Join us for a live interview and Q&A with Dr Jan Macvarish of the Free Speech Union on Wednesday 20th March at 7pm.
Dr Macvarish is a researcher, writer and lecturer, and sociologist with a strong interest in family life. She has conducted research into contemporary single living, teenage pregnancy, and parenthood. She also stands for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, the reinvigoration of public life and protection of private life and is the Education and Events Director of the Free Speech Union.
You can follow her on Twitter and find out more at
The Free Speech Union is a non-partisan, mass membership public interest body that stands up for the speech rights of its members and campaigns for free speech more widely. Find out more at
Upstairs, Whispers,
5 High St,
Part of our #ThirdWednesday drinks and events, we hold these in association with Dick Delingpole’s #ThirdWednesday Libertarian drinks club, and POLITICS in PUBS a group of people from across the political spectrum who value the freedom to question and to speak openly.

Join us Upstairs, Whispers, 5 High St, Purley CR8 2AF on Wednesday 20th March, from 7pm.
You can also find details at Why does free speech matter? – POLITICS in PUBS