We bring you the speeches from our recent event in Purley with speakers Benjamin Elks from the Taxpayers’ Alliance and Harry Wilkinson from Net Zero Watch.

Bringing Classical Liberalism to South London
We bring you the speeches from our recent event in Purley with speakers Benjamin Elks from the Taxpayers’ Alliance and Harry Wilkinson from Net Zero Watch.
Image: By GodeNehler – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74650075
Join us on Wednesday 28th September for an evening talking about the climate, rational action, and affordability.
Our guests, Harry Wilkinson, Head of Policy at Net Zero Watch and Benjamin Elks of the Taxpayers’ Alliance will each present and hold a joint Q&A.
As energy prices rocket and everything from driving your car to changing your boiler becomes more restricted, Ben and Harry will be giving their thoughts on the government’s Net Zero measures.
Come along 7pm, upstairs at Elliott’s Bar, 5 High St, Purley CR8 2AF.
Benjamin Elks worked in pension prior to moving to the TPA last year working in Fundraising, Operations and Events. Ben supported our recent action day with the TPA in Purley questioning executive pay at Croydon Council. Ben has a degree in Politics and War Studies from the University of Wolverhampton and plays for a local rugby team in his spare time. Ben can be found on Twitter at @elksy91.
Harry Wilkinson is the Head of Policy at Net Zero Watch. Net Zero Watch aims to is highlight and discuss the serious implications of expensive and poorly considered climate change policies. Harry has regularly written for the Conservative Woman and has appeared with us on our Podcast. Harry can be found on Twitter at @HarryWilkinsonn.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1119759738961387
On Saturday 30th July we had a great morning out in Purley with the TaxPayers’ Alliance asking residents if they think Croydon’s former Chief Executive Jo Negrini was worth her £613,895, 2020-21 remuneration package.
The publics response was overwhelming and clear, with only one person saying they felt the former Chief Executive deserved the remuneration.
Photo’s and a short video from the day below.