Jack Brookes, Reform UK candidate for Birmingham Erdington

Jack Brookes is the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Birmingham Erdington. We spoke with Jack about his decision to stand.

“I live in the constituency in which I am standing; my family have lived in the constituency for decades”

Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 25 year old libertarian and I have a degree in economics with finance (graduated 2020) from Queen’s University Belfast. I have worked many jobs including: financial crime (PwC), labourer, gas tool decontamination worker and postman.  

Unlike all too many of our current politicians… I did NOT grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. 

“When we bring back law and order then people will be able to thrive and standards of living will increase”

What made you decide to stand for Reform UK?

Reform UK is the only pro-freedom mainstream party. 

You’re the Spokesman for Birmingham Erdington what’s made you decide to represent this area?

I live in the constituency in which I am standing; my family have lived in the constituency for decades. Plus, I was selected to run in this constituency in the by-election in 2022; friends and people I went to school with live in this constituency – it would be an honour to represent them.

What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?

Locally: crime. It’s holding back the prosperity. Birmingham is the definition of anarcho-tyranny. When we bring back law and order then people will be able to thrive and standards of living will increase exponentially.   

Nationally: inflation and bad government. These can be destroyed by bringing back the gold standard: money printing, fiat currency and fractional reserve banking must go! We must never allow a Central Bank Digital Currency to be foisted upon us. If we go back to money that the establishment cannot control – then we, the people, can prevent corruption and unjust wars. It would be a stepping stone to the greatest peace of our time if we went back to sound money.

“I need boots on the ground. I need as many people as possible to distribute election materials”

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

I need boots on the ground. I need as many people as possible to distribute election materials. So if they can give me a message on WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram; put their: name, address and how many leaflets a day they can deliver a week then that would be smashing. 

All my links and further information is available at https://www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-erdington-constituency I can also be contacted by email at [email protected].