By Jeremy Wraith

“£billions on complying with EU laws imposed upon the UK and which have not been abolished by the Conservative Party 8 years after the referendum result”
This year the Labour government is committed to spending:
1) Over £200 billion on mainly totally, un-necessary, unwanted and useless quangos.
2) £billions on complying with EU laws imposed upon the UK and which have not been abolished by the Conservative Party 12 years after the referendum result, and after the UK officially left the EU 8 years ago. (NB Membership of the EU was costing the UK economy well over £200 billion/annum when we left the EU in 2020.)
3) £Billions on incredibly stupid net zero policies which are clearly ruining the UK economy.
4) £billions on illegal immigrants, which they, (and the Conservatives), have allegedly NO real intention of stopping or reducing!
5) £billions on the useless vanity HS2 project which has been severely cut and is costing well over budget.
6) £12 billion on foreign “aid”.
7) £millions on MP’s expenses, including heating their second homes. (NB. Chancellor Rachel Reeves has faced criticism after justifying her decision to claim £4,400 in taxpayer-funded expenses for heating her second home, a day after MPs voted to scrap winter fuel payments of up to £300 for millions of pensioners.)
“Chancellor Rachel Reeves has faced criticism after justifying her decision to claim £4,400 in taxpayer-funded expenses for heating her second home”
YET, the Labour government is totally committed to scrapping the winter fuel allowance for pensioners to save a measly £1.3 billion!
They are fully aware that this will apparently condemn 4,000 pensioners to a miserable death, from hypothermia and/or malnutrition this winter. This is probably a very low estimate, the facts of which are not being published for scrutiny by the public. So, did 9,708,716 people really vote for Labour to waste billions upon billions of pounds of taxpayer’s money and to condemn thousands of vulnerable people to save a pittance?
“did 9,708,716 people really vote for Labour to waste billions upon billions of pounds of taxpayer’s money”