Marco Manassero, Reform UK candidate for South Acton ward in Ealing

Marco Manassero is the Reform UK candidate for  South Acton ward in Ealing, in the council by-election to be held on 10th October. We spoke with Marco about his decision to stand.

“In Ealing, Labour’s long-term control has led to complacency, and the issues facing our community have not been adequately addressed”

Can you introduce yourself to our readers, and tell us what made you decide to run?

My name is Marco Manassero, an Italian-born, British-naturalised insurance professional and entrepreneur. After graduating from a leading European business school, I relocated to the UK in 2012 and later founded my own company. I am married with two daughters.
I’ve always had a keen interest in politics, but my career and family have taken up most of my time and energy. However, the recent moral and economic decline of our country has pushed me to take action. In Ealing, Labour’s long-term control has led to complacency, and the issues facing our community have not been adequately addressed. I am standing as the Reform UK candidate because I believe we need fresh leadership and accountability. A vote for the same old parties is a vote for more of the same failures. Only Reform UK will stand up for the people of Ealing and deliver real change.

“Overdevelopment is another serious concern. While new homes are necessary, development must be balanced with adequate infrastructure”

You’re the candidate for South Acton. What are the main concerns in the area?

In my view, the most pressing issues in South Acton are crime and overdevelopment. Residents are particularly concerned about the rise in violence against women, drug use and anti-social behaviour, all of which are linked to a lack of police presence on our streets. Labour’s leadership has clearly failed to address these serious issues and far too often crimes go uninvestigated.

Overdevelopment is another serious concern. While new homes are necessary, development must be balanced with adequate infrastructure, including schools, parking, GP services and public transport.

“If elected, I would prioritise holding the Labour-run Ealing Council to account, working closely with the local police to address increasing crime levels”

What do you see as the major issues more widely in Ealing and if elected what do you hope to champion?

Ealing faces a variety of challenges, many of which are also present in South Acton: rising crime, limited access to health and social care services, overdevelopment, anti-motorist measures and a lack of local job opportunities. If elected, I would prioritise holding the Labour-run Ealing Council to account, working closely with the local police to address increasing crime levels and promoting neighbourhood watch initiatives. I would also ensure that property development is managed responsibly and aligned with necessary improvements in infrastructure.

Additionally, I would hold regular community meetings to listen to concerns and ensure transparency. By engaging with the community, we can work together to make South Acton a safer and more vibrant place to live.

For those eager to help, how can they get involved in the campaign?

We welcome support from residents of South Acton and neighbouring areas. There are many ways to get involved, from leafleting to speaking with voters or sharing our message on social media. If you’d like to help, please contact us on Twitter/X @MgManassero or via email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you and work together to make a difference.