideology that has strangled Britain. Only Reform UK has the vision and determination to bring this about.
You’re the Spokesman for Witney what’s made you decide to represent this area?
I have lived in the Constituency all my life and feel very strongly that it is important to represent the area you know and care about.
Having been David Cameron’s Constituency Chairman here, I think it is interesting that I would now represent Reform UK. I should be one of the last people to change to Reform from the Tories, and it underlines how far the Conservatives have fallen.
“all areas are suffering from the cost of living crisis brought about by the Government’s failed Economic policies and their unquestioning dash for net zero- whatever the consequences for people’s lives”
What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?
Of course, all areas are suffering from the cost of living crisis brought about by the Government’s failed Economic policies and their unquestioning dash for net zero- whatever the consequences for people’s lives. We must return to a high growth/low tax economy and start to have an honest discussion about climate change, and the truth behind it.
Housing is a massive issue here. Of course we need housing, but it must be in the right place and have broad local support. It should be primarily for local people to live in.
For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?
You can find out more about Reform UK at I would be absolutely delighted to hear from anyone who wants to get involved in my Campaign. I can be contacted on [email protected] and on Facebook at ReformUK Witney.