Devenne Kedward, Reform UK candidate for Rugby

Devenne Kedward is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Rugby. We spoke with Devenne about her decision to stand.

“I felt compelled to stand to offer the people a candidate who really is like them, who understands and appreciates the challenges they face”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am Devenne Kedward, Reform UK’s Parliamentary Candidate for the Rugby constituency. I currently work for an investment firm based in the area and have two children aged 10 & 7.

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

Having felt “politically homeless” for a time due to the worsening betrayal of the Tories and their ever increasing abandonment of true conservative values, it was refreshing to discover an emerging party which matched my views so broadly on how to take the country forwards. I am incredibly motivated towards supporting others and championing positive change, and I am acutely aware of the electorate’s distrust for career politicians, so I felt compelled to stand to offer the people a candidate who really is like them, who understands and appreciates the challenges they face and who will do all they can to speak and act on their behalf with no personal agenda.

“There is no other area that I would consider representing. I grew up in Binley Woods until I was eighteen then moved to Rugby”

You’re the Spokeswoman for Rugby what’s made you decide to represent this area?

There is no other area that I would consider representing. I grew up in Binley Woods until I was eighteen then moved to Rugby in 2015. I spent a bit of time in Coventry over the past few years whilst caring for my Dad, but my work and ties remained in Rugby so it’s always been home. I know how badly we have been let down and under-represented here for so long, and I know how desperate people are for change and to have a representative that truly cares about our people and our area. Rugby has been under the Tories for a long time, but the loyal voters have been betrayed, and they know that Labour is not the solution. So, I want to give Rugby another option.

“The lack of regeneration of Rugby town centre is also a key focus of mine, as there has been a lot of funding provided which hasn’t been utilised, and a lot of false promises with no action”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

The biggest concerns for the constituency are the lack of adequate healthcare facilities, overdevelopment leading to loss of green belt land and overstretched public services, Rugby town centre’s lack of regeneration and the relentless attack on agriculture. Reform UK policies will help to address these by providing an additional £1billion funding to agriculture and by cutting red tape to make it easier for farmers to farm and by prioritising brownfield development sites, along with reforming the NHS and other public services to dramatically improve and increase their provision.

On a local level, my top three priorities are to push for improvements to the urgent care department at St Cross hospital by having it staffed by registrars 24/7 so that more people can be treated on site without having to go to UHCW, to reform local SEND provision by working closely with other local representatives to champion parent & pupil views to bring about urgent improvements in the local offering and to enhance youth provision, enabling all young people to have access to youth clubs which provide them with a safe space to socialise away from phones and consoles and learn skills to help prepare them for adulthood and improve their mental health. My focus on our young people is especially strong, as we simply cannot expect a successful future if we continue to neglect our next generation.

The lack of regeneration of Rugby town centre is also a key focus of mine, as there has been a lot of funding provided which hasn’t been utilised, and a lot of false promises with no action. I firmly believe that those best placed to regenerate the centre are those that do business there and visit there. A task force should be created of local business owners, developers and visitors to implement the initiatives that people want to see in their town centre.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

We’re always looking for volunteers, from handing out leaflets on street stalls to sharing posts on social media – please do get in touch at [email protected] or via Facebook at

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