Shaun Long is the SDP prospective candidate for Penrith and Solway. We spoke with Shaun about his decision to stand.
“As for higher education, well, I’m glad to be out of it; it’s become too politicised, as has the whole of the public sector”
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
I live in the Eden Valley where I work as an English tutor. I’ve had a wide variety of jobs over the years, from window cleaning to factory work and higher education, and have never taken anything for granted as you never know what life might throw at you. As for higher education, well, I’m glad to be out of it; it’s become too politicised, as has the whole of the public sector. Outside of work, I enjoy wandering the fells with my wife, and dabbling with creative writing. I’m also a local parish councillor.
“Without the nation-state there can be no democracy, and the SDP believes wholeheartedly in both, unlike the establishment parties”
What made you decide to stand for the SDP?
Like most people, I assumed until a couple of years ago that the SDP was dead and buried until I stumbled upon its website and read its ‘New Declaration’. I was blown away, for here was a document, and a party, articulating my views on what should be our economic and social priorities. It chimes perfectly with my positions on all of the major political issues: an interventionist approach to the economy; an end to mass immigration; the assertion of national sovereignty in defiance of globalism; a robust defence of free speech; and a rational social conservatism. Without the nation-state there can be no democracy, and the SDP believes wholeheartedly in both, unlike the establishment parties which believe in open borders.
Politicians these days act as if the people are accountable to them, rather than them to the people. I’m determined to put the everyday concerns of the majority ahead of those of either elite interests or shrill pressure groups.

You’re the spokesman for Penrith and Solway. What’s made you decide to represent this area?
I have my home here, and I love it. I want to see this constituency and its people thrive, rather than merely survive. So far as I can see, none of the establishment political parties possess any real concern for the area.
“Both central government and the two local councils are determined to drive through Net Zero policies without taking into account the realities of heating older rural homes”
What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?
Many of them are the same as for people elsewhere – the cost of living, housing and immigration – but some are more specific to Penrith and Solway. Much of the constituency is rural, and thus many homes are off-grid. Both central government and the two local councils are determined to drive through Net Zero policies without taking into account the realities of heating older rural homes which are not suitable for heat pumps. Boilers fuelled by oil or LPG, or sometimes solid-fuel stoves, are essential for domestic heating. Even so, these authorities are determined to phase them out, whereas I am determined to fight for their continued and affordable usage. Excess cold, not heat, causes early deaths and illness in Cumbria.
Similarly, I wish to champion Cumbrian farming, particularly livestock farming, which is also coming under attack from our political class at the national and local levels, obsessed as it is with its pursuit of Net Zero at all costs to the detriment of food production. It’s dangerous and wrongheaded, and undermines rural livelihoods and communities. Cumbrian beef and lamb are second to none. Our farmers need our active help and support.
For those eager to help, how can the get involved in the campaign?
You can find out more about the SDP at
If you would like to get involved with the SDP campaign in Penrith and Solway, or have any issues that you’d like to discuss, then please do contact me at: [email protected].
You can also follow me on X – @sdpShaun.