The desire to be free is something deep within the human spirit and not restricted to one group of people or nation. A member of the International Alliance of Libertarian Parties the ‘Partei der Vernunft’ (PDV) or Party of Reason is the German member of the group.
The party was founded in 2009, and campaigns for a minimal state, free markets, decentralization of political power, and direct democracy. It rejects nationalism, racism and any kind of anti-democratic politics.
Whilst the PDV doesn’t have any representatives in the Regional Parliaments or Bundestag they have won elections to local councils.
We interviewed their party leader Friedrich Dominicus, who we are grateful for being able to do this in English.

Could you in a couple of sentences tell our readers about the party?
Well we are a party, whose program is based on Austrian School Economics especially from Ludwig von Mises. We’re Liberal in the good old European sense, and partly even Libertarian.

What are the main issues in Germany you campaign on, what gets Libertarians excited?
Very simple overall: Less government and especially a sound money system.
“We are against the Euro because we want sound money and competition among diverse currencies as espoused by Hayek“
What’s your party’s view of the EU and the Euro?
Critical against European Union, but we are for free trade worldwide. We are against the Euro because we want sound money and competition among diverse currencies as espoused by Hayek.
Germany has seen a rapid rise in immigration in recent years, what’s your party’s view on this and what’s your policy going forward?
We are for controlled but quite open borders. The main point with us is that no-one should have to pay mandatory for immigrants.. If they cannot care for themselves, they should have to find some warrantor(s) for that.

“We are very fond of Brexit and do envy the British quite a bit about it. We’re the only party in Germany which really want to end this kind of European Union”
The UK has now left the EU and is due to finally fully transition out at the end of the year, how does your party view Brexit?
We are very fond of Brexit and do envy the British quite a bit about it. We’re the only party in Germany which really want to end this kind of European Union. We do want free trade and the allowance that anyone can offer his manpower in all the countries. We also are for free choice of the right of domicile.

Please intervene immediately. We hate injustice.
Different countries campaign in elections in different ways, what methods does your party focus on, and do you have any interesting stories from the campaign trail?
Well we are a very small party and so we have to go online. Yes we have some interesting stories, but they are not short ones ?.
What’s your party’s plan for fighting elections and getting the message of liberty out to the electorate?
As always, we point out where the problems are and what comes from following social democratic ways. But liberty is simply not a volitional goal for too many Germans even though we had Ludwig Erhard as Chancellor.

Please intervene immediately. We hate totalitarian ideologies.
If you could introduce, repeal or change 3 laws what would they be?
1) End the European Central Bank and any central bank.
2) We have to change our Grundgesetz (Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany) to something much more liberal
3) Get out of the European Union, or at least end this kind of EU.

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
“Simplify the laws for taxes and make it much easier to offer your working abilities on the market.
And we’d cut down government as much as one possibly can”
Lastly how do you think your government is handling the Covid-19 crisis, and what would you like to be done to help the eventual economic recovery?
Not much, because their only plan is printing money and higher the debts.
What we would do is simple. Simplify the laws for taxes and make it much easier to offer your working abilities on the market.
And we’d cut down government as much as one possibly can.
The Party of Reason are online at, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.