With the Somerton and Frome by-election coming up on the 20th July. We bring details of Somerset resident and former local Councillor Lorna Corke, who is the Christians Peoples Alliance (CPA) candidate for election.
“a local Councillor in the County for 4 years from 2014. From that position she was elected onto Local Government Association Think Tanks looking at Children and Young People and Education. She was a parent governor of a local school for 8 years”
Lorna Corke served as a local Councillor in the County for 4 years from 2014. From that position she was elected onto Local Government Association Think Tanks looking at Children and Young People and Education. She was a parent governor of a local school for 8 years.
She previously worked in a voluntary capacity for the Children Country Holiday Association for deprived children, vetting families to give children the opportunity of enjoying country holidays. She was involved in the holiday letting and long-term letting industry for around 35 years. She still lets out 2 properties. Lorna has also been involved in sheep farming and still looks after sheep. She is very concerned that new houses should be built on brownfield sites and NOT farmland.
“The Christian belief that sex should be between a man and a woman inside marriage should at least be taught as an option. So should the moral beliefs of other religions”
The CPA is focusing on two main areas:
- We want moral education
- We would transform the economy
Lorna said “The Christian belief that sex should be between a man and a woman inside marriage should at least be taught as an option. So should the moral beliefs of other religions. We also want puberty blockers banned which mostly lead to sterilization of children.”
“During the King’s coronation Rishi Sunak read from the Bible ‘In him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, all things have been created through him.’ Yet in our schools the New Age theory of evolution is taught that doesn’t explain where life came from. Even excluding the possibility that God created the world. This is indoctrination not teaching. Christians believe God created the world and controls the climate.”
“We would use the anticipated £40.5bn raised to;
Get rid of all Commercial rates to help City Centres (£21bn)…
Support marriage and the family by giving a £12,000 grant before a first marriage and £6,000 grant before a first child is born if it is within wedlock (£3bn)”
Leader of the CPA Sid Cordle said the “CPA policy is for a turnover tax to be set at 5% initially which will be a sellers VAT with the same threshold as purchasers VAT, £85,000. We would offset it against corporation tax (tax on profits) so British Companies would pay less. The idea is to get tax off Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Starbucks, Shell etc. who send all their profits abroad and so don’t pay corporation tax. We would use the anticipated £40.5bn raised to;
- Get rid of all Commercial rates to help City Centres (£21bn),
- Restore the cuts to benefits to get rid of the 5 week waiting period a key reason why people attend food banks (£12bn),
- Support marriage and the family by giving a £12,000 grant before a first marriage and £6,000 grant before a first child is born if it is within wedlock (£3bn),
- Guarantee everyone who leaves prison a place to live to cut reoffending and guarantee everyone sleeping rough a night shelter and free meal (£4.5bn).”
Sid goes on to say “We would also set up a new Professional Standards Authority directly answerable to ministers and get rid of numerous quangos such as the Teachers Regulatory Authority, Social Work England, Wilton House etc. This will drastically cut red tape. All quangos that remain like the Financial Conduct Authority will also be answerable directly to ministers. This will help stop the civil service undermining ministerial decisions. Before the 2010 election, the Taxpayers Alliance issued a manifesto that highlighted the presence of 1,148 quangos spending £90 billion a year. These are mostly still intact. We estimate we can save £30bn a year immediately we will use on capital spending. (Over 5 years we would have £150bn to spend). We believe a new 6 runway hub airport in the Thames Estuary would do most for the British economy and reduce pollution. Capital spending like this creates wealth which means we can in time eliminate the deficit and reduce debt.
We would reintroduce GP fundholding which operated in the 1990s very successfully to transform the NHS and make it efficient again.
These are radical policies, but we know they work and we know they would transform the economy.”

You can contact Lorna at [email protected], find the CPA online, on Facebook and on Twitter.