Andrew Davis, SDP candidate for Winchester

Andrew Davis is the SDP prospective candidate for Winchester.  We spoke with Andrew about his decision to stand.

“I am proud of this country and its heritage, and our traditions are valuable and should be respected.  I do not like the radicalisation of society which I am seeing today as a result of people pushing divisive political agendas”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Andrew Davis.  I was born in Hillingdon but have lived in Winchester since 1992.  I am sixty years old.  I have a degree in history from Warwick University and started my career in the 1980s as a customs and excise officer.  Since then, I have worked in tax related roles in various companies in England, Ireland and Poland.  I am still in full time work and commute into central London.

What made you decide to stand for the SDP?

I am one of the people who feels that I am not represented by the major political parties.  I am from a working class background and have benefited from the post war welfare and educational reforms.  I want to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity.  However, I am proud of this country and its heritage, and our traditions are valuable and should be respected.  I do not like the radicalisation of society which I am seeing today as a result of people pushing divisive political agendas.

You’re the Spokesman for Winchester what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I love Winchester and the people of Winchester.  I want to give them a choice and try to break the stale political monoculture which has prevailed for too long.

“Winchester is a wealthy city located in a beautiful area.  It therefore pains me to see the number of homeless people on the streets, and the associated problem of mental illness and addiction”

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Winchester is a wealthy city located in a beautiful area.  It therefore pains me to see the number of homeless people on the streets, and the associated problem of mental illness and addiction.  Dealing effectively with the pockets of deprivation in the city is a priority.

I have a particular interest in the environment of the area.  I keep bees and am also actively involved in efforts to monitor the local wildlife.  Managing the environment sensibly to protect the natural beauty of the area in the face of development pressures is a key concern.  I do not however want to try to achieve this through persecution of car owners and other measures designed to force us back to the pre-industrial age.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

There are very few SDP members in the Winchester area for now.  I am going to need help with leafletting and other activities needed to raise awareness of the party in the constituency.  If anyone wants to help, please contact me at [email protected].

If you want to know more about the party visit our website at