Nick Davies is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for North Bedfordshire. We spoke with Nick about his decision to stand.
“despite government statistics, crime appears to be on the increase in Bedfordshire, especially Burglary and breaking into commercial vehicles”
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Nick Davies and as a member of Reform UK and as a prospective parliamentary candidate, my aim is to fight the Conservative and Labour parties in the coming election. They have both had their chance at improving life for the British people and have both failed miserably. In fact, they have only made things a whole lot worse and shown a flagrant disregard for the will of the people.
What do you see as the big concerns for North Bedfordshire and what issues do you hope to champion?
I have lived in North Bedfordshire for five years, and If elected, I will listen to and act positively on the concerns of the people of North Bedfordshire, notably, unnecessary housing developments in villages, potholed roads which not only damage vehicles but are extremely dangerous, in particular to cyclists and motor cyclists, especially during night time. Also, despite government statistics, crime appears to be on the increase in Bedfordshire, especially Burglary and breaking into commercial vehicles. This, of course, is not only a local problem, but crime, including knife crimes, murder and rape are a serious national problem.
“How many times have we heard of serious offenders being released only to commit further heinous crimes. We are constantly told, “lessons will be learned,” they never are!”
As a nation, we have so many issues that need addressing most urgently. I’ve already mentioned serious violent crime, but the justice system as a whole needs total reform, with tougher sentences, as do parole boards. How many times have we heard of serious offenders being released only to commit further heinous crimes. We are constantly told, “lessons will be learned,” they never are! I vow to fight for proper justice and reformation of the entire system, including judges.
The unsustainable influx of immigrants, legal and illegal is unacceptable. We must leave the ECHR with immediate effect and reform the Border Force. No illegal immigrants should ever be allowed to set foot on British soil. They are breaking the law plain and simple and must be stopped.
In conclusion, I will fight for the British people and the British way of life and its culture. Wokeism has no place in our society.
” volunteers are absolutely essential to our cause, so please, if you can offer help in delivering leaflets or making a donation”
For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?
We must get the message of Reform UK to voters. To do this, volunteers are absolutely essential to our cause, so please, if you can offer help in delivering leaflets or making a donation, it will be greatly appreciated.
You can contact me using the methods below. Thank you.
- Facebook: Reformuknorthbedfordshire
- X (Formerly Twitter) @ReformBeds
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 07850 698141
- Donations: gofundme Nick Davies, Reform UK fight in the 2024 G E