Our contributor Tim Duce sent a letter (published below) in March to the HRH King Charles III, Rishi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer, Sharon Thorne, Zac Goldsmith, Nicholas Lyons, Rachel Reeves, Richard Moore and Tony Blair on the subject of CO2 and Climate Change.
He’s had little response although does note that Tony Blair has now made one anti climate change statement. We are also in now seeing some delay to implementing NetZero policies from the government.
“When so many differing voices claim to quote ‘the science’, it’s important to listen to your own common sense and to see what is clearly visible”
At the recent WEF summit, Climate Change was discussed.
If we are indeed to save the planet, we must distinguish carefully between beliefs and facts. Saving the oxygen producing rainforests and oceans and controlling the production of toxic pollutants is self evident but the ‘CO2 and Global Temperature’ issue is far more murky. When so many differing voices claim to quote ‘the science’, it’s important to listen to your own common sense and to see what is clearly visible.
A clear answer is not hard to find. We already have the facts, but we have to join the dots between them. Let’s look at those facts together.
How Does a Greenhouse Work?
A greenhouse is covered in glass which is transparent to light, reflects light and refracts (bends) light. Having seen our reflections in a window and the effect of the lenses in a pair of spectacles, we all know this to be true. Light from the sun hits the glass fairly perpendicularly and most of it passes through easily (a tiny amount is lost due to reflection). It then hits the ground and plants. Some of it is absorbed as heat and some is reflected in all directions. Of this reflected light, some goes straight back out through the glass but some hits the glass at a shallower angle, causing it to be reflected and/or refracted back into the greenhouse again, causing a further increase in temperature. You probably knew this. Even if not, it is easy for anyone to understand.
Is There a Gas with the Same Characteristics as Glass?
One extremely plentiful gas has the same characteristics of transparency, reflection and refraction as glass. It is water vapour.
Again, our own experience confirms this. Water is transparent to light, reflects light and refracts (bends) light. We’ve all seen our reflection in water and we’ve seen how a stick half immersed in water looks bent. If we shine a light into fog, we are dazzled by reflected light. As for refraction, we have all seen a rainbow.
CO2 and methane are also transparent to light but reflection or refraction? If they do possess these characteristics, they are so infinitesimally small that we cannot see them.
Any greenhouse capabilities of CO2 and methane are so infinitesimally small as to be invisible whereas the greenhouse capabilities of water vapour are obvious for anyone to see with the naked eye.
Compared to the greenhouse gas water vapour, any greenhouse effects of CO2 and methane are infinitesimally small. Consequently, the effect (if any) of changes in CO2 levels on global temperature is insignificant.
“Greenland, which is currently covered in ice and snow, is called ‘Green-land’ because when the Vikings discovered and colonised it more than a thousand years before the industrial revolution, it was green“
To Illustrate:
- The Earth has heated and cooled since its beginning. Greenland, which is currently covered in ice and snow, is called ‘Green-land’ because when the Vikings discovered and colonised it more than a thousand years before the industrial revolution, it was green. Vikings lived and farmed there for about 450 years. For Greenland to be green, just imagine how warm the Earth was then!
- Didn’t Al Gore show that changes in CO2 levels and global temperature could be seen in polar ice? Yes he did but having got the answer he wanted, he stopped there. When other researchers duplicated the experiment, they found that the rises in CO2 level happened about 800 years after each rise in global temperature and not the other way around so:
A rise in global temperature causes a rise in CO2 but a rise in CO2 does NOT cause a rise in global temperature. They also confirmed that the Earth has often been much warmer than it is now. - I met a young woman from Friends of the Earth on an aeroplane. Ignoring the fact that she was, it turned out, the most well travelled person I had ever met, I asked her to send to me a copy of an email from her bosses which, she told me, “Proved once and for all that CO2 caused global warming”. I wasted the evenings of two weeks of my life reading through 40 published papers in which there was not a single proof. The writers all simply said that a CO2 climate change connection was probably true because they thought so. Opinion is not science. Science demands proof.
If CO2 is frozen it can crystallise as ‘dry ice’ which you may have seen in theatre, movies or a disco. These crystals do have reflective and refractive properties but they do not appear in this form in nature. CO2, which is heavier than air even at room temperature, remains close to the Earth while temperatures cold enough to freeze CO2 only occur at very high altitudes.
Some Climate zealots claim that CO2’s ability to absorb heat is a problem. This is pseudo-science. ALL of the gases, liquids and solids of the Earth’s atmosphere and surface absorb heat from the sun every day, but they ALL cool again by radiating heat into space each night. (Since heat invariably flows from warm places to cold.)
“Scientists soon learned that if they were to receive funding for a project, they needed to include the magic words ‘Global Warming’ and later ‘Climate Change'”
Why Has This Myth Gathered Such Momentum?
The ‘CO2 and Global Temperature/Man Made Climate Change’ story has gained popularity because of the benefits it provides to various interest groups.
Margaret Thatcher used it as a justification for closing profitable coal mines during the miners’ strike. She pressured the Science Research Council to fund projects with ‘Global Warming’ in the title to give the story credibility.
Scientists soon learned that if they were to receive funding for a project, they needed to include the magic words ‘Global Warming’ and later ‘Climate Change’ in the title and to keep quiet about their scepticism. The Hard Left and Anti-Capitalists used it to justify their cause. ‘Prophet of Doom’ journalists found that it sold column inches.
Bill Gates, a major sponsor of the WEF and the WHO is currently using it as a justification to stop normal farming (especially organic farming!) and introduce production of artificial meat according to patented processes. Ker-Ching! (The systematic destruction of farmers’ livelihoods is already happening in the Netherlands.)
The ‘Climate Crisis’ myth is being used to persuade national leaders to sign up to agreements set by the WEF. In essence, our right to self-determination is being taken from voters and national governments and handed on a plate to the WEF which serves the interests of its main sponsors.
Just by consulting your own knowledge, it becomes clear that ‘Climate Change’ is a myth.
Worse still, it is a myth being used to reduce people’s freedoms and erode democratic accountability. Also, as we rush headlong towards a fallacious Net Zero, we risk destroying our economy and inflicting extraordinary hardship upon ordinary people. As you put your head on the pillow tonight, I suggest you ask yourself where you stand on all of this and, if you wish, send me a reply.
Kind regards,
Tim Duce BSc.
cc. HRH King Charles III, Rishi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer, Sharon Thorne, Zac Goldsmith, Nicholas Lyons, Rachel Reeves, Richard Moore, Tony Blair

Image from: kallerna, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons