Our second My Tuppenceworth turned out to be another great free speech event. We had 8 speeches on the night from 5 speakers, each followed by a lively Q&A. Where people have shared their speeches, we have published and linked to them below.
The first half of the evening was on the topic of “How do we ensure there is never another lockdown?”. The following people spoke on the subject:
Our freestyle speakers and speeches were:
- Hilary Judge, spoke on: Social Housing.
- Phil, spoke on: Climate change real but net zero not the answer.
- Cllr. George Pender, spoke on: Mass Surveillance and CCTV cameras in the UK.
- Zack Stiling, spoke on: Beauty in Society & buildings.
- Mike Swadling, spoke on: Hey Croydon Council, leave my town alone.
Photos from the evening: