Jerry Wraith writes to energy supplier OVO Energy Customer Care:
Thank you for your kind response to my email concerning the tragedy that is net zero. I have responded to your comments and apologise for the delay in this reply.
I am not convinced by your arguments and suggest that you, and OVO, rethink your net zero strategy, as I believe all your arguments are totally spurious and unsupportable. However, I understand that OVO (and probably all the other energy providers) are under pressure from various UK governments to support their catastrophic net zero policy. However, if OVO made a stand against it I feel sure this would be rewarded by vastly increasing your customer base, as the public would appreciate an energy company which is on their side and trying to reduce their costs.
“Net Zero is all about reducing emissions of CO2 which is not a pollutant“
Jerry’s response:
I sent my FOI to Milliband on net zero to OVO my energy supplier. This was part of their response. My comments are in bold and italics, with grateful thanks to Roger Arthur, CEng, MIEE, MIET, for his expert contributions.
The Bigger Picture: Why the UK’s Efforts Matter
I completely understand why the UK’s CO₂ contributions might feel small compared to the global total—it’s a fair observation. However, tackling climate change is a collective effort, and every country’s actions contribute to the larger picture. By leading the way in reducing emissions, the UK is setting an example
By destroying our economy?
Net Zero is all about reducing emissions of CO2 which is not a pollutant. In fact SO2 emissions have also been reduced in the process and that has increased the intensity of electromagnetic radiation hitting the earth.
and showing that transitioning to a greener economy is not only possible but can also come with major benefits, like cleaner air,
What cleaner air? We breathe out CO2!
“Many hundreds of thousands of UK jobs are being sacrificed on the altar of net zero, as industries move abroad, where they will cause higher global CO2 emissions than before“
improved public health,
One common objection to this argument is that decarbonization has other benefits—for example, reducing local air pollution. But consider the case of China, where life expectancy allegedly increased by 10 years from 1980 to 2020, even as fossil-fuel use increased by 700 percent. (Some of that owes to the reduction in indoor pollution due to cleaner cooking fuels like LPG, a fossil fuel.) Even the dirty Chinese coal plants had great benefits, since increased energy availability was much more important to most Chinese than cleaner air.
Also, if you check how many Death Certificates cite air pollution as the cause of death, you will find only one or two, while the numbers suffering from fuel poverty increased by around 67% between 2020 and 2023, impacting most on the vulnerable. Which do you think had the greatest impact on public health?
and job creation in growing industries like renewable energy.
Many hundreds of thousands of UK jobs are being sacrificed on the altar of net zero, as industries move abroad, where they will cause higher global CO2 emissions than before. China emits more CO2 in 11 days than the UK does in a year, but we are to spend £trillions to help the Chinese take away our industries and jobs. They and other big emitters are building 100s of coal fired power stations every year and they are clearly not following our so called lead.
It’s also worth noting that the UK’s leadership inspires other countries to take action.
Prove it! How many countries followed Starmer’s boast at COP 29 that we would reduce UK CO2 emissions by 81%? NONE! The USA is likely to abolish net zero when Trump gets into the White House, thank God!
The main momentum that is building up is in reduced growth, increased poverty and excess deaths, due to deranged net zero targets. More people are dying from cold than from excess temperature.
When countries commit to ambitious targets, it builds momentum on a global scale—something that’s essential for addressing a challenge as complex as climate change.
Again, prove it? Like India, China, and the USA for example? Look at the EU? Germany and France plus other EU countries are really struggling due to totally irresponsible and unnecessary net zero aims.
Addressing Your Specific Questions
a) What benefit is there to the UK, its citizens, and taxpayers by limiting its CO₂ emissions to 0.00072 ppm/annum, when the rest of the world is producing CO₂ at vastly greater quantities?
The benefits extend beyond just the numbers. By reducing emissions, we’re investing in cleaner air, which directly improves public health and reduces healthcare costs.
How dirty is our air now and how much cleaner will it be after emissions are reduced. Also see the comment above about the Chinese experience.
How much have UK healthcare costs reduced due to reduced CO2 emissions?
How many extra deaths have occurred in the UK due to extreme cold and the incapability of energy poverty people being unable to pay for their astronomical heating costs?
How many extra businesses have closed or gone abroad in order to survive by reducing their astronomical energy costs?
As indicated above, more people are suffering from health problems and dying from the cold, than from overheating. In fact, an average increase of ½ of 1 deg C would reduce the numbers dying, due to the cold.
At the same time, we’re building a stronger, greener economy. Renewable energy is now one of the UK’s fastest-growing sectors, creating jobs and making us less reliant on imported fossil fuels, which in turn shields us from volatile energy prices.
Not true! We are building a rapidly reducing economy. Industries and jobs are being exported to China which is building more fossil fuel powered stations as rapidly as possible. We have closed all ours down under instructions from the EU, which is now building hundreds of new fossil fuelled generating stations. Our current rate of growth is about zero and will probably reduce further. We are facing massive power cuts due to our reliance on intermittent renewable energy and are having to increase our reliance on imported energy.
Also, we don NOT have to import fossil fuels. The UK taxpayers have big reserves of coal and gas under our feet and gas in the North Sea.
b) What benefit is there to the UK, its citizens, and taxpayers by reducing its emissions from 0.00072 ppm/annum to 0.000137 ppm/annum?
“Our current rate of growth is about zero and will probably reduce further. We are facing massive power cuts due to our reliance on intermittent renewable energy“
Achieving this reduction shows the world that it’s possible to make meaningful progress while maintaining a thriving economy.
Again, NOT TRUE! See note above. This reduction is any case not achievable without completely destroying the UK economy. Maybe that is what you and the politicians really, really, want?
What are your estimates of the UK’s GDP now and after the reduction proposed taking into consideration the high cost of energy, the power cuts and the cost of importing most of our goods from China and elsewhere?
With regard to the high cost of energy: That’s because these guarantees are irrespective of how competitive the prices actually are in the energy market. For example, floating offshore wind was recently awarded an eye-watering strike price of £176 per MWh, even though the wholesale price for most of 2024 averaged £78.70 per MWh. Why would these renewable energy companies look to cut costs and become more efficient if they can rely on such cushy subsidies?
It also helps us remain competitive in the global race for green technologies, which are rapidly becoming essential industries of the future.
Not true. The green technologies are mainly imported. We get our wind turbines from Denmark and our solar panels from China. Our EV’s are ruinously expensive and are ticking time bombs ready to burst into uncontrollable flames at the moment their batteries develop a fault. In addition, they are so heavy that they must be making our pot holed roads even worse. Furthermore, they are being shunned by UK motorists and rightly so due to their cost and dismal trade in value! EV’s made in China are much, much cheaper than those made in the UK and the EU!
So, how much profit has the UK made from exporting green technology in the last 15/20 or so years?
What is the TOTAL amount of money in £billions/trillions the UK taxpayers have had to pay for “green” energy in subsidies over the last 15/20 years?
“In the past 150 years the warmest period was from 1880 to 1942 with many records from these years still standing today. The last two warm periods were during Roman times and from 750 to 1200 AD“
Plus, the reductions we make now help to mitigate the long-term costs of climate change—whether that’s through extreme weather, flooding, or other impacts that we’re already starting to see.
Nonsense! There is absolutely NO evidence that increasing CO2 causes extreme weather, flooding or other impacts like hurricanes, heatwaves etc. Rather the reverse is true as records show that these events have all been reducing over time!
Also, you can’t make such judgements based on short term trends. Global temperature trends run on for thousands of years and we are nearing an interglacial peak as we continue to emerge from an Ice Age. As seen, that peak is lower than many of the previous ones, which occurred long before the Industrial Revolution and we are about to enter a cooling period. The previous peak was higher and it occurred long before the Industrial Revolution.
More recently the last notable climate change was between 1500 and 1850, but since around 1870 there been no significant change. Global warming is when average temperatures increase but currently many places have seen a temperature decrease
In the past 150 years the warmest period was from 1880 to 1942 with many records from these years still standing today. The last two warm periods were during Roman times and from 750 to 1200 AD when it was a lot warmer than today.
The worst UK drought on record was in 1540 when half a million died, when CO2 levels were much lower than now.
Since the 1920s, the number of deaths due to extreme weather events has reduced by more than 90% – in spite of a four-fold rise in population – in parallel with increasing CO2 levels.
Just check what happened when human emissions fell due to Covid and Lockdowns, then decide for yourself. Total human related emissions fell noticeably, due to Covid and Lockdown, but CO2 content continued upwards, by record amounts. So, the reduction in human emissions had no discernible impact on the upward trend in CO2
The government should check Professor William Happer’s findings – that a 50% increase in CO2 levels would cause global temperature to rise by less than 1/10th of 1 deg C – and abandon UK net zero altogether. You should be lobbying them to do just that.
I understand your concerns about the scale of the UK’s contribution, but these efforts are part of a much larger, interconnected plan. Climate change affects everyone, and by acting together, we have a much better chance of protecting the planet for future generations.
NONSENSE! As stated above a 50% increase in CO2 will increase global temperature by less than 1/10 Deg C according to Prof, Emeritus William Happer of Princeton University. The current rate of CO2 increase is 2.4 ppm/annum (see my FOI request to Ed Milliband). Hence it will take 75 years for global CO2 (i.e. natural and human) to reach that level. Kindly detail how much damage a rise of less than 1/10th of deg C (97% of which is beyond human influence) will create for the earth after 75 years!
I sent you a detailed analysis of how small and insignificant the UK’s CO2 contribution to the global CO2 total really is, with references to my sources. Your response has been totally airy fairy with unsubstantiated claims which have absolutely no proof. Hence the OVO boasts about its green energy etc is total NONSENSE and not worth the paper they are written on. I note that you have not tried to refute my figures as they are clearly irrefutable!
I appreciate that OVO is probably complying with government (Conservative and Labour) directives, but your customers are paying extortionate amounts for their energy and destroying the UK economy, (as planned by them) in the process. You and OVO are supporting and perpetuating one of the greatest scams of modern life and should be doing the exact opposite. i.e. refusing to participate in deranged government demands to install smart meters, and inefficient and expensive heat pumps etc. All these demands are obviously making your customers energy bills much larger. You could start by making your customers aware of the unfair, unreasonable and unnecessary costs involved by detailing the total proportion of your customers bills that are simply subsidies for the “green” energy we are all having to pay for and are therefore totally divorced from the actual energy supplied!
However, if you and OVO are so keen on renewable energy I challenge you all to install smart meters and limit your company and personal electricity consumption, every hour, on a daily basis, to that proportion provided by renewables. Please let me know how you all get on with that scenario!
In the words of Prof Richard Lindzen:
“The influence of mankind on climate is trivially true and numerically insignificant.”
“China emits more CO2 in 11 days than the UK does in a year“