Robert Bayley is the SDP prospective candidate for Ely & East Cambridgeshire. We spoke with Robert about his decision to stand.
“The definition is – social conservatism with centre-left economy. In other words, a politics that prioritises the financial security and the societal health of the nation”
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Robert Bayley. I moved into Witchford in 2011. I have worked as a reliability engineer in a start-up, as a boardmarker in the betting industry, as a screenwriter in LA, in pop promos, I have worked in IT, and more recently I have worked in the care sector. I write novels. My latest is a murder thriller set in Cornwall entitled Rache (pronounced Rakke). I love the arts and often despair of politics.
What made you decide to stand for the SDP?
The beautiful thing about the SDP is that it combines left and right in the same package. The definition is – social conservatism with centre-left economy. In other words, a politics that prioritises the financial security and the societal health of the nation. I have been in the Labour party; I have been in the Conservative party; I have drifted politically because I am not a died in the wool ideologue, I simply want politics to work for the people. Left and right curiously have suffered similar declines and falls in recent years. Blair was a revelation who destroyed his own success by going too far. Johnson contrived a brilliant opportunity only to squander it. Fourteen years of undelivered promises have steered the Tories towards a political abyss. I do not crow at that. I do not take the prospect of a Labour landslide majority with its odd fringe elements lightly. I read the SDP manifesto, it ticked the boxes, so I joined. I joined just before the announcement of the snap election and stood shortly after. My immediate priority is to get the SDP on the ballot paper and back into the public arena and get the manifesto read. It is well worth it.
“There’s a lot of history in the constituency: the guerilla warfare of Hereward the Wake and those treacherous Ely monks, the home of Cromwell, the pamphleteers, the strife of the Corn Laws”
You’re the Spokesman for Ely & East Cambridgeshire what’s made you decide to represent this area?
The simple answer is, I live here. I’m not going to say I love it, too many politicians lie. I like hills, unfortunately, this area lacks them. But if you live in a village for a while and you get to know the people, that makes up for any shortfall in topographic aesthetics. There’s a lot of history in the constituency: the guerilla warfare of Hereward the Wake and those treacherous Ely monks, the home of Cromwell, the pamphleteers, the strife of the Corn Laws, industrialisation, Thomas Paine, and the draining of the Fens. It’s an interesting place to stand.
“With respect to housing, I have been to Hamburg. I love those three or four storey high streets with shops beneath. All those studio flats and apartments ideal for professionals and students”
What do you see as the big concerns for the constituency and what issues do you hope to champion?
I think the introduction of a National Care Service would have a huge impact on care delivery across the constituency. I think private companies operating in the sector fragment the service. I believe there would be more accountability and more efficiency were the services combined into one organisation. A re-introduction of convalescent homes might be considered to help prevent (awful phrase) bed blocking.
With respect to housing, I have been to Hamburg. I love those three or four storey high streets with shops beneath. All those studio flats and apartments ideal for professionals and students and essential workers. Building modestly higher in established conurbations would be my preference going forward rather than developmental sprawl.
A re-nationalised rail service would be brilliant. Open some of those closed stations. We should have a clean, punctual, efficient service, with clear and affordable pricing and manned stations. Rather like national rail services found on the Continent.
Anglia Water is doing a good job I believe, but I cannot agree with siphoning off monies for dividends. I am pro the re-nationalisation of natural monopolies.
The perennial pothole problem needs to be addressed urgently. Covid decimated many high streets, they must be regenerated with a range of quality retailers, reducing rates if necessary. Centralise disabled parking and have more of it.
Access to medical care should be eased by training homegrown nurses and doctors rather than relying so much on imported trained staff, as welcome as they are. And there should be a loyalty clause aimed at retaining people. Dentistry needs to be overhauled on a national scale.
For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign? (if available please include Facebook, Twitter, emails etc)
I will be handing leaflets out on various days around the constituency (weather permitting)
I can be contacted at:
X (Twitter) @rob_sdp
Email [email protected]