Allan MacMillan is the SDP prospective candidate for North Ayrshire and Arran. We spoke with Allan about his decision to stand.
“Scottish voters deserve the chance to vote for a party with real values and morals”
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
My names Allan MacMillan, I’m 34 and I stay in North Ayrshire. I’m a single parent and previously served in the Scots Guards for five years. I enjoy anything football related and have managed amateur teams in the past, I also enjoy spending time with friends and family and being outdoors. I’m studying on the side too.
What made you stand for the SDP?
As a former Labour voter, there’s no party that I would trust with my vote. We live in a country where elected members of parliament think it’s acceptable to take a drag queen called “Flowjob” to a primary school. Scottish voters deserve the chance to vote for a party with real values and morals, I don’t believe this nonsense is representative of the people. I’m sure given time and hard work the SDP can grow in Scotland and in the remainder of the UK.
“I’m proud to be British as well as Scottish and I know a lot of people in my constituency are too”
You’re the spokesman for North Ayrshire and Arran, what’s made you decide to represent this area?
I’m proud to be British as well as Scottish and I know a lot of people in my constituency are too. We need a strong alternative to the SNP, Tories and Labour that has fresh policy ideas and supports our union of nations. The SDP offers voters this chance.
“Our communities are struggling in and in need of change. Simply put, people deserve better”
What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?
My constituency is one of the most deprived in Scotland. I live in Saltcoats and it was the most deprived area of North Ayrshire and 26th in Scotland only a couple of years ago. Child poverty is a big concern. For example, I have a supermarket out the back of my home and I see people regularly going through the bins. It’s tragic. We have a drug issue around drug misuse and a conversation needs to be had in regards to benzodiazepines and possible links to free prescriptions, making these drugs more accessible and acting as a gateway to other more illicit drugs. The social and economic issues we are facing is also contributing to a massive rise in suicides within my constituency over the past few years, it feels like every week or so I hear of another attempt or death. Our communities are struggling in and in need of change. Simply put, people deserve better.
For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?
You can find out more about the SDP at You can also get in touch by email at, on my social media @AllanMac_SDP or join the party and get involved more directly. We’re keen for people to get involved!