Richard Brunning is the SDP prospective candidate for Mid-Bedfordshire. We spoke with Richard about his decision to stand.
“It was some years before I started taking an active role though and became a parish councillor. I’m primarily a (small c) conservative but the Conservative party is no longer worthy of the name”
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
I grew up in Shropshire, spent four years living and working in the USA in my mid-twenties before coming back to the UK and finally settling down in Bedfordshire. I’m married with twin daughters – who can be a real handful at times – and enjoy walking our Hungarian Vizsla, reading, films, playing with cars, motor-racing, football, cricket and much more besides.
What made you decide to stand for the SDP?
Being wholly ambivalent about politics in my youth, I became much more interested while living across the pond. The 9/11 attacks shook me – along with most of the world – and jolted me out of my political complacency. It was some years before I started taking an active role though and became a parish councillor. I’m primarily a (small c) conservative but the Conservative party is no longer worthy of the name, so I became politically homeless. A chance contact on Twitter led me to research the SDP and I found them to be aligned very closely to my beliefs and values, so it was a natural fit for me. The SDP is a patriotic, economically left leaning and socially right leaning, culturally traditional party. That’s what attracted me.
“my roots run deep within the Bedfordshire soil. It has a wonderful mix of rural and urban areas with a long and proud history of being open to newcomers who share the values of the locals”
You’re the Spokesman for Mid Bedfordshire what’s made you decide to represent this area?
My family and I have lived in Mid Bedfordshire for nearly fifteen years; my daughters were born and go to school here, I’ve been a parish councillor here, so my roots run deep within the Bedfordshire soil. It has a wonderful mix of rural and urban areas with a long and proud history of being open to newcomers who share the values of the locals. Having a representative in parliament who’s representative of the people and not some parachuted in career politician is something I’m keen to provide.
“Real change is needed to tackle the very real problems and concerns of the British public, and the SDP has the right policies”
What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?
There are myriad concerns throughout constituency, but the economy and health are among the most pressing. The Tories have wasted fourteen years tinkering with their fingers in their ears while Labour have gone through successive self-immolation periods and have ended up with a leader and a front bench that looks as lightweight as a packet of Quavers. Real change is needed to tackle the very real problems and concerns of the British public, and the SDP has the right policies to achieve the real changes that will benefit everyone.
For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?
You can follow me on Twitter (X) @richardbrunning or email and you can find out more about the SDP on our website:
Where you can, vote SDP on July 4th.